Monday, October 31, 2005
I swear I can't do sit ups anymore. My stomach muscles have... disappeared? Oh well. Maybe my torso is just much heavier. ):
SMILEYS. (:(:(:(:):):):):)
I don't know why, but I want to go to Perth again. I went there in December and I absolutely loved it. Perth! Perth! Perth!
But I'll settle for New York...or Missouri...
Hockey later. 2 hours only. Yayness. Wonder what much we can 2 hours. Maybe coach will just politely tell the cdiv to get lost while he trains the bdiv for their feb competition, (aka tell us to go do some hitting on the field).
Being in a sports CCA would be so much nicer if we had more free time on our hands. If only there were ten days in a week. 3 training days, 7 free days. I love.
Jogging, Paula? Today I couldn't wake up at 8.a.m, but there's always the evening... No, wait. I hate evenings. The worst time for jogging.
Because evenings are when all the kids and their maids go to the playground, when people suddenly decide they want to go for strolls, when all the teens start going out cycling and stuff, and they'll all be staring at us if we go jogging because in their close minded brains, teenage girls just don't go jogging. And I don't like people to stare.
Oh well. Maybe I'll jog anyway.
Once I get over my phobia of people staring.
I hate people to stare at me.
And even if I feign calmness, I'm really itching to hurl my shoes and socks at them.
No, not my shoes. My shoes are sacred. No one touches. Touch me not. STAY AWAY FROM. Yeah.
Socks, maybe. If I aim well, it'll land straight on their nose. And everyone knows that socks (at least, mine) stink. Everyone also knows that the nose is the organ which smells more keenly than other organs because other organs can't smell at all, and thus the nose is the one which will get the best whiff of my socks.
I ramble.
I've whiled the whole morning away without doing any holiday homework. I hate myself but I don't want to do homework either. I HATE. Homework.
I don't know what people see in those black blogskins with big pink fonts and white misty stuff everywhere - no 'fence, Liu Yi. I mean, it's just...
It reminds me of (pink) syrup. It's thick and gooey and just plain disgusting.
To me.
I miss my DM skin. ):
Maybe I'll make a DM skin of my own.
Hey, why didn't I think of that before...
Because. I don't know.
Anyway. Off to make a DM skin.
And they'd better star Blaise Zabini in the GoF HP show.
Sunday, October 30, 2005
There will be a time when loud-mouthed, incompetent people seem to be getting the best of you. When that happens, you only have to be patient and wait for them to self destruct. It never fails. - Richard Rybolt
He took failure like a man: he blamed it on his wife.
War doesn't prove who's right...only who's left.
Free speech is one thing....being rude is another. If you dont know the difference, keep quiet.
I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that it won’t work. – Thomas Edison
Don't worry.
I'll come down your garden lawn
And when you see my smug face
You'll know.
I made it there first
Be jealous!
Scream be angry scratch
Out of my sight
But I'll still know.
You want someone to love you
When I steal that someone,
You'll know.
Narrow roads paved with stones
Small and jagged, will prick.
Houses, crumbling, lived in with bones
Skeletal people, derelict.
Hell! You scream. A black paradise.
Morbid, dusty, bleeding.
Mourning hot sun's tragic demise
It's cold. The ice is feeding.
Frost coats - transparent, not white.
Edging slowly, careful! It'll bite.
Smoky breaths - not fire, but cold.
Ours souls are to serpentine devil sold.
We fall, turn to bone, we sleep, never die.
Wake up, paralyzed - in a skeletal frame.
Gaze, unwilling grins, watch others go by
and turn, like us, into death's ivory game.
I haven't written a rhyming poem in ages. I thought I'd lost the ability. Maybe I have. It took me longer than usual to churn this out.
The second one (hell) pretty much wrote itself. I didn't mean for it to be that morbid. I meant it to be nice and quaint and pretty. But I like it anyway.
And I don't really mean what I said in the first poem.
*From the principle of utility, he found pain and pleasure to be the only absolutes in the world: "nature has put man under the governance of two sovereign masters: pleasure and pain." From this he derived the rule of utility: that the good is whatever brings the greatest happiness to the greatest number of people. Later, after realizing that the formulation recognized two different and potentially conflicting principles, he dropped the second part and talked simply about "the greatest happiness principle".
You know, that makes sense. For a few months I've been ranting about how there isn't any definite right and wrong, good and bad, etc etc. This actually makes sense. Someone should've told this to me earlier. =
I'm contemplating whether I should actually agree with what's typed above.
Anyway, Bibliography:
I want don't want to get started on my holiday homework. Three Chinese comprehensions. blah.
Saturday, October 29, 2005
There was a programme written. Omnbg, a programme. Like, seven o'clock, we do this, blah blah blah.
And there was this thing which left me freakingly pissed. People, if you've already got stuff to do, don't even attend the gathering. No one likes people leaving half way.
You know what? I'd prefer a gathering with just SPR, or SPAR.
They called it a Halloween party. I think one could merely say "party" and it wouldn't make much difference.
There was pop music playing. Uh huh, pop music playing on halloween. Everything was so not Halloween. Party poppers, that spray thing that smells like orange juice, signs and banners... the streetlamps were on full shine too.
It went far worse than my expectations.
Next time, there is absolutement no way I am going to attend any gathering like that.
Anyway, congratulations to Robyn for her debate team getting the place of runner up.
I hope the C'div hockey team manages just as well, if not better, for next year's tournament. I'm looking forward to it already. (:
You know, I wish we had direct buses to the NLB. Robyn says it's 133. But she doesn't know where to alight. Neither do I.
