Wednesday, May 03, 2006

I'm listening to the Phantom of the Opera themesong. la la la la LAAAAAAAA
la la la la LAAAAAA
Lovely, that one.

"You remember what you want to remember." Quoted by someone I've forgotten.
That's tres vrai.
For some part. E.g. Mary-anne's got this really easy to remember handphone number, but I don't really bother to memorize/remember it, so I can't.

The Phaaaaaaaantom of the opera is here
Inside my mind

Sing once again with me
Our strange duet
My power over you
Grows stronger yet
And though you turn from me
To glance behind
The Phaaaaaaaaaantom of the opera is there
Inside your mind

no particular reason. :D
I just adore the tune.
looky this:

Sanest choice in the insane world...
Beware the beast but enjoy the feast he offers

(Beauty of the Beast)


Today was a total fluke.
Said Mrs. Lee, never start a sentence with 'and'.
F'shit. Why not? Find me a contemporary work where the writer never starts a sentence with 'and'.
Rules are to be manipulated. Shredded and torn until only a small resemblance is left.
But of course, teachers are always right.

NAPFA. Pull-ups are my saving grace.
And sit-ups, some might say.
I don't know what came over me. I did my sit-ups so... rushedly. The teacher-ic thought I wasn't going down enough.
Li-Lin laoshi. Oh, blah. I had to redo them thrice. The last time slowly, slowly, so I could prove to Li-Lin laoshi that I was doing my sit-ups correctly.
And thus I did more than ten sit-ups less than last year. Which is still an A, but I'm feelin' sad. Gah oh man, sit-ups are supposed to be my best item.
Shuttle run! I'm a slow old lady.
Standing broad jump! From a 1.78m during PE time to a lowly 1.54m.
Sit and reach. 36cm. I can't remember. Thirty-something.

Think it's silver.

G'bye, consecutivethreeyearsgoldaward. So long. Farewell. Auf somethi-ing good by-e.

I should cheer up. It's just a stupid- a stupid... a stupid test which means a lot to me.
Okay. Think I'll go and mope around for a bit.

oh, and hockey sucked. Quatre mots:
I suck. We suck.
Coach sweeping a gaze over the sectwos, saying, "I'm very disappointed with you all."