Friday, May 05, 2006

Ceramic lessons are fun.
I like moulding stuff with my hands, though I'm not that good at moulding anyway.
I don't like coiling, though. On that spinning thing. I've got no control where endlessly spinning stuffs are concerned.

When I was in my cardboard phase, I had this thought of the soul being a frightened thing, two eyes peeking out of a cardboard box in lieu of our body.

mind soul body

oh gaah, I don't know. I feel like I'm two people. It's someone else who's the lit rep. It's someone else who gets praised and scolded. It's someone else who talks to all the people on msn while I sit pondering in a comfy black leather swivel chair.

Accompanied my mum to King's Medical just now. Walked around the empty clinic a bit while she was in the doctor's room thing. There were lots and lots of posters on birth control, erectile d-something, more so than other posters and brochures. Levitra thing. Apparently Viagra's not all that good anymore.

Anyway, they had this height measurement thing. Started from 60cm. I stood next to it and was all, oh gosh, I can't be shorter than 145cm! If I was 140cm or so, then... Okay, I tried to estimate Robyn's dad height (180) according to the way the measure was positioned, and... he'd be almost as tall as the ceiling.

Man, they placed the measure way too high up.

gavin degraw.