Monday, January 16, 2006

Dang. I've just remembered that I haven't handed in the pile of lit worksheets. I'm such a lousy lit leader. X/

Hockey today. Us sec ones twos were late for training and got a mild tongue lashing from Laura. Wonder if she's really serious about the 10 pushups per every head who's late thing. Anyway, I feel as if I haven't trained in months! My moves are all rusty and it's like my hand and feet can't coordinate. Everytime my hands move my stick somewhere, my feet always seem to get in the way. Robyn, even smallfoots falter.

Piano theory is hard. :(

Also, there's a Chinese CT this Friday, and an MEP test next Monday. CRAM CRAM CRAM CRAM CRAM! Stuuuuday!

Darkfall seemed interesting at first, but its beginning is much less gripping than I thought it'd be. There's also considerably little imagery, as compared to most fantasy stories. Btw, I've signed a pact with the devil myself to stay off gaia until Friday. Self discipline, control, manner... *starts sweating like a drug addict pig*

Still piano theory to do. Shucks. Shall ask some Great 8-er in class tomorrow morning for answers. Blah.