Tuesday, July 19, 2005

I love my blog so much that I blog like, once or twice a day? Haha. Must be hard for those who come here every two days or something. They have a LOT of posts to read. =) Oh, well. The more to read, the better. I flunked my physics test (I'M PSYCHIC, don't ask) but I know that I'll get 3/10 at the most, and... Ugh. Piano was okay, I guess, though sight reading sucked. I just cannot get sight reading. Nonsensical notes. PSH. But my teacher tested me, and she claimed that she was "lenient". Oh, bother. Well, I got full marks for Aural, 12/15 for scales, the pieces were just fine, and I did well for most cept for that blasted thing they call sight reading.

Did I tell yall? I got my FBT shorts. Don't think much of them, though Robyn and Amanda seem to love them. If I'm kind, I might just help them order a pair each next year. =)

Hm, I think I'm getting fat. Today I had to practically heave myself up onto the monkey bar. Squeezing through the holes are getting harder, too. eekzaroo. jaykay

I think I'll type anything I want to say, to avoid blogging again later. I swear, my obssession with blogging is unhealthy.

Umm...I'd like to thank all the people who tagged on my blog (YOU KEPT ME GOING!!) and I'd like to thank my mum for being so supportive -note sarcastic tone- for letting me use the computer, and instilling in me a sort of rock hard stubborn-ness that prompted me to never stop using the computer no matter how many times she screamed at me. I'd like to thank my dad for not interfering with my using the computer and letting me use it to my heart's content, unlike someone -glares-. I'd like to thank my sister for allowing me to push her off the chair so I could use the computer instead.

THANK YOU to all my msn contacts. Well, almost all. Robyn, Daryl, James, Clarissa, SNG acquaintances, ZPS acquaintances, um...my SN counsellors, my...what? Oh, forget it. You all had me hooked to my beloved computer because it was, um, lovely chatting with you online. You instilled in me a rock hard stubborn-ness that prompted me to never stop using the computer no matter how many times my mother screamed at me. (P.S. Don't you just love the art of copying, pasting and editing? :D ) Yes, yes, yes...

Oh, and my dear little mutt (it's an affectionate term, not an insult) Ricky, thanks for taking your rightful place below the computer table so I could rest my aching feet (ow ow ow) on you. You really do make a lovely foot rest. JAYKAY.

Thank you to the webmaster of ffnet. You provided me with hours -hours, literally- of neck-ache fun on the computer. -rubs neck- Computer-ing does make your neck ache.

Okay, that's my very very cliche thank you speech. Off to watch TV now.
