Monday, November 07, 2005

I confirmed my attendance with Ms Siti. Since when was there a Mdm Mageas at ZPS? I'm not well acquainted with the receptionist staff at ZPS, though Ms Siti sounds familiar... probably because she has a common name.

Wish I didn't have to attend training later. Then again, it's at NYP, so maybe it'll be interesting... as long as my dear seniors don't force 4 rounds of half-sprints on us. I don't know what they were thinking when they set off last Friday at such a quick pace for four rounds. Look, I know that after weeks of examinations they need to release all their pent up energy, but they could be classified as hyperactive.

Pity your juniors. Please please please.

I sound pathetic.

Maybe that's because I am pathetic.

Orange scrunchies! My favourite.

My latest penname: Finella Ealasaid

I'm thinking of putting in "Elysia" somewhere there, but I can't figure out where...

Oh, my diary, I'd almost forgotten.

Review my DMHG fic!!!