Tuesday, July 19, 2005


So far I've written two LJ one-shots, one BZHG one-shot, one Nat/Kit novel length, one Winnie/Jesse one-shot, and my LJ novel length is currently in progress. Bite what I said the other time. Lily is no closer to liking James than she was in fourth year. AU AU AU

HBP causes lots of stories to go A.U.

School was okay. I look forward to training tomorrow, but not the warm-up run, because my stamina sucks after no training for one week. Stupid stupid 1.2km run. But anyway. hockey once more. My stick feels like the north pole, I'm sure. Poor thing. *pats stick*

You know, it's like, I never really understood the meaning of "heart skipped a beat" or "heart pounding" before. But it sure felt like it yesterday.