Wednesday, November 30, 2005

el diablo

After conveniently forgetting to blog for a day or two (throw up a hallelujah!), well, is there a second part to this sentence? Oh, I see, right. Tennis has been really fun. I'm still not really good at it, (definitely not a naturale!) but... it's fun! And I'm tanning... a bit. But it's a start. And I've got sunburn too - a horizontal smear across my nose and cheeks. My first case ever, and it hurts a bit, but I ... don't really care.

Tomorrow's the second last day of tennis camp, so, ah well. Maybe I'll continue taking lessons with coach. (:

PAULA, AMANDA, ROBYN, I DEMAND THAT YOU THREE TAKE TENNIS LESSONS AS WELL! i mean, so we can play tennis doubles. (:

I want to skip hockey trng this Friday. So I can have the whole Friday for tennis. Gah. Dammit.

I went cycling just now. 10pm. It's nice to cycle at night, when absolument no one is around and stuff.

Maybe I'll cycle to the tennis center tomorrow. (: