Saturday, September 17, 2005


I need a new layout. Something with a white blackground. I love Draco Malfoy but I'm sick of black backgrounds.

Recently, there have been reports on that whole racism issue. Bloggers blogging about their infernal hatred of Malays. Um, for all those dumb racists out there, here's a tip: If you hate others because of their colour, don't. Everyone has four basic skin pigments (I've forgotten what), and our overall skin colour is based of how much of each skin pigment we have.

For example, FOR EXAMPLE, if us Chinese have 50% of pigment A, 25% of pigment B, 10% of pigment C, and 15% of pigment D, we will end up looking like...well, Chinese. Basically, all races are made up of identical colours. It simply depends on the quantity we have of each pigment. Thus, the argument that other races are different because of their colour is invalid.

AND, if Chinese can turn on the Malays and Indians and say that I hate them, then the Malays and Indians can turn on us and say that We hate those f------ arrogant Chinese. I also think that we Chinese have some undesirable customs which our dark skinned counterparts could easily criticize.

Like incense burning. No one likes incense burning. One joss stick could set a whole building alight. And, who says that burning stuff ensures that the stuff gets to people six feet under? Fire represents LIFE, not DEATH!

Also, Malays and Indians have never openly criticized us. All those reports are of Chinese criticizing people. The Malays and Indians are too honourable to sink to the lowly level of the stupid effing bastardly bitchy freaking friggin frickin' bloody galeux RACISTS. Racists suck!

The Malays and Indians never criticize us, thus why must we criticize them?

To all the racists out there, Chinese or not, va te faire foutre, go rot in hell, and I hope you get reincarnated as a puce even though I don't believe in reincarnation.

unite against racists

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