Monday, January 30, 2006

My plastic $2 notes make me cooler than you.

Daryl, how is it that everytime I see you, you look different? Not that you'll read this anyway. XD
And, how the heck does your mother know that we've known each other since last year? Have you been telling her about me? Has someone been telling her about me? Heck, she knows I'm in St. Nicks, for some reason. I don't know why!!!1111111 -gonk-

I played chess with Paula. PAULA! YOU'RE A CHEATER! I ATE YOUR KING AND YOU ASKED ME TO 'REVERSE' THE ACTION! My emoticon cries, Paula. Haha.

You know, after lots of running and sweat and stuff, my polo shirt still smelled new at the end of the day. I s'pose Bossini shirts just rock like that.

I just remembered: I've got lots of homework to do. Damn.

I think I'll start on my Anne Frank poem now.