Because I don't have a quiz to take... well, because Robyn doesn't have any new quizzes on her blog... -I nick all her quizzes. XP - I'm not gonna sit on my ass and wait. I'm doing... *drumroll*
50 facts you didn't (or do) know about me!
Yeah, it's getting old, but shut up and read.
1. I want a labtop.
2. If I get a camera in future, it must be sleek and orange. No buts.
3. I don't want a new handphone.
4. Fille De La Monde is situated at
5. I plan to take up Italian or Latin after I'm fluent in French. Whenever that will happen.
6. I now remember basically zilch about Chinese, Chem, Bio, Physics, Chem, Bio, Physics, Chinese. Yeah, I'm clever.
7. I am very paranoid.
8. I am very fickle - weirdly, as my latest quiz on myself reveals, most people think that I am not fickle. How the hell did they get that?
9. Sometimes I'm tempted to go into full bimbo mode, roll my eyes and say 'whatever' but then I remind myself that it is cliche and embarrassing and thus I shalt not do it.
10. I am forever asking new people I meet if they know anyone I know from their school.
11. Um, I want a diablo tennis racket.
12. Ironically, the diablo tennis racket that best suits me ALSO happens to be orange and black. God, d'you know how many orange and black stuff I have? O+B bike, slippers, sandals, hockey stick, shoe bag, and now an O+B tennis racket! Seriously, I didn't decide all of that. I just realized one day that lots of my stuff was orange and black. Um, ha.
13. I tend to be jealous over material items (males not included, I assure you), but I get over them quickly. For the most part.
14. I love Evanescence!
15. I love watching Disney channel and Nicklodeon (sp?). XD
16. I have a new passion for these: [XD], [XP] and [^^;]
17. I have barely begun to do my homework. I hate chem. I used to like it. Maybe I'll start liking it again when I actually start improving.
18. I'm easily flattered. But flatter is not the way to earn my trust.
19. I rarely flatter others if I can help it. Wait, is that true?
20. I'm not a trusting person, au contraire to what quizzes I have taken claim. My guard is always up. And thus I'm getting better at keeping secrets. How is that related to the former? I don't know.
21. I spelt 'eclectic' wrong in one of the quizzes of myself I put up. ^^;
22. I hate spelling things wrongly!
23. I am very, very self-conscious and thus I am very, very insecure. It's a curse, I swear. But then I cringe when I try to imagine myself acting all ditzy and stuff and not realizing it
24. Number 24. Cheating. Ha!
25. I know more people from ACS (whether Barker, Independant, Junior, or Primary) than any other school -except SNG and ZPS.
26. I cannot, simply cannot believe that Dominic, an ace student, is going to ACSB!
27. I don't like ACSB. I guess it's just plain prejudice.
28. I take hours to complete one page of theory homework.
29. I hate what I'm not good at, and vice versa.
30. I've gotten my new passport and, I assure you, I look absolutely horrible in it. I'm gonna get a new one when I turn 20.
31. Star Awards is showing now and I'm actually typing this when I should be downstairs checking for fashion glitches. Ugh.
32. I hate sounding like a bimbo.
33. I'm a hypocrite, alot. Then, everyone is, sometimes. ^^
34. Count down! Count down!
35. Wish me an early Happy Birthday? Please? 24th December. (:
36. I bumped into the same person twice in this month and the last. The first time figuratively. The second time literally. haha.
37. I hope I'm register number 27 next year...?
38. Are there 40 or 41 people in 2F next year?
39. Oh, GOD, I'm actually not watching Star Awards. Type faster!
40. Forty! Omg, omg, omg!
41. Oh, jesus. I sound like a bimbo.
42. I know, I know, I'm cheating...
43. I hate bad breath.
44. And bad fashion sense. (hypocrite-ness here!)
45. I'm fine with farts, actually, as opposed to what most people seem to think.
46. Yeah, I'm good.
47. I'm arrogant and I know it. Inside my head. I never voice out my arrogant thoughts. Well, rarely!
48. I'm not reading anything at the moment, amazingly.
49. You can raed tihs, rgiht? hhaa.
50. Fifty! Bye bye! Star awards, here I come!