Friday, June 03, 2005


You know, I was having dinner today when I suddenly thought of something...Well, yeah, I actually THINK. You don't have to back away like I'm gonna eat you or something. Contrary to what I think is the popular belief of the guys at Colchester (e.g. Shi Hao, Shi Hui, Suganthan, Sutthersan, Shi Jie), I am not a giggling bimbo. No, no, I am not.

Oh, so I'll be telling you what I was thinking at dinner time just now, then.

Er, I was kind of reminiscing over the first time I had recess in the canteen, in Primary 1. Kind of lame, but c'est la vie. But it seems, I dunno. I remember a long queue. My buddy was asking me what I wanted to eat, and I scanned the board but none of the food seemed appetizing. But I had to eat, right? Yeah, so I decided on Mee Soup. I think that was what it was called. My buddy asked me to pass her the money so she could pay for me. I remember I wasn't too sure about the whole process called "counting money", so I just dropped coin after coin into her outstretched palm, hoping that they'd amount to 50cents. Yeah, and she was gently coaxing me all the while. Must have been embarrassing. So when the 50cents was done with, and so was the queue, I got my Mee Soup. The problem - HOW to eat it. I hated chopsticks, you see. Somehow it all came out alright in the end. With a horribly humiliating aftermath.

But that's not the point. I was thinking more along the lines of my buddy; she was really nice. And...She must have been primary 5 then, four years older than me. She'll be in JC1 now. It seems odd when you think of it, you know. All your primary school seniors, most of whom you've never met, in Sec4, Sec3, etc. Those who were in Primary6 while I was in Primary1 would be in JC2 now. The weirder part is when you were in Primary 1, your Primary6 & 5 seniors seem SO old and grown up to you, but think of it, they're only 11/12 years old.

Life works in strange ways.