I can't do sit ups anymore. Once I could do 53 in a minute. Now I'm bordering 30 sit ups a minute. How freaking lousy is that?
I don't like close minded people. THERE.
Wait, it's already begun. Half an hour ago, actually. But I refuse to go until 7pm, when it starts to get dark. There isn't any point in holding a Halloween gathering when it's still bright and sunny.
I hate my results. Hate hate hate hate hate. Even though I've gotten 7As (which sounds pretty impressive, but my overall performance is down right shittish).
My report book is lying right next to me and I want to swap my Term 1 and Term 4 reports.
I hoped to get an A1 for my overall performance. Oh well.
Hockey training yesterday was good. Except for the part where coach simply blew up (in his own gentle way, ha) and told us off for not taking training seriously. I know a few people -only a FEW- who think that training is absolutely boring when it's not really. I mean, the warm ups and the warm up dribbling and standing at the line and dribbling across the field is kind of boring, but no one really minds. Except for the few.
I like playing matches.
I made a new hockey journal. It's not a blog recounting what happens during hockey practice. It's more of a... guide book? It contains all the advice coach gives us. :D
So I don't forget.
A very uncreative name, but that was all I could think of at 12am this morning.
Back to the Halloween gathering. I hope it'll turn out well.
The worst scenario will be where everything is awkward, or when the two different genders keep to themselves. I see this get together as a sort of... bonding session? haha. That sounds so cheesy.
But you know what I mean. This could be a chance to make friends with people who've been my neighbours for more than a decade. (with the exception of mushroom and maybe Marcus)
aw jeez.
Friday, October 28, 2005
EL - A1; I'd kill myself if I got otherwise.
Maths - A2; not too bad.
HCL - A2; ditto.
Science - A1; 79. aw jeez.
Geog - A2
History - A2
Lit - A1
MEP - B3; I suck.
Art - B4; my worse. 64. Just... one mark away from a lovely B3.
G.Music - A; if only MEP were this freaking easy.
Civics and Moral - A; because I actually studied for the test and got 28.5/30. (:
Physical Ed - A; weirdness. I thought I flunked the pe test.
And my overall percentage?
A loser-ish, freakingly low A2 of a bloody bleedin hateful disgusting revolting 73.1%.
What did I do to get such horrible marks?
Stacy is a respectful and diligent student who is committed to giving her best in all that she does.
I'm mostly polite to teachers so maybe 'respectful' makes sense.
But... untruths!
Woe be gone.
Diligent? Me? oh, how flattering. How unfortunate that all forms of flattery are mostly untrue.
Committed to giving her best? I actually wouldn't mind handing in a shit piece of work. I am a quitter in some ways.
I feel quite guilty because.
Thursday, October 27, 2005
loving couple. You know, the cliched couple that everyone loves.
According to Jade, they hate each other. I believe not. Well, maybe.
I've discovered (thanks to Jade) a new way to tire out my stomach muscles. 2 minutes or so. I'm good.
I can't wait to tell someone. Not the stomach muscles thing.
And I think the flashbox is now, uh, officially taggable...
I can't wait for tomorrow. Last day of school, I love!
I agree with most of it. (:
hey STACY. I LIKE having a twin. (:
So you don't confuse us, she's known as Stacy and I'm known as Stace.
I took the wrong 317 bus and ended up walking more than I'd intended to. It wasn't that bad, I guess. I discovered the existence of a church I don't remember having seen before.
Our class got three people who're top in the level for a particular subject. I love my class.
Everyone's affable Moting/Hui Ting topped the Faith and Truth classes to get the highest in MEP.
Weng Jun, (who paired up with Vanessa to create our lovely air stewardess) is the top in Art!
We love you guys. (:
Or, at least I do.
Mint gelato. Ah.
Funny, isn't it, how everyone (or, at least, those who didn't realize this before), including me, took so long -10 months!- to gain just a semblance of class unity?
At least we'll have next year.
One more day to that click of finality.
When all comes crashing down and we become unofficial sec twos.
When this year's PSLE students get their turn at being the babies of this school.
Time passed by me while I was still wedged in my own self pity.
Oh, well. 2006 will bring more good turns. Even numbered years always do. (:
Hockey tomorrow. All I wanna do is just play, play and play. Matches, I mean. No grueling training. Even though it's good for us and all that blah.
I suck at hitting. Really truly absolutely.
But then, there's Saturday.
Robyn, I hope you managed to convince your apparently 'HOTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT' Jonathan Floog of a debate coach to stay. (:
We get our PPRs tomorrow. I can't wait. Hopefully I've gotten an A1, or something close to an A1, for my overall percentage.
I personally think Mrs Sushilla was too lenient in the marking of our portfolio stuff and class participation. I got 19/20 for class participation even though I rarely speak up in class. This ain't right. =
Anyway, bye.
Wednesday, October 26, 2005
ahaha I'm review crazy. I want reviews. I live on reviews. I can't do without them!
Robyn and the rest of her debate teammates are drooling over their new debate coach, Jonathan FLOOG. Sigh. Excerpts from insanity zone:
robyn: i take my words back, he ain't cute, he's HOTTTTTTTTT
-sob- where did I'd-rather-do-Maths-than-have-a-boyfriend Robyn go?!
