Thursday, November 24, 2005

The previous post was post number 333. I remember on 03.03.03, I had my Maths exam. The invigilator pointed it out and said, "Maybe you'll be lucky on this day." Ironically, I did badly for the exam.

Just thought I'd point it out.

I've finished watching War and Beauty. It's really sad, and not in the sappy KoreanDramaish way. I don't know who to feel sad for - it's absolutely bittersweet. Yee Shun, my favourite character, (apart from On Sin) escapes the revolt in the palace with Hung Mo and On Sin (who're a couple). On Sin is dying on the way, shot by an arrow, but she doesn't tell Hung Mo so she can enjoy their last moments together. Chan Song, Hung Mo's brother who realizes that he hasn't betrayed him after all, died earlier in the palace. Doctor Seun and Yuk-Ying burn together in her room, imprisoned by the scheming Empress.

Usually it's ridiculous when many people die at the end of a movie/story, but this one was pulled off nicely and convincingly. It makes you feel so sad, ha.

You should really watch all the 30 episodes.

Much more touching than what I made it out to be. (:

On Sin is the person I feel saddest for. She goes through so much, and not only does she not get to avenge her grandmother in the end, she also dies shortly after escaping.

And, I pity Madam Yue. She turns over a new leaf and everything, but she stays in the Forbidden Palace though she has a chance to escape it.

And the maids - wonder what's become of Pak-Lan.

These directors really know the way to a person's heart. =/