Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Enter Stasya

Pitch training at Nanyang Polytechnic on Friday. Tomorrow is Thursday - my free day. Three cheers for...Thursdays. Well, I only like Thursdays because I get to go home early. I don't like Thursdays because there's 1.5hrs of MEP and 1hr of Art lessons. To top it all off, there's an MEP test tomorrow. A test! Complete with Melody Dictation, which I'm worst at. At least I get to go home early.

There was hockey today...Je l'adore! Oh, and I found out that Ting Li is Yeu Shing's classmate. 3 Charity. I have got to tell Yeu Shing about it this Saturday, during French class.

Oh yeah, speaking of French class, I had my French Exam (Junior Deux) last Saturday. It was real hard, and we had oral, too. As in, the teacher would ask us some questions and we had to reply.

I've got to stop blogging now. It's 7.10pm, and I want to finish bathing and eating by 7.30pm. Yeah, I just came back from hockey practice. I stink. Then after that, I'll revise for the MEP test. Not that it'll help much, considering that I'm as dumb as an ass. (I mean donkey when I say "ass", you ass.)

Yeah, so au revoir. Je vous espére visite encore!