Tuesday, April 12, 2005


My not so sincere apologies not not updating recently, that is, if you've been checking this blog for entries. I highly doubt it, so I guess my apologies won't be of much use. There.

It's currently 7.16pm, and I'll stop blogging at 7.30pm, I suppose. There's loads of projects to do. The teachers call them "mini tasks", but that's really just a more tactful term for "projects". Ah, jeez.

Anyway, good news. Well, shocking good news. Not really shocking, on second thoughts...that'd be too extreme. I'll just say surprising news. A surprise.

Cheris, Amanda's friend, kind of asked/dared (I'm not sure which, honestly.) Amanda to ask a guy to her party. Cheris' party, if you're confused. Cheris has never met that guy. It's just that Amanda's been telling Cheris about the guy...because he likes Amanda. Well, that's what we all think. And he sort of admitted it, too.

And Amanda really asked that guy. He's the shy type, and he was rather embarrassed when his "secret crush" got leaked out. That was last year, so...yeah.

Anyway, I don't know how Amanda managed to get his number, but she called him and invited him. According to Amanda he was, like, "huh?", and seemed pretty shocked. Yep. Amanda gave him her number too...whoa. I think she likes him too, though she'll never admit it. I guess.

Anyway, he accepted the invitation.

Amanda said that when the conversation ended, he hung up but didn't put down the phone properly. And she heard him scream.

You know, the kind of scream that's a mixture of...excitement and that sense of not knowing what you've just done? Something like, a girl has been asked out by her long term crush and she kinda...screams? Yeah, you get my drift - I hope.

Sigh. Gotta go, I suppose. It's 7.25pm now. I need to get started on a project that's due this Friday. Today is Tuesday. Hectic, eh?

Au revoir!