Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Stupid idiot had the gall to ask me for a treat when he could've asked his brothers instead. Just because I'm sixty bucks richer doesn't mean I plan on doling out my precious cash -not to mention first ever cash award- as Christmas gifts! Guys. Are. Insensitive. He never gives up, does he? However, I do not see myself doing a Lily Evans anytime soon. Ha! Too bad for him.

I love chicken rice. With eggs. Mm. Just one of random nowaday-cravings.

Oh, and The Corrs've released a new album.

And they're thinking of converting Shakespeare to chatspeak/textmessage slang.

Such that To be or not to be? becomes 2b?Nt2b? EW. Just. Plain. EW! How could they rape the English language like that?! Huh?! Huh?! Huh?!


What the hell are they thinking?

Jee. Zus.


And I've gotten my Geog textbook and CME stuff and Chinese textbooks. Unfortunately Popular doesn't have the rest of the books I want so I'll have to wake up early (gasp!) tomorrow morning for the school's book sale.

I still feel like a total outsider. I guess there really is a major personality difference when you compare 1999 and 2005.