Robyn is officially down on my avoid-at-all-costs list:
Her friend:
c-: im MELTING, i tell you. but i shall not care anymore (:
I shalt not care. There can't be anyone hotter than ... who? oh well. All male celebs look the same to me.
wheeeeeeeeeeeeeee. I made my new blog on Sunday or Monday or something and I won' t tell you the URL. Because I can.
But if you search hard enough on this page, you'll find it.
It doesn't involve any highlighting/ctrl+a s.
You just have lucky.
Accidentally click something.
Review my fanfics. Or else.
Oh well.
Tuesday, October 25, 2005
swear words
oh well.
Some people see the age where the word 'fuck' enters our vocabulary as an age when people -like us teens- rebel, go all bad ass on them, thinking that swearing is cool.
From another angle, I think that the day one learns to use the word 'fuck' is the day one becomes braver.
For all our lives, those damned adults have been scheming against swear words, saying stuff like "only uneducated people use them", "they're vile", "only used for revilers", etc etc. Bullshit.
The adults lived in a too conservative environment.
And I can't help but think that they're trying to smother us with their conservative thoughts.
Well, wake up, seniors. 21st century, yoo hoo?
Democracy, ya know.
Just because we're young and innocent doesn't mean we aren't entitled to democracy.
And it takes... I don't know. Personally I think it takes courage to break apart what we've been taught for ages - 'fuck' is the sacred word. Touch me not. Stay away from. Avoid at all costs. There's everything wrong with it.
Yeah right.
So once we emerge from that conservative shell the adults have molded around us, we take our first step towards true open mindedness. (:
And thus, my dear adults, swear words aren't just for the uneducated. What did you say? Aw, I don't give a fuck.
Pardon how cheesy I must have sounded. It just popped up, you know. Philosophy is a great subject.
I can't play my grade 5 pieces anymore. I mean, I can, but they're bad.
I'm trying to come up with ways of how to rebut my statements on swear words. Just for fun. I like having mini debates in my mind. Like over why Marigold milk is cow dung compared to fresh goat's milk.
Oh well. Wednesday. Tomorrow. Saturday. Four more days.
So much pent up energy stored in such a short person. If only I were taller.
PEOPLE. I crave reviews.
A vicious contradiction.
Just something I thought would describe our lovely talentine performance. The white mahjong paper reminded me of the shifts nuns wear. Blasphemous music because it's all eerie and stuff - not something the heavenly jury would approve of.
And because nuns are holy and the music isn't, it's a contradiction.
I love myself.
These days I'm getting too conceited for my own good.
Anyway, our Talentine performance was weird, quite boring save for the sound effects (I liked that vomiting sound. bluuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurgh.), not as colourful as other class' performances, etc etc...
But I think it rocked to high heavens.
You'd agree if you saw how puzzled everyone was. It was quite funny to see them looking so expectant when there really wasn't anything to look forward to.
Our dear form teacher made us just sit there in our white nun shifts while he played the music, and we just sat there. And stared at the audience. We weren't allowed to smile/laugh but some people -including me- just couldn't resist because it was hilarious.
When the music was over, we just left the scene. Just like that. I loved it.
I threw away my nun shift. Nun-ning just doesn't suit me.
Our class' performance was too unique and too artistic for the other non-artistic people to appreciate, so, sigh, I guess we don't stand a chance for consolation, at the very least.
Wisdom's performance was the best, I think.
Followed by Loyalty.
And Purity.
Poor netballers. They have to jog during recess.
What's pachycepharus? Any takers? I read it in a book and checked it in the dictionary, but apparently it doesn't exist.
Monday, October 24, 2005
So I decided to set myself to some work.
I cleared up this computer table, which is quite messy. Amazingly just a few minutes after starting to 'work' and move around, I felt less lethargic.
In the end the whole table ended up more or less tidy, I filed all my Science stuff, cleared up some library related issues, and I feel so rejuvenated. (:
Miracles do happen.
You know, I've realized something. Upon reading my classmates' blogs, I've noted that a lot of them used to type in chatspeak. Lots of it.
I hv got dis videotpe of mie sister acting lyke crap......... hahax
(I made that up)
But now...
All/most of them type in more or less good English. Proper spelling with just a few abbreviations. Like maybe the occasional 'u'. =
I've got this videotape of my sister acting like crap, lol.
Something like that.
Some of them type in more or less perfect spelling, with au moins adequate grammar.
I wonder why.
I mean, it's a relief to see people turning to the better English...
Chatspeak is a travesty of the English language
-By someone I saw at a gaia forum.
I'm implying something that has absolutely nothing to do with me.
And I wonder why.
I've been dedicating myself to le langue francais lately. Unlike previous times when all I did was attend lessons every Saturday, and absorb 20% of what Prof. Nourredine Larhzal (sp?) said.
A miraculous breakthrough.
Nowadays all rap songs sound the same to me.
Ciara is like the carbon copy of Beyonce.
I mean, their style of singing.
Rebirths. Ha.
Jojo is the future Britney Spears. Competing with Lindsay Lohan.
They're all different people, but in the music field, they're all rebirths of the same thing.
P. Diddy, 50 cent, Usher, Eminem - what's the difference?
They're all rappers. They all rap.
Music in the 21st Century is boring.
Oh, and I wonder. In the future, we might have solar and moon powered stuff. To save electricity. Imagine.
Like that, I put my precious radio next to the window and listen to it the whole night without fearing that all our lights and fans and stuff will go poof the next day.
OR, we can have air cons powered by moisture in the air. Sure, it'll be terribly dehydrating, but heck.
