Saturday, August 20, 2005


Robyn and her classmate Rachael are kinda pissed off at the SCGS girls. With their, er, "Madaaaaaaaaaaams". Heh. I wanted to go to SCGS at first, only it was too far. It was my 4th choice.

I don't know why, but I have a terrible backache. I have no idea. I never did any strenuous stuff to my back. Except maybe the five months of hockey are starting to take their toll on me...heh.

And, heck, my computer's sound system conked out on me, as usual. Eff. I can't listen to my fav Marion Raven songs now. (:

Is it me, or has the generation of double chins and above died out?

Let me explain.

((: = double chin

(((: = triple chin

((((: = quadruple chin

(((((: = er...five chins?

and so on.
