Sunday, January 30, 2005

6A 2004

Blogs! I've compiled all the blogs of 6As I know. [This ain't a blog but it might as well be.] Jacqueline Elaine Valerie Jasmine Stephanie

Saturday, January 29, 2005

6A 2004

I really do miss 6A 2004. Wonder which school everyone went to...

So far I know that Blossom gone's to PLMGS. Valerie and Jacky have gone to Anderson. Xingzi has gone to Xinmin. Gary, Chu Heng, Kester, Ee Vian, Zong Han and Wen Kai have gone to ZSS. Delphine's gone to SNGS, like me. Pei Ying, Guiqi and Xinqi have gone to RGS. Lucky them! Stephanie, Lena and Peck Khee have gone to Mayflower. Peck Khee? I'm not very sure. Oh, and I know that Joshua has gone to Ping Yi. Any guys gone to RI? Maristella? Chinese High? Catholic High?

Which school have Adeline and Sarah or any of the rest gone to? Can anyone tell me, please? Please tell me all the schools 6A people you know have gone to in your comments...Thanks!

I really, really miss Zhonghua. Everything about Zhonghua.

So familiar, yet so unfamiliar...

Saturday, January 22, 2005

My Life Now

I just got my new -and first ever- hockey stick today! I got accepted into my school's hockey team, you see. =) I'm really excited. New school, new CCA, new life. Of course, spiced with memories of my Primary School life, which I still miss terribly.

Anyway, the living have to move on, but I'll still take some memories along with me.

I feel so left out. Here I am in St Nicholas Girls' School, a prestigious, renowned SAP school, placed among the top pupils in Singapore, when I'm not even intelligent. Well, not really, anyway. I always was a very average pupil in ZPS, which I expect I'll be in SNGS, although there is a craving to be intelligent.! I like -no, love- the sport. Sounds pretty cool. It being a sports CCA, I'll get to take part in competitions etc etc. Sounds fun! I just hope it won't interfere too much with my studies and home life. Anyway, I'm excited all the same.

I've made some new friends, which is rather surprising considering how anti-social I am. I'm thankful to God for sending my friendship. SNGS won't seem that bad anymore with friends, especially with a classmate who's also in Hockey, albeit the fact that's we're not very close.

I hate chauvinists, y'know? All chauvinists should be blasted off the face of the Earth. Don't you think so? I especially hate male chauvinists. WHO THE HECK said that females should only and were born to cook, clean, have babies, listen to the males in their life etc? If that were true, God might as well have made a robot that looked like a female, was obedient, able to have babies, do housework etc instead of Eve. AND another he would have made the robot - unfeeling, except to "love" her stupid chauvinistic husband and children. Don't you agree? Life is so biased against females.

Y'know, I often play football with some guys who live near my house, together with a few girl friends. Us girls were usually made the goalkeepers, mostly because my friends wanted to, and also because none of the guys really wanted to be goalkeepers. I point blank refused to be goalkeeper most of the time, cos I was really bad at goalkeeping, and also because goalkeeping was boring. No action! Anyway, just today my team was debating who the goalkeeper should be. They wanted me to be goalkeeper, cause I was the only girl in the team (all my friends were randomly sorted into the other team). I refused, so a guy who would admittedly be better at the role of striker offered to be the goalkeeper.

Y'know what another guy in the team protested?

"No! The girls should be the goalkeepers!"

I furiously retorted why only girls should be goalkeepers, and he was speechless. I was fuming, and the guy who offered to be the goalkeeper got the role (I suspect he was quite unwilling).

What do they think us girls are? THINGS to play the role of goalkeeper that no one really wants? Ornaments on the field that no one looks at, yet depends on the save the ball? The guys don't appreciate us at all. I'm making it a point to stop playing soccer with them, at least for a few days.


Sunday, January 09, 2005

CHIJ St Nicholas Girls School

I got into St Nicholas! The school is so big that you can get lost in it. My teacher is ok so far, but my cousin, who graduated from the school last year, claims that he's rather strict. I'm in the Music Elective Program, commonly known as MEP, though I would rather not take it. Making friends can sometimes be a problem for me, but I survive in the end - with friends. Anyway, I'd rather be back in Zhonghua Primary School. Life there sounds much more tempting than life here. Why, why did I treasure the amount of homework (albeit plenty) given to me in Primary School? In St Nichs there'll probably be much more homework.

I want to join Hockey, and maybe Track and Field. Sounds fun. NO WAY am I going to join a boring uniform group again. No can do. Unless, of course, misfortune comes my way and I get sorted into St Johns/ Girl Guides/ NPCC. ELDDS is also a little tempting, but acting has never really been my forté...

Ooh. I hate to boast, but I'm over the moon with new of my PSLE score. I received the results ages ago but forgot to post the good news...256! I am jumping with glee, literally. Well, I was jumping with glee, but I'm still overjoyed. Before the PSLE I could only dream of getting such a high score...Ok, zilch with the so called boasting.

Now, Soccer! I'm starting to like the game. Am I crazy? Ok, maybe not. I've taking a liking to reading Chinese books, provided that I can actually understand the words...Which makes my selection of Chinese books limited. Not funny.

According to my friend, an A1 (75-100) is actually hard to get. I can not believe it. In secondary school, 75 marks and above is actually HARD to get! ohjeez. What have I gotten myself into? An A2, albeit the nice ring to the word, is actually 70 to 74 marks. ohjeezohjeezohjeez. An A1 is HARD to get!

Anyway, the pain has eased. The memories have faded. Still, the sight refreshes everything. I want so badly to go visit Zhonghua Primary again, see my school...

Zhonghua Primary will ALWAYS be my school. 中华小学