Sunday, October 23, 2005
My mother works with a woman,
who screams at God
as if he were an unfaithful lover.
My mother laughs,
but the woman looks to the sky
in case it has something to tell her.
I was an atheist by six,
when my grandfather died
and I could see
the clouds were too high and clean
to take him. I could tell
he went nowhere, but died
only a body
and a memory. My mother
didn't argue.
But now she is on God's side,
defending him
against the woman's demands.
I think my mother admires her, though,
the faith that is needed
to keep up an argument
with someone who never responds.
I adore the last three lines.
Anyway, I clearly remember that at the start of this year I stated in this very blog (maybe I can still find the post) that I resolved to become a devout Christian by the end of this year.
I don't think I've failed. I just quit. The prospect of failing or succeeding is left hanging - no one will ever know. Then again, depending on your definition of failure, maybe you think giving up is ultimately failing. I guess in a sense it is, but I don't regret failing, if that's what you call it.
God? The no balled, non existent fellow?
I think I can be flamed and slammed and maybe even prosecuted for this.
I wish we were a democratic country.
Because we aren't.
Who cares.
God. Science never proved it. Jesus Christ might be a quack, or just a very good person. That cross some people wear everyday to school represents an innocent man's death. Nothing more.
Evolution. People have asked us why we are so stupid as to think that us, wonderful, miraculous creations, originated from single cells and mud and earth and water.
Are they implying that Science is horrible?
Are they implying that animals are horrible, since it is known that animals came to be before we came into the world?
Humans have come to regard themselves as almighty rulers of the earth.
I think everyone is what they think themselves to be.
If you think you're a god, you got the attitude and the confidence and the frickin proof, then you're a god. You think you're a loser, you're a loser. Think you're a slave? You're a slave.
God can't define us.
Because there is no God.
I realize that this "philosophical" reflection isn't very consistent and jumps from place to place, but heck. I'm tired. And I have a neglected msn conversation to reply to.
Saturday, October 22, 2005

Poor little critter.
I just love animated images like this.
I decided to write a letter. Better ask for favours before my dutch courage runs out.
Oh. My. No. Balled. God. I only just realized that it's 11.54pm. I thought it was like, 10pm or something, and it's actually nearing midnight. Not that there's anything wrong with midnight.
But that means I missed The Wedding Planner. Crap.
French chatspeak is difficult to master.
I actually made a list. Of things I want to do during the hols.
Lots of my blog posts are pretty pointless. I deleted some of them, but the pointlessness of them all. Sigh.
There's this part like...
Push. The Button.
... it sounds airy and light and stuff. And then after that phrase, the song goes into super annoyingly cheerful mode, and down it goes on my blacklist.
Oh, I don't know. According to Shaun(sp?) Wee/Ooi/Oei/whatever, whose show I listen to every night, it's the 'most wanted song'. Ugh.
Marion Raven is not getting her deserved attention. Neither is Anneliese Van der Pol. Or Christy Carlson Romano.
I like going to the library. Alone. I mean, alone as in, I go there unaccompanied. Me and my books. Absolute heaven.
And I finally got down to reading The Da Vinci Code. It's not that bad, I guess. Though it isn't that attention-hooking. Alexander the Great. I really have to get down to reading that book.
Right now I'm reading four/five books at the same time.
Alexander the Great
The Persian Boy
The Best Young Writers and Artists in America
The Da Vinci Code
Okay, four. I think I should read number three first. Then Alexander the Great because it's a school library book which is due this Friday and I suck at datelines. Et puis, je deciderai (sp?) lire 'The Persian Boy" ou "The Da Vinci Code".
I wonder. How many languages have they translated The Da Vinci Code into? Or is it available only in English?
Right now I have to get off my lazy ass and start on the short story. Two short stories, actually. Or maybe I can cheat and use one story for two purposes.
Wish me luck.
Friday, October 21, 2005
I'll try to find a time to read it. For now, I'm dedicated to my lovely book on Alexander the Great.
Something took me ten long months to discover. How odd.
A Midsummer Night's Dream is quite nice, but pretty pointless... MAYBE if they hadn't called 1faith out for polling at the last minute, I would have gotten to watch the ending, where everything might fit in for me. Because, yeah. And anyway, some scenes were so sick, you know, the nude scenes. How did they ever get the actresses and actors to do that?
I'm chatting with someone annoying on msn now.
A2 for Geography. 73%. How absolutely weird.
I'm happy with it. Even if it's 2% more to an A1, what I'm really concerned about is the overall percentage, and I don't think 2% will make a big difference. Much.
2Faith? I think I'll make it.
I'm hungry. And I've got a craving for chocolate. Having Esso a five minutes walk away is a godsend.
My results so far:
English: 87.4%
Maths: 70%
History: 74%
Geography: 73%
General Music:
Art: I can't remember if I've gotten it back or not.
GOD. 28TH OCTOBER. Come soon! I want my ppr so bad.
"no nid 2 take exams no sterss..."
Can't people spell properly?
"nid". omnbg.
"sterss". argh.
Thursday, October 20, 2005
It's kind of weird. I'm sick of life. I hope it's just a break from life, a lovely dedente, but anyway. I really would like to skip school tomorrow. I'm feeling depressed for no reason and even cycling doesn't help because I have no one to cycle with. Not at 10.04pm. SPAR probably can't come out. (in this case, 'S' refers to Saranya, not Stacy)
I want to curl up under the blankets where it'll be nice and warm. So you ask, why don't I. I don't know. And if I do, I won't tell you.
