Friday, February 03, 2006

devil quoting

I broke my record: 150 situps! Not in one minute, of course, but nonetheless. I've been working myself to death on situps these days. It sounds absurd, but I want to break the school record for situps. I'm not sure exactly what it is, but it must be 70-80 ish.

I might have cheated a little bit, though. ^^; Like, taking a rest for about 10 seconds.

You know, Weng Jun isn't a bad poet. Hmm... her poems kinda look like the ones I wrote when a few years back.

Oh, shit. That must've sounded bad. Er, Weng Jun, if you ever read this, it wasn't meant as an insult. In fact, your poems are pretty good. Better than lots of others in the class, anyway.

You just need to work a bit on your structure and rhythm, which should be a piece o' cake for you since you're a good musician and probably have a sense of rhythm drummed into you already. Your rhyming is okay, need to work a bit on imagery, read a poetry guide, and you should be pretty good.

Wonder why I even said that. It's not like she'll ever read this post anyway. But if she does, yeah.

And Esther Ng, the one beside Ivy, is pretty good s'well. She. Uses. Imagery. And while they're a tad cliche, they're good nonetheless. At least she knows how to use imagery. Huzzah for her!

Eleanor should be able to write a poem that's at least halfway decent; she's one of the better ones.

I don't think I'll get good marks for my poem. Mrs. Lee wanted us to write mainly about the war, but mine was more focused on the emotional trauma of the survivors. Not relevent, I think.

I sounded so arrogant in the above paragraphs. =/

BUT! Anyway. Hockey today was, surprise, surprise, good! Ahaha, we started late anyway, so that as well.

Isabelle got a new stick. Hmmm. It's really pretty, turquoise and all, a glittery carbon GRAYS stick.

GRAYS pwns the most, you Amazon stick wielders. XD