Saturday, February 04, 2006

CNY today wasn't exactly the best, except maybe for badminton and dinner.

James likes dissecting frogs.


Gordon plays floorball.

Eloquence in hockey. Hmm.

I love the word 'eloquent'.

They left early -- 9.15pm. Gosh. I don't remember ever leaving that early at any dinner party. The earliest would be about 9.30, only because I wanted to get back home fast to Uncle Bernard's party.

Shit. You know, I've just realized that all this while I've been wearing headphones, and the music isn't even on. P.f.f.t.

Emphasize all the syllables, dah-ling. There you go. P.f.f.t.


I can't wait till 13th Feb. I think.

My blog posts are becoming less and less introspective, and more on-the-surface. No, I do not have any messages hidden within the lines. Except for a few scattered here and there -- not that you guys would ever be able to figure any of them out. You'd have to think like me write like me breathe like me first And even if you can do all that, it'd be hard, because my mindcar takes several dizzying turns before reaching a final conclusion. These dizzying turns happen in a second or two, or I stumble upon the conclusion in a single instant, so if you ever try to re-figure them out again it'll be practically impossible because what happens in a split second in the mind cannot be analyzed and fished out.

Unless you accidentally stumble upon my thoughts, of course. D'you get my point? It's a split-second thing. Analysis will only dissolve it.

It's so much more fun than raping your turtle.

I haven't yet reached the stage of philosophical nirvana. Or however you spell that freakain thing.

Relient K pwns, yo.

Social life. Lack thereof. I need to move to America where there are cafe bars and really cool clubs and all that jazz. New York, fille.

Why else the filledelamonde?

Oh, I simple pwn.

ED, dear ED, sweet ED, lamp of truth.

Do the brevity thing.

I'll set up a blogsite.