All I really want, uh, right now, is some peace and quiet. As you can see from my previous blog post, today sucked. Maybe I'm just feeling lethargic, but I don't know.
Oh, crap. I still have to clear my desk by tomorrow. A Friday. What better day could there be?
Hm, let me think. Like Today. Wednesday. Tuesday. Monday. But no, stupid me had to procastinate till today, and I'll have to pay the price tomorrow when I have to lug a heavy English file, a bag full of art stuff, my bag, and my shoebag home.
There's a reason why I don't like Fridays. Tomorrow's Friday, in particular.
I like gypsies. And their style, i.e. large dangling hoop earrings -haha-, bohemian style. So tribal. I like.
But right now I'm content to stick to oversized tshirts (like my yellow -yucks- hockey shirt), and shorts. Terribly outlandish, informal, way too casual, but ah.
I should sleep now.
But I have this nagging feeling that there's more to say.
I read this really good book, "A Chance Child", by Jill Paton Walsh. So wonderful. Poignant, powerful, yeah... the best I've read in a long time.
Oh, speaking about stories, Vanessa - I read yours. More descriptive writing would spice things up like, a lot. And try to make them less Enid Blyton-ish, if you get what I mean.
Gosh, it's hard to be mean to a friend.
I'm joking.
I hope.
Hey Robyn, yeah, TATU is a great band and I like their new song. Didn't know they were lesbians, but heck, go Tatu!
I want holidays. If only I could just call up a waiter and demand snobbishly, "Weekend, please!", after which he'd serve me the weekend on a nice silver platter. Yawn.
Alexander the Great. Sigh.
Has it suddenly become a trend to declare one's everlasting love for Chad Michael Murray? I personally think his eyes are too small and his features are nowhere near striking, but heck.
I wonder. Is 'oh my gosh' the term people in the past used to disguise 'oh my god' when they were scolded by some priest for swearing using god's name?
Curl up under a nice warm blanket and sleep.
Yeah, that's what I'll do.
I'm yawning. What time did I sleep last night? Oh, yeah. Past eleven. -cringes-
Today's excursion was, may I say, a total waste of time. I learnt nothing and wasted three or two bus trip's worth of cents in my ezlink card. When I got home, there was ten cents left.
Oh, and my legs nearly died.
From, uh, somewhere, we went all the way to some yacht club, navy museum thing, ah heck. There was a hell lot of kilometers to walk.
Oh, and I think I'm really dumb, uh - cospeoplehavebeenreferringallthetimetosomeonewhomiheardtheycalled'mrssee'butionlyrealized
All this time I was wondering who "Mrs See" was.
: oh, yeah, try to make yourself seem like you're ohsocool when it does the exact opposite. Good luck there, poser. (:
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
Alexander the Great is my new idol. He tamed a wild stallion when he was my age, how cool is that? ;)
Teachers you see today might not be here tomorrow.
Creatures you see today might not be here tomorrow.
Courtesy of the Singapore Mandai Zoo
I know, I'm lame. I mixed up the two words. =/ But then, wouldn't it be nice if mrs seet suddenly disappeared tomorrow? Lol, I'm joking. Maybe.
Chick killer. Literally. Haha. Hi --- --.
I played with the white baby rabbits at the zoo. Even though I'm not supposed to carry them, but no supervisor was around, so yeah...
I want my own horse. Pei Hwa fed and petted one of those absolutely huge horses. wheedala. Horses!
None of the animals at the zoo really struck my fancy. Except the horses and the lions. But then, no one can really outgrow the zoo. It wasn't that bad at all.
I dread tomorrow. Walking around Singapore in my ugly bermudas, not to mention our very ah-beng-ish school house tshirts. -cringes-
Alexander the Great has a city named after him, only it's went bye bye ages ago. Alexandrapolis or Alexandropolis or Alexandrepolis, I can't remember. City of Alexander.
Susa, Babylon and Persepolis. City of Perse.
Aw. No, they're clearly not named after him, I'm just nutters.
Oh, and he was gay too. HA. Take that.
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
Being on gaiaonline was worth it tonight. Just received some valuable advice on how to make good characters and I think I'm actually on the road of humility. How cool is that. haha.
Zoo tomorrow. And then hockey. How much stuff can one cram into one day?
At least I have my favourite Thursday to look forward to- oops, no. There's that darn drama workshop. Skip it? ):
During the holidays. What shalt thyself do.
-pig out on the couch with popcorn and magazines
-pig out in front of my computer
-make an individual visit to the national library.
-hockey. ah.
-wallow in my hatred for
-revel in/bemoan my results
-feel guilty some more.
-go cycling and stuff
-overseas trip to wherever my mum's planning to go. I vote New York.
-oh, yeah. get started on the commonwealth 2006 essay topic I received ages ago. sigh.
-omnbg. I figured it out.
visit my primary school.
duhly so, haha.
Annual prize presentation? I hope.
Oh, and of course, halloween. It seems to hold less appeal now, but bonfires. Mm. I love bonfires.
I just read one really good book. It's amazing how many good books don't get their deserved recognition. I, uh, forgot the title... but it manages to be so horrific and wonderfully romantic at the same time. (:
Hm, did I actually say that?
Ah. I could be a book critic. Go me.
My results so far don't seem that bad. I think I'll get into 2Faith, I mean, if others have lousier results than me... though I doubt it. A1 for English, A2 for Maths and History... and something for the other subjects. I guess I'll flunk MEP, as usual.
