Monday, June 27, 2005


First day of school. Pfft. It was just like any other normal day...with some glitches. For example, now we have two overlapping recess, instead of just one. Our timetable has been changed totally, but not much surprise there. I'm having my first physics lesson tomorrow, by the way. Oh, and...three Chinese projects. Poster to be handed in by week 3, brochure by week 6, and something else by week 10. Something like that.

For today's hockey trg, we went to this CCAB. Sec twos, together with Joanne and Si-Ning, played against Seng Kang Sec. We won 4-1. Or 3-1. I can't remember. Coach said that Seng Kang was a good team; I have to agree, albeit the fact that they lost.

Like coach said again, their best player was a rounded, big-boned girl...She could hit AND sweep really hard, and she could tackle Joanne effortlessly with just a jab of her stick -once-. Tant pis...she had BAD parallax error.

The SKS players had great dribbling and all, too bad our sec twos' tackle was better. Audrey, Liu Min, AbigailT and some others were pretty cool out there. When someone remarked that while Audrey was in the midst of hitting, no one dared to tackle her, Lorraine suggested that it was because Audrey's hit looked like it could kill.

I agree. She can hit as hard as SKS' best player.

But besides the match, training was so damn boring. In between the half-times, during the time-out, we had a match. A mixture of sec ones, twos, threes and fours in one team. It was a pretty fair match. I was left mid. And it's like, the ball hardly comes my way? Sheesh. I felt like the North Pole, running up and down the field without getting the ball. Okay, maybe I had it for a while, but that was only two or three times.

By the way, I've finished making my new blog layout. It's just that...there's this darn irritating error with the html code, such that my blog's all wrong. Once I get the html code fixed, I'll put it up here.

I'm changing my layout because I recently found out that a classmate has exactly the same layout as me, currently. No, Yiying, don't be mistaken - I don't hate you or anything! That is, if you read this. I just thought my layout was unique. Now it's not...I don't want to be the same as others.

My new layout is personalized. It's Me. It wouldn't really work for anyone else...
