Saturday, December 31, 2005

omfg, ulcers suck. I've been silent for practically 3 whole days, because the stupid mega huge ulcer on my lip won't let me talk. Or even open my mouth, smile, laugh, yawn or sneeze without hurting like hell, for that matter. Someone save me from cette hellhole.

On the bright side, I got my paycheck today! Ai Ling -the accountant- gave me a cash cheque, which my mum helped me cash twenty minutes later at the OCBC bank. It's $306.35 all together. Wheee.

Back to the, uhm, bad side - I'll absolutely miss TP.
I'm just that sentimental. Yup.

School. Blah.

You get the drift, aye?

I can't wait till Chinese New Year.

And... braces. Squee.