Wednesday, July 20, 2005


ooer. I've just realized that I've linked "My works" twice. Ha. Ego.

Mmm. Belgian waffles rock. yumyumyum

The first hockey training in ages! It was cool, I guess. No dribbling here and there like the usual. Coach actually played in a practice match. Hm, think about it, if we beat him, we're not only beating our coach; we're beating a world hockey star! Lol, I don't think that will happen unless he has occasional slips. But sigh, my hits; HORRIBLE. Well, not technically, but I did think that I'd gotten better. Lost touch, I guess. I need to practise. Tomorrow afternoon I'm dragging Paula along to conway to play. She's the only one of my friends who like, truly supports me in hockey and is content to watch me play. -glares- jaykay, jaykay...

Hm. I find myself surrounded by a number of nice-turned-bimbo-esque people. Girls, I mean. And himbos. Well, not really. More bimbos than himbos. What am I crapping about?