Saturday, November 26, 2005


I've decided to do the quiz Robyn's been doing. Sounds fun. (:

1. Paula
2. Clarissa
3. James
4. Gordon
5. Amanda
6. Me
7. Shi Hao
8. Mushroom
9. Robyn
10. Sutthersan
11. Tricia
12. Joy (Tjhi)
13. Kenneth (don't ask, Robyn, Paula, Amanda!)
14. Karyn
15. Dominic
16. Lydia
17. Claudia
18. Joanne (from French, not hockey)
19. Cheryl
20. Elaine (Tay, from French)

How did you meet 13?
Er... cough, cough. Would it be fair to say that I never met him?

What would happen if you never met 5?
I wouldn't have gone to Tavistock park a few days ago. SPAR would become SPR.

What do you honestly think of 10?
Typical younger brother. A pretty friendly guy. (:

Have you ever liked 3?
He's my cousin, whaddaya think?

If 1 died tomorrow, what is one thing that you would like to do?
I'd... I'd... I'd... be very sad. And I'd...I'd...I'd... burn a paper dog for her! :D

Would 2 and 11 make a good couple?
They are cousins. Clarissa is a devout Christian, so I don't think she believes in incest or homosexuality... Is the union of cousins incest, btw? Royalty did it all the time.

Do you think 12 is hot?
The usual 35 degrees or so, I suppose?

Would 1 and 17 make a lovely couple?

Do you know any of 3's family members?
Well duh. Like, we're cousins?

On a scale of 1-10 how cute is 14?
I haven't seen her in months. Won't judge. (:

What would you do if 4 just professed his/her undying love for you?

What language does 19 speak?
English, Chinese, French, maybe some others I don't know of.

Who is 8 going out with?
Hello? How'd I know?

Would 18 and 5 make a good couple?
Nah. One's primary four and the other's in sec three. Amanda is definitely straight, anyway. -ahem-

When was the last time you talked to 6?
Technically you can't judge schizos by the way they look, but I don't seem like one, do I? Well, muahaha, yes, I talk to myself!

What is 18's favorite band?
No idea.

Does 4 have any siblings?
Two brothers.

Would you ever date 1?

Would you ever date 7?
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. Horrifying mental images! No! No! No!

Is 15 single?
I think so.

What is 19's last name?
Er... I... Don't... Know... Her name's Cheryl though. ;-_-

What is 3's middle name?

What is 10's fantasy?
I don't know?

Would 14 and 19 make a good couple?

What school does 16 go to?
Er... some school in... Bukit Batok?

What school does 1 go to?
Zhonghua Sec!

Where does 9 live?
I can give you the exact address if you like. Postal code not included, though.

Would you make out with 13?
-starts choking- I'd say 'maybe' if I were a tease. But I'm not sure if I'm a tease or not so I won't say anything.

Are 5 and 6 best friends?
We're friends.

Is 20 older than you?

Is 4 the sexiest bitch prettiest girl alive?
-splutter!- Oh my gosh, is it possible to die laughing?

Is 17 your ex?
-looks surprised- Why, how did you know? NO.

Do you ever see yourself with 12 and 18?

How is 2?
How? As in 'how are you' how? Hm. I dunno.
And I don't really feel like giving a friendsterish testimonial now, so... yep.