Saturday, June 11, 2005

saying hello insincerely

LinkHere -

Read that and see how all our grades are dropping. 6A04 is going to the DOGS. Academically. At least for now. I suck.

Today I cycled over to Saranya's house and saw her, Amanda, Sutthersan and Shi Hao playing soccer in a sort of haphazard manner. Like, you know, aimlessly? Then they called Marcus out to play. And then Suganthan came back from his tuition. And then Saranya went back inside the house. The guys started playing soccer (seriously) and Amanda and I were left alone with nothing to do. I decided to leave and so did she. We went to find Robyn only she wasn't home. We went to Amanda's house and hung out for a bit. And then I went home. End of story.

I know this sounds pretty childish and sort, but I really want to befriend the guys. I think life will be much more interesting with guys as friends, because life now is pretty monotonous.