Sunday, February 26, 2006

My bladder has been rather active today. At least 3 mad dashes to the toilet, even when I didn't drink anything.

Okay, you didn't need to know that.

They are overloading us with hw!!!!1 I mean, SRSLY!!!

I think green tea does induce pseudo-diarrhoea. Did I just make a scientific hypothesis, or is it already a theory/law? Well, I've read a newspaper article stating that green tea can take the stink out of shoes. But, I mean, who'd want to water the insides of their shoes with green tea?

And I like socks that stink. It's a rather seductive scent, don't you think?

Everyone is racist, seriously, if people don't stop being paranoid.

I think I'm going to make a new blogskin. Wait, I've already made a new blogskin. I just haven't put it up yet. I'm having doubts. Oh, well. I've got lots of stuff to print. -gonkgonkgonk-

My printer is low on ink and we are running low on paper. Abort, abort, abort!

And sometimes, I wonder for the sanity of mankind, and ACSI boys, and me. Do you know how many penguins die each year?

My gawd I am going crazy. We discussed at least two projects tonight. I feel so messed up. So many conversation boxes. Emily wanted to borrow my history. Melissa wants to know the post-war natural increase. Mary-Anne and I chat about everything. Kerina's sort of hounding me for the Geog, and we're bitching about some people in our geog group.

Is it suddenly hip to praise God?

No offence to Christians and Catholics, but it's like... nevermind. I'm being unreasonable.

Unholy shit, it's 10pm already. Rush. Bah. Maths! Science! Blahblahblah! I want to read my book, dammit.