Wednesday, July 06, 2005


I found my lost review paper! Thankfully I found it before I started doing the new one I printed out. =) It IS a waste of paper, though, but I won't die.

London won. I was hoping for Paris to win, but oh well... It's seven years away, after all. The hockey tournament starts this coming Monday, and I won't be playing. I really, really want to play. I mean, who wouldn't?

I still want to play backs. =\ Too bad Clarice and Enru have already claimed their spots as the reigning defenders in the team...I'm nothing. I mean, in our usual training matches. Not the real tournament. Maybe next year I can defend for the school team. Yeah, that'd be nice.

Oh, oh, oh, a record! 25 contacts online on msn, is that cool or not? The most I've had before is about 16-19.

Anyway, I've just watched Charmed. Leslie is leaving - how sad is that? Phoebe must be real upset. All her loves leave her in the end. Last season it was Jason, Justin, what...? Psh.

Do you like the new layout? The new music? I made the layout. =) Ok, maybe not REALLY, but hey. The picture is mine.

Though I'm going to make a couple of changes here and there.