General music rocks, though. It's fun-er than MEP for sure. Miss Lee isn't the best teacher but she's... adequately nice.
Try suing me for slander. HA.
I swear, our government is off its rocker.
Say 'aye', those who agree.
We're not trained dogs. No one can train us to talk about what they like in public. Or at least, they can't train us to not talk about something.
Freedom of speech. Its definition speaks for itself. Freedom isn't supposed to include responsibility. We have TONGUES so bloody use them! No one tames the tongue.
Not even fines and threats of jail.
Not that I have any wish to speak ill of any teacher, but I still believe in freedom of speech.
Democratic country, ha.
Go eff yourself, --------------..------!
You know, in the book "The Gunslinger", Stephen King describes the phrase "go fuck yourself" as "an impossible act of masturbation".
It's hard not to love him.
Anyway, go Jericho.
Go Paul Slater.
Go Blaise Zabini.
87.4% for English! yay.
Monday, October 17, 2005
we are les losers of sng.
oops, that sounded wrong. i meant 'les', as in, the french 'les', not lesbian.
oh well. Pretend I never said that.
Yeah, liu yi, lots of people are sticklers for good English. Most of the time. Anyone who doesn't use singlish/n00bspeak on msn/while blogging, respect.
I know this sounds immature, but you are a POSER and I don't like you. =
Sometimes I act my age. Forgive me.
I've just read the last book of The Mediator, a book which I've been wanting to read for aaaaaaages. And I read it. Only it wasn't as good as I thought it to be. It was good at first, but the ending gave it a very fairy-tale-ish edge. Which is not good. I LIKE sad endings, hell, why couldn't Jesse just diiie? Oh, right, he's already dead. But if you've read the book, you know what I mean.
Well, I like Jesse, actually - he's nice and all.
I want Susannah to end up with the very Blaise Zabini-esque Paul Slater. There! I said it! Happy?
I prefer Paul Slater to any ol' Jesse boy.
Paul Slater! Paul Slater! Paul Slater!
I mean, I was hoping that Jesse would go back to the past, Susannah would get all angry (or weepy, but I prefer angry) and then Paul comes into the picture and...
Ah. Reminds me of good ol' DMHG.
Let's observe a moment of silence to bemoan/mourn/whatever the unfortunate tragedy of the short lived snog-affair of Susannah and Paul.
I mean, Susannah and Paul!
How could they not be together?!
Stupid Kelly.
I know someone in class who is the worst poser I have ever met. I don't like posers.
I think the class should be divided into:
wannabes (or posers)
people who aren't merely wannabes, but who are actually popular. (I never said I liked them, but you never know.)
the nice group
the anime gang
and of course, the one and only, moste wise, intelligent BOOKWORMS.
aw. Bookworms rule. (:
By the way, there's this stupid misconception that people who don't talk much don't think much either. I know so many people who had that misconception of me. Before they read my blog. muahaha.
- People who don't talk much think/blog more because the time which they could use to talk is spent thinking.
- People who talk alot think/blog less.
Well, that's a sweeping statement, but it has a bit of truth. People who talk more in class only blog a few times a week. People like me blog almost everyday. I think.
Oh, well.
Give it up for the introverts.
And Paul Slater.
TIRAMISU ICE CREAM. Not that dumb show they're showing on tv. I never liked Sharon Au, but shh.
Sunday, October 16, 2005
"A girl with black hair and blackgrey eyes walked slowwly and sort of liflessly accross the grass looking at the ground she was young about the age of 10 she seemed somewhat lost in thought she didnt notice anyof her surroundings her eyes didnt seem to see anything as she walked suddntly she tripped over a rock she slowly picked herself up still not being aware of anything she continued to walk .... "
Excerpt from somewhere. Honestly, do people nowadays give a hoot about proper grammar -especially punctuation- and SPELLING?! It's like, oh my no balled god, liflessly!!!
Since when do people use NUMBERS in prose?! It's "ten", not "10"!!!!!
Do people nowadays even bother?!?!
Damn all people who don't bother to learn how to spell properly. =
I'm freaking proud of myself. Well, no, not really. Hockey tomorrow. eh. I'm not really looking forward to it, as there'll be no more sec one only trainings. Sob. Ah well.
I'm in love with Boyfriend by Ashlee Simpson. Don't you just love Ashlee Simpson? ;)
I flit from artiste to artiste... it was Marion Raven last time. But I tire of songs easily. When I tire of songs, I tire of artistes.
Honestly, Paula, Robyn, Amanda, we should make a website, not just a blog, dedicated to us lovely four. And title it 'The Umbrella Girls'.
Long story.
I like umbrellas.
Oh, and recently, I keep going to that lovely italian ice cream shop to buy $2.90 chocolate/mint/oreo ice cream. And that's the smallest scoop... oh well. I like the mint best.
ohohoh and
I'm taking tennis lessons during the hols! yayness
I've always wanted to take up tennis. Ever since like, one second ago.
But it'll be fun. I think. ah, I dunno. da kai yan jie, as they say.
I've been blogging since last year.
Now, where did that come from?
Rumors by Lindsay Lohan. It's getting quite old but it's nice all the same.
Oh, and she looks horrible with blond hair. Which hell damned salon did she go to? It looks so damn fake. Red hair, Lindsay, au naturale is the best.
oh, i don't know.
the fucking mistake
I didn't start this fight, anyway.
Who did, then? I certainly didn't.
