Sunday, February 19, 2006

I just returned from my Chinese newspaper report on the Islam comic thingey, and I can't help but notice that Singapore is a very passive place when it comes to things that don't directly concern them.

The Islams in Singapore (thankfully!) don't seem to be joining their fellow peace-loving Islams in Africa etc. in protests. Then I guess there're no Danish people here to trample. Oh, wait, doesn't Singapore have a Danish Embassy? No?

Please note that the above paragraph was not meant to offend anyone, anything, whatever. I do not discriminate against Islams.

Shucks. Ever since the whole racist-bloggers issue, I've been afraid to say anything without a disclaimer. The government has stepped in to assure us that freedom of speech (cough) is okay, just must be responsible hor! Ironic contradiction. But you know, us kiasu Singaporean bloggers, once bitten, twice shy... No way we're gonna risk anything.

Then again, maybe one day I'll post a post angrily flaming those mother fucking __________ (insert religion/race), just for kicks. You know, to see if anyone notices (!) and reports me.

But anyway! Like I said, Singapore is a very passive place when it comes to things not directly concerning them. French have riots all the time. Must be the Saxon blood. Or something. Bleh, I don't know. (DISCLAIMER: I love France and its people and I love French, that's why I'm learning the language. I AM NOT PREJUDICED AGAINST FRANCE OR THE FRENCH. Sheesh!)

You know, how come the Islams are protesting against like, the whole government or something? (cough, sorry, I'm not well informed) When TT Durai was exposed (No. Dirty. Thoughts.) we all slammed him, and people continued donating to NKF anyway. The whole saga was mainly directed at one person and his lackeys. Yet in this Islam comic thing, the one they should be screaming at should be the one who drew the comic, not the whole freaking nation!

It's not fair that people should have to suffer because of one brilliant artist. I personally think it was very brave of him to draw something that he probably knew/suspected would cause controversy, just that he bit off more than he could chew, that's all.

Because my mind is still swarming with thoughts of the 911 conspiracy theory, I can't help but feel that the whole thing was fabricated by the Danish government so they could have an excuse to imprison the Islams. Classic case of power racism! woot! Like Hitler, suh.

"He is one of the very few European politicians with guts. If anyone deserves a prize for his valiant defence of freedom of speech and freedom of the press, it is certainly Mr Rasmussen. He did not give in to pressure from Muslim fanatics, nor from the appeasers at the UN, the European Commission and the Council of Europe. In the past weeks Denmark has shown that all is not yet lost in Europe. If something is rotten now it is not in Denmark."

"I think it's important that the West stands up on this issue: if we cave into Muslim demands for self-censorship, our freedom of speech will be taken away forever."

Brave guy! Go, freedom of speech, go!

Ooh. Something like this would never happen in Singapore. I mean, no riots, because ALL Singaporeans (yes, ALL, I'm not pinpointing any religions) are too afraid to get their hands dirty, and because the government would put them all in jail afterwards. All people would do is send in many, many emails and letters to newspapers and argue like orgasming pigs on The Straits Times Online Forum (or something like that), but that's all they'll do. No riots (though that's a good thing, violence is bad), no one openly suing whoever drew whatever comics, stuff like that. People will blog and blog and blog (cough) and chat incessantly for weeks, and then the thing will blow over.

Just like that.

No slogans and posters pasted up on lamp posts, walls, clubs, shopping centers etc. proclaiming how we should all unite as a country and protest against blah blah blah.

Because Singaporeans are just physically passive like that. (except in bed, I guess)

I'm a hypocrite, you know. I've been talking about myself all this while.

Maybe I should do something. Suggestions?