Thursday, January 19, 2006

I probably suck at tennis now. Haven't played in two damned weeks. I've lost all my skills! Omg! I suck! So! Bad! Bimbo! Talk! Is! Now! Officially! Cool! Because! I've! Lost! All! My! Skills!

Bimbo poles. Bimboo poles. XD

Okay, it isn't really that funny, but va te faire foutre, darlin.

Darklins. Hmm. Come to think of it, what the girl said was kinda true. Darkfall doesn't really have a purpose except for the political scrabble and the whole Draaka thing. But I still like it. Stfu, I don't care!


Hockey tomorrow. I don't want to go. argh blast garh.

Maybe it'll be fun. But you can never tell. I must remember... hm.

I want a new blogskin.