Saturday, November 19, 2005

I'm contemplating using present tense for my Commonwealth essay... maybe second person s'well. All present tense seems really cool, a little contemporary, and I've never attempted second person before but it'd be interesting... Though fellow writers say it's the hardest of all perspectives to write. I wonder why.

You watch him turning the key in the lock under a steely gaze, putting on a show for his amusement. Coquetry. You are afraid, shifting a little in the wicker chair lined with satin - one of his eccentric devices. You curl your right hand into a tight, tense fist, thinking he will not notice, but he does. He smirks, and you try your hardest not to blush, but a faint rosy tinge blossoms your cheeks.

It didn't seem that hard to write. I think.

I'm starting to really suspect that voodoo exists.

Present tense? I hope Mrs. Sushilla doesn't screech.