I really don't wish to see these years of friendship end.
So why the fuck are you wrongly accusing me?
Why didn't You straighten out any problems with me? Or would You, though I know that you would have just loved to say"Fuck You to hell" in my face.
There are no problems to straighten, nothing in me to clean.
but I may be mistaken, like I always am.
This is one mistake you made.
Nobody asked You to say such wicked stuff about me.
I never said any wicked stuff about you. You, for all I bloody know, mistook things I said about someone else and took them to be about yourself.
The vicious One among both of us is Me. I am always the more conniving one, I can always turn around, and turn against You.
Right back atcha, friend.
You have a guilty conscience, and We both know it.
What the hell? I have no guilty conscience whatsoever.
Maybe You got pissed by Me being so open about everything.
I got pissed at you for saying untruths.
Are You disappointed in this outcome? You bet I am.
Well, that's just sad.
va te faire foutre, galeux.
hola, people. I just hate maths homework. I swear, 98.7 is getting lamer every single day... oh, by the way, is it beltane now? =\
Better check my celtic calender.
Saturday, October 15, 2005
spread your arms, shut eye - scream
clean air washes away nothing
for there is nothing in me to clean.
Gosh. I wrote this on impulse and I actually like it. I actually really truly absolutely like something I wrote on pure impulse. I rock.
okay, okay, if you're wondering where the normally humble -ahem- stacy went to, I'm back now. I just drifted off there for a while because I thought the poem was an excellent portrayal of me. ;)
Hey, Robyn - how come you changed your link thing? It now reads "Blogs I do not read". Don't you ever go blog surfing nowadays? =
I just flipped through my mum's history books. I need enlightenment on why I should study Singaporean history. It's darn boring - I'd rather study the history of England, with all its royal splendour and peasantry and stuff. And the Russian thing. I'm obsessed with my 'namesake' Anastasia Romanov.
Rancid words to clutter the air,
Obscene vulgarities uttered, exchanged.
By and by I stayed to you fair;
Yet such words I comprehend not.
Nay, I said nothing - what sayest thou?
I'm still in the Shakespearean mood, as you can see. "What sayest thou". Peter Quince, you rock.
Seize all wariness,
Push them away.
Always we stand -
Ready, united.
Rasp, lie yonder, the fair stream flows.
Oblong is its course, but water sparkles.
Before you with false words,
Yielded false truths, and
No more did I drink from the sparkling water.
She is innocent,
that fair haired lass.
Ale will do nothing to
cloud her conscience.
Yammer she will not;
old her patience is and
oyster-like protected,
In clear mind.
You all think you're awfully smart, so figure this out. (:
I'm kinda sorta happy today and I won't tell you why.
Nourredine was weird today. I personally think it's about time he snapped - we're so horrible to him. ):
Anneliese van der Pol is so good at singing. Usually she's just the sidekick in That's So Raven... I never knew she could sing.
Apparently someone thinks she's so cool. Get off your high horse and stop acting as though everyone loves you. Thank you. (:
I seem to like smileys a lot these days, eh?
hate for no reason
I slept at 1pm yesterday and woke up at 6.21am this morning. More than 12 hours. Gosh, I must sleep like the dead. One whole lovely day gone. -sobs-
On the bright side, I feel nice and cheerful -though a little cranky- now. (:
I'll laugh while you cry. You can wallow in your hatred, and if you want to find me, I'll be somewhere far off, laughing. There, enclose yourself in your misery, hurl insults at yourself, hurl insults at me... They'll only bounce off the stone walls you built around yourself and hit you in the face. lmfao. You can scream for no reason, cry for no reason, spew rails at me, well, I'll be laughing. Hate is a one sided matter in this case. It takes too much energy. Don't bother. :)
I'll be heading to my favourite French class later on. Wish me luck for no reason. heh.
Seriously, I feel curiously indifferent. Usually I'd be worrying about Maths homework but currently I get the feeling as though I don't care. :D
Friday, October 14, 2005
'If you stand up for what you believe in, be prepared to be shot down.'
Christy Moore
So true!
Today was fun, though maybe a bit deadpan. I woke up at 7.17am, panicked, spent ten minutes (record time!) bathing, changing into my school uniform and stuff before I left house at 7.30am or so, took the 7.45am 135 bus to the interchange, took 269, and then practically ran all the way to school because I thought I'd be late for the drama rehearsal.
But no, less than half the class was there.
So sad.
Just a measley 8-10 people. Ah.
Mr. Wong is... eccentric.
Someone actually liked my drabble! You know, the one I posted here a few days ago, about some scot girl with flaxen gold hair... And some people can't accept criticism. It's so pathetic.
My ankle hurt like hell. Hurt. Past tense.
Thursday, October 13, 2005
They act like immature eleven year old guys. ARGH JEEZ PISH. These two sure know how to make my day suck bigtime.
Anyway, today's games carnival sucked, except perhaps for the loser cheer. I lost every game I played - captain's ball and floorball. Oh freaking jeezus.
Heh. I switched games halfway. Captain's ball lost its appeal after I only played once and my team lost three times in a row. Floorball... is a lame imitation of hockey. Give it up for the originals!
Gimme an L
Gimme an O
Gimme an S
Gimme an E
Gimme an R
What does it spell?
ahaha. Work of a genius, whoever made this up. (:
Us losers (except for the Carrom people, or however you spell that) thus happily went and cheered for Moting, Drina, and Teo Liang's team. I swear, Drina almost won! And she would have if her opponent hadn't netted the red piece. =
You know, why can't teachers accept criticism? If students badmouth them on their blogs, then surely there's a problem with the teacher. If the teacher is okay, the student wouldn't badmouth her. The teachers should be the ones doing self-reflections!!!
