Monday, May 23, 2005

Second star to the right and straight on till morning.

Second star to the right and straight on till morning
I've alway liked Peter Pan. You can read the original, unabridged version of the story at It's really cool. You know, I'd rather stay a child than grow up. I like Winnie The Pooh, too. NOT the "cute" cartoon version. NOT THE CARTOON VERSION. That one sucks. It's so fake. I like the original, older version. The original. It's quaint; just like Peter Pan. I like There're so many nice stories there. It's almost better than fanfiction and co.
Delphine has changed a lot, by the way. Or maybe it's because I never really knew her. For instance, she seems to be in love with pink now. That's weird. I never knew her to be a pink person. We don't talk much, now. I don't know why. We give each other the cold shoulder when we bump into each other in school and just brush past each other. To me, it started when she stopped treating me like her ex-primary classmate. It was like she'd been influenced by the so called popularity. I can't possibly blame her, lol. I'm the loner, after all. Yeah. I got the hint and decided that if she was gonna treat me coldly, then I'd treat her coldly as well. Two can play at this game.
And thus I started giving the cold shoulder to Delphine, no matter how ridiculously petty this may sound.