Tuesday, February 28, 2006

My interest in the Johari window thing has been revived, since now everyone's doing it... eheh. Results so far:

able, accepting, adaptable, bold, complex, confident, dignified, independent, ingenious, knowledgeable, logical, observant, quiet, reflective, relaxed, self-assertive, silly, witty.

I still don't understand why. I like to do self-analysis, which makes sense as my intrapersonal skills are so much better than my interpersonal skills, but this seems weird.

I'm not really accepting, as you can see from how I bitched about crab just now. ^^;

Able? Where did you guys get that from? I'm just really really kiasu.

Adaptable - I still dislike St. Nicks, so not really...

Bold? How?

Complex. Well, actually I'm just a simple person with deceivingly simple thoughts. eheh.

Confident. Maaaaybe. But I'll still be shy little Stacy, no matter what happens.

Dignified. I don't really know. Comments?

Independent. XD ahaha no way!

Ingenious. I just get the occasional brainwave. If I were that ingenious, I'd be acing Maths, I mean, c'mon.

I'm too lazy to type out the rest. But I'm not really observant, at least not as much as you guys may think. I can be absolutely blur at times.