Monday, July 18, 2005


Let's recap the new things I've gotten. New shoes, new shin guards, new hp book6, new personality...okay, it isn't much, and you probably don't understand what I mean by 'new personality', but I don't except you to, so no sweat.

I forgot to bring my maths worksheets and Mrs Seet made me stand at the back of the class with the other forgetful people. I swear I did them! I swear I did them! I swear I did them! I sucked for today's Maths test, couldn't explain why the median was the most unimportant. There's a physics test tomorrow. Physics sucks. And I thought it rocked. Jeez.
copycats suck

Oh, I seem to be suffering from perpetual hunger these days. I. Need. Equilibrium. What is WRONG with me? I wonder how hockey c'div's gonna play in today's match. It still is raining, and it was raining. Sigh. I. Want. To. Play! furquhar. farquhar. However it's spelt. (It's pronounced "fucker", not "far-quah". )

I was walking to the bus stop when I absent-mindedly made up the phrase "perfection dwindles with time". It applies to me.

someone give me a cheese hamburger without pickles. yum.

I'm deluded.