Friday, July 15, 2005

la to the power of five

I was trying to find a way to explain to my maid how I lost my shoes. After all, she speaks mostly Malay. But I think English works best. I lost my shoes [I wish the MEP room didn't exist] and Ugenie lent me hers. THANK you Ugenie. You're my saviour of the day.

Yeah, today I've been both unlucky and lucky. I lost my shoes, Ugenie lent me hers. Almost got locked out of the classroom with my bag INSIDE, but I arrived just as they were locking it. And...what else is there?

Argh! I just remembered. I got second highest in class for the self-written poem. 14/20. Mrs. Tan said that it was apparently "very good". I don't mean to boast here, but hey, when you got it, you flaunt it. I ALSO got second highest in class for the lit mini essay, 21/25. The highest for the self-written poem is 15/10. The highest for the lit mini essay is 21.5/25. Grr. How come I always miss the highest rank by just a few marks?

Oh, well. I'll try to be contented with my results. The operative word is "try".

I'm getting hp6 tomorrow! I LOVE SATURDAYS!!!

hyper-ed up,