Monday, June 13, 2005


By the way, I cut my hair yesterday. I love it. Well, sort of. It's a blessing, really, waking up in the morning and not having your hair poofy and all. It's short! It's short! My hair is short! Hm, I kinda miss long hair...wth am I talking about? I am so done with long hair. For the moment, at least. When I get sick of short hair I'll fall in love with long hair again. Well...maybe not. Ah. I don't know. It's not layered anymore, and I love it. Now every girl (most girls) has layered hair, and it's like, so common.


I went to Jean Yip to cut my hair, and this Chinese DJ what's-her-name-I-don't-know-heck (okay, okay. She was nice. Honestly. Happy?) asked me some questions. I had to answer through a microphone, because she was part of this dumb show going on downstairs. A microphone. The entire shopping mall could hear me. Yeah, she asked me some stupid questions - What's your name? (Huiquan) What are you doing? (Cutting my hair) Where are you cutting your hair? (Jean Yip)

Like they were endorsing Jean Yip. Oh well. I was so embarrassed I wanted to sink into the floor. I hate attention, because I don't know what to do with it. Oh course the people listening to me couldn't SEE me, but well, they could hear me. The DJ asked the other customers in the shop to answer questions, too. Yep. Anyway, I "won" a $10 voucher for Hougang Mall because of that. I used it up at Popular. =)

I got a romance novelette, which I finished reading today, and it's really, really, Lame. It's so predictable. The author is in love with love. She doesn't have any clue of the beauty of writing. Psh. So, so lame. I also got a small book of Emily Dickinson's poems. How come all the poetess' I like are named Emily? There's Emily Bronte, and there's Emily Dickinson. But I don't really like Emily Goh, the monitress for term1 and term2. She's my classmate. No offence, EmilyG, but I think you're too bossy. I also got a book titled "Chocolat". It's not a typal error. It's title is "Chocolat". That's French for 'Chocolate'. Wheeeee.

It's set in a French village, expected. I'll lend you the book if you like. =)
