Thursday, December 01, 2005

My nose is horribly sunburnt. I look like Rudolph- wait, does Rudolph have a multi coloured nose? (three colours! I counted! uh) Anyway, it's red and stuff and peeling in places. heh. T'least, I don't need a nose job. (thinks of michael jackson, thinks of guiqi, snorts. yeah, i'm lame) And it's only my nose, anyway. (:

Last day of tennis camp tomorrow. Eyeh, I've got to get two phone numbers/email addresses tomorrow. Yeah, I'm a schmaltz. One contact from the brothers (though I don't think I'll ever contact them) and another one from the guy Kenneth (he's my age, and I think he's an anglo-chinese person). I'll continue taking lessons with Kathryn so I don't think her contact requires such urgency. Besides, she lives all the way in Sembawang. (the brothers live in Tampines! and I have no idea where Kenneth lives. In this entire camp I've talked to everyone but him, but yeah)

And it also happens to be hockey trng tomorrow. I want so badly to pon it but duty calls. I think I'll leave earlier. By half an hour or so? HEY, I love my tennis.

(I mean, I love hockey, but c'mon! Tomorrow's the LAST day of tennis! Last! Last! Finale! Finalement! Scree!)

Speaking of tennis, I think I'm improving. I can hit almost every ball I get, even though a lot of my tennis balls go either too high or too far (such that they're out. Out!).

And my serf (throwing up the ball and hitting it!) is pretty okay, only I apparently need to toss the ball up higher, because my ball keeps hitting the net. According to coach, though, I hit the ball hard and the balls I hit are scary. I guess I owe my 'strength' to hockey, huh.

Oh, I just realized something. Throwing up the ball. Throwing up... the ball! Throwing up the ball! Throwing up! GET IT OR NOT.

The irony. JeeZus.

Pon hockey! I wish!

I just realized how self-centered I sound. haha. Then, this is myblog, so I'm entitled to be self-centered, right?

but nevermind.