Saturday, December 03, 2005

'Do good deeds and never expect anything in return.'

Mother Theresa. This concept is pretty admirable when you apply it to what nuns and volunteers do, but somehow I was reminded of Dawan's (big bowl. ha.) mother.

Submissive wives.

The wife's fault, society's fault, or husband's fault?

I say it's society. (and then we'd have to think of whether it's really society provoking all the chauvinistic views, but I won't go there)

In the past, everyone was brought up to believe (it's like, must believe! must! must! cannot not believe!) that women were inferior, so can we really blame men for being chauvinistic?

It's like, they've been believing one thing for decades, and suddenly you tell them, hey, surprise, surprise! Women are actually equal!

It's a tad unfair, making them switch their viewpoints instantly.

And thus I'm only prejudiced against

i) The damned fucking freaking bastard manwhore bugger fucker person(s) who said that women were inferior.

ii) Modern men, for knowing that women are equal and yet treating them otherwise.

Chauvinistic freaks!