Saturday, April 01, 2006


I'm reverting to the Blogger template because I'm darn frustrated with my previous blog layout.

Maybe I'll stick with this. (:


I've just started the first part of a potential story, again. This time it's inspired by the snyo concert. Go concerts.

Ogres were screeching. A heavy, empowering stream of consciousness, crashing haphazardly into the throng of people, shrouded in a sharp dimness that was heightened to knife-point, carved into the soul and the senses and oh, most of all, the ears. The orchestra battled the winds of noise, the cunning, the manipulative, stringing together the snippets of noise gone askew, astray, the clipping and the carving. Screeching ogres, trembling waterfalls, they tumbled into perfect harmony. The beautified cliche of perfection in imperfection, the pretty impulsiveness, the delight in rash undertakings.

Mold a glass into the desired shape, into it pour raw sound, let it take shape. The swirling kaleidoscope, enormous gems, they illuminate the glass. Facade is a facade.

Music is music.

In the darkness of the concert hall, Sarah’s eyes were closed, ears intent, head bobbing slightly, earrings swinging, the pendant of her necklace already overturned.

She was slouching in her seat, eased into a slump by the forcefulness of virtuosic hands, virtuosic violins, the hands against bow and bow against string, falling over her head, sheet after sheet after sheet.

Her legs crossed, skirt riding up her thighs. She pushed it down, and suddenly the lights came on, the final cadence resounding even through the applause.


It's a bit abrupt yeah? The flowery descriptions seem a bit too deliberate. well, after not writing for months, I guess it needs lotsa polishing.

I'm looking forward to corresponding with this Sarah.

Accents haveter be removed b'cos blogger can't show them.

And oh, I just realized that from my archives, my first blog post ever can be found and read.


I read through the list of concerts et cetera in the arts festival brochure. I've noted lots of concerts I wanna go to. Now to find someone to go with me.