Friday, February 17, 2006

I do not like hypocrites, or rather, I do not like people whose hypocritical nature rears its head all too often, and none too subtly. Everyone is hypocritical and sadistic, in a certain sense, to a certain degree, just some people much more than others.

I had lots to blog about. I'm not sure if my mind's managed to contain all of these. I think I shall divide my post into sections, to make things easier.

On a sidenote, because my fingers kept slipping on the keyboard, I kept typing 'sextions' instead of 'sections' for a while.


9/10 for my lit reflection: Should Varma be allowed to die?
Frankly, I thought it was pure shit. Cliche all the way, horribly unoriginal, and poorly disguised with suffocatingly flowery prose.

Mrs. Sushilla seemed to like it though, praising me for having a 'good grasp of English'. I'll admit to that, to a certain extent, but I'm not as much of a deep thinker as that 90% seems to indicate.

Amazingly, Dong Ran too received a 9/10.
When I marked her lit essay (everyone had to 'mark' someone else's reflection before they handed it in for good) I gave her a 6.5/10, or something like it. Perhaps her blatant use of chatspeak in her reflection threw me off and prevented me from looking further into what she was trying to convey, but blah.

Are my standards high, or are Mrs. Sushilla's standards low?
Mrs. Sushilla's a real nice teacher, for the most part, and while she isn't the strictest, I'm sure she's well versed in English.

And yet I remain convinced that my essay is a whole shitload of repetitive crap.

Each to her own, eh.

There's a lot of homework.

BUT! I shall conquer, as always, because there is a driving force compelling me to do so... even if it's at the eleventh hour. Perhaps I should say twenty-third hour. It sounds more logical, since the day has 24 hours.

My hockey skills are all going bam bam bam down the rocky cliff into the panicky ravine. Or chasm. Rift. Canyon. Gorge.

Engorged and livid it is, evening serenades with unusually high pitches.

Clara is talking about bees.
In her msn nickname.

As in, LITERALLY you sickos.

Should I do homework to-night? In my state of excess lethargy which is rather unusual at 10.40pm for an owl like me, I doubt I'll get any quality work done.

Oh sheesh, I sound like some stuffy cracked up professor on pot.

But I guess I always do.

Anyway, recently in class we've been talking about tiny Malaysian bananas, banana-mutilation, pins stuck into bananas (you know, voodooish and all), people having extensive knowledge of bananas.

It was quite funny.

Now homework calls. And I still -