Thursday, July 07, 2005

don cha

Don' cha wish Friday didn't exist? I've survived four days of the school week. One more day, and weekend bliss...

Monday's the tournament. I have zilch chance of getting into the team now. sob

But anyway, at least there's still next year. And next next year.

Robyn and Amanda had a crazy idea of climbing down into this big drain beside the playground, so I led them in and for most of the way, and then Amanda led the way, and then we climbed out. I haven't been in the drain for aaaaaaaaages.

I think mushroom's sister is in sng, or is she not? I saw her entering their house clad in the sng uniform. Maybe she is. Maybe. Just maybe.

We saw Daryl today -though I'm not sure if that's the spelling of his name- and Amanda said hi to him. Aww, someone's being unfaithful...

Ok, someone help me figure out Robyn's secret ambition? She doesn't want to be a perfume designer -all her perfumes would smell like rancid meat-, she doesn't want to be a model - she'll trip on the aisle-, she doesn't want to be a photographer -she herself once said that she has shaky hands-, she doesn't want to be a toilet cleaner - though I'm convinced that she'll make a brilliant toilet cleaner.

And it's got something to do with Paris.

She wants to design hats? Dresses? She wants to be a matchmaker? Wedding arranger? Bridal bouquet florist? Paris, after all, is the city of love.

Ohh, well. MEP sucks. chij sucks. Being in a girls' school sucks. Ok, maybe MEP doesn't suck...much. Being in a girls' school isn't that bad, I suppose, because us girls can talk about stuff we'd normally be embarrassed to talk about if boys are around. But chij sucks.

It's so god-revering that it's sickening.

In case you don't know, I'm not a christian anymore. But it's not like I ever was.

I just can't believe in God.

But I'll respect other religions, all the same. I'm now officially a freethinker. Another way of putting it is that my new religion is happiness...unselfish happiness.

Rita mentioned that one look at me and you'd know I was a good girl. She's got it all frickin wrong.

Sucks to the good girl rep.

They've all got it wrong.