Saturday, April 09, 2005

Shadowed Glade

Oh, bite this. I'm not in love. Bite another one: the post below was prose, not poetry, I guess. Sigh. Here comes another one.
He stepped out of the shadowed glade,
Looking as brilliant as ever.
Then in the swirling camaraderie, he faded.
If only I'll never have to bid him goodbye.
Never to say "au revoir"...
Stasya's at it again. I thought I'd just give a try at writing love poems - this one is my first one. The one below was prose, you little walloping wacko. At least, that's what I think. I lack inspiration. Sigh.
Ok, for hockey, there's now a goalkeeper - D. Hm, come to think of it, she seems quite the goalkeeper. And she kind of likes it - at least, that's what she said. Sigh. I'd die if I were to stand in front of the goal post and watch the others get involved in all the exciting parts of the game for four years straight. It'd be so boring.
And four of us sec1 hockey girls will not make it to the school team. That'll put the four (not me included, I hope...) of those who didn't make it a lot of points behind the others in the school team. The four will have to go through a LOT to achieve the points which getting into the school team will acquire.
The goalkeeper is immediately in the school team.
Primary hockey girls are given the top priority, and there are 8 primary hockey girls in the sec1 team. All of them are likely to get in. And there're only 10 places in the school team...
So, eight primary hockey girls plus the one goalkeeper, D, (D's a new girl, by the way.) makes nine.
Thus, that leaves the six new girls. Five new girls, since D is officially in the school team since she's the goalkeeper.
And so, out of the five, only one will make it into the school team.
I'm treading on dangerous ground.