PAULA. Tell me about the secret involving the halloween gathering! How come you know something I don't?
Heh, okay, jaykay.
Wednesday, October 12, 2005
Firstly, it's STACY, not STACEY! God! Anonymous, hey! You're my classmate and you can't spell. Hmph. Mrs Sushilla is gonna be so disappointed in you, lol. I just love sentence by sentence analysis, so if you flame me unreasonably, I will shred your dignity and pride to pieces and humiliate you like a pig at the abattoir.
ohh are u faking show that u are a nice obedient sweet lil tooted girl with ur hidden smiles and everything?
I don't fake. I go about daily life as usual. Firstly, get it into your head that there're lots of people like me out there. I have met lots of them in chatrooms, on fanfiction, on allpoetry, fictionpress.
These people have many different sides to them, like me. I am talking slowly so that a seemingly bimboish person like you can understand me. Pardon me if you're not a bimbo, but it's easy for people to have that misconception, considering the n00bish way in which you talk. I mean 'ohh are u faking now'. That's SO primary five, ya know. But again, my insincere apologies if I have offended you.
Oh, so you want me to explain my personality? Okay.
I tend to act sarcastic, outgoing etc. (you get the picture) among my close friends, namely SPAR. At school, I don't have any close friends, so I keep to myself. My blogging style is usually the way I act among my close friends. Though, either way, in both situations, I'm still a diehard bookworm. (:
That's the simplest way of putting my personality. Before you snort and flip your hair and look at your nails and roll your eyes like the classic bimbo, let's continue.
nice obedient sweet lil tooted girl with ur hidden smiles and everything?
Hidden smiles? I don't know what you mean, as in, really.
Nice obedient sweet lil tooted girl? Who the hell came up with that? Oh, yeah, you.
Obedient, yes? No, I don't think so. I obey the basic school rules. I obey teachers because I'd have hell if I don't. Basically, anything "obedient" I do is just to keep myself from getting into deep shit. I mean, please, I'm sure you have also been obedient at some points of your life.
And anyway, if you think I'm as obedient as a tractable family dog, you are so wrong. You yourself said that I have different personalities/characteristics, and you don't know all of them - thus I can safely conclude that you don't know me, and you can't judge me.
Sweet?! Sweet?! Does a sweet nice lil tootin girl use swear words in her blog posts? Does a sweet lil tootin girl talk like this? DOES SHE?!
One word to conclude: FAKE!
Honey, wrong grammatical use there. I'm not a bookworm for nothing, ye know. Correctly phrased, it should be this:
One word in conclusion: FAKE!
Doesn't that look much nicer? It does to me. Get your grammar facts right because it's so damn easy.
Anyway, forget what you think, I frankly don't know why I care... but anyway, believe what you like. I know that I'm not fake, merely having many different sides to me, something you as a mono-personality person will never understand.
Je suis STACY, n'est pas STACEY.
Okay, now that worthless hate tag is officially settled, I shalt move on to other things. Like allpoetry IMs.
Okay, so basically I criticized this story:
me: This is okay, but not exactly touching. It's not HORRIBLE, but it's not nice either, and it's boring. I am not exaggerating. Anyway, there's this one thing that kind of pisses me off:"My first so be nice."Ahem. All writers, beginners OR not, have to accept criticism. Deal with it. This sentence only makes you seem more immature, really no offence, but that's what lots of writers think. So it's not okay to flame your first story, but okay to flame your second story? What kind of mentality is that? You might as well say, "Okay, this is my third story, it's okay for you to flame it."Please. Grow up.
The author (Yunaleska) said: Thanks for your honesty. I only wrote 'My first so be nice' because I have really low self-esteem so I worry about everything and I DO accept criticism, I'm fine with that. Just I don't like it when people have a go at me for writing something trash. I prefer them to be polite and nice about it.And I prefer people to be critical and that sentence happens to have a little sarcasm too. I'm hinting I know it's a bad write. I'm sorry that you took it the wrong way.
I replied in an instant message: All's well, thanks for explaining the thing, and my apologies if I offended you in some way.
Said she: ...that's okay.
Okay, and then her best friend read my critic and said: Guess who sounds like a real stuck up bitch here? Even THROUGH criticism you could at least be kind instead of rude, but instead, you had to almost literally attack my AP twin, which means that I now have to reply because you just pissed me off a whole lot. You know what? If you can't at least be nice during comments, DON'T comment. Yuna asked people to be nice. She didn't ASK for a critical comment, which means she doesn't have to put up with pissy people like you and if she is forced to, you will come in contact with me, so back off.
(this is the type of person who simply can't accept the fact that what's bad is bad)
I replied, anyway: Hi. I think you're a bit of a hypocrite, because if I was a bitch, then you're an even bigger bitch now...I know, she didn't ASK for criticism, but no one does. Good writers accept criticism. I do, so why can't she?
"she doesn't have to put up with pissy people like you" Yes, she doesn't have to, is that my problem? No. But she must be grateful to have a protective friend like you.Anyway, I could have been nicer when I posted the comment, but I found her prose really boring, you know, and a lot of writers, not just me, get pissed off by the fact when other writers say "my first so be nice". It's just immature, and I don't care what you think because freedom of belief exists and I believe what I believe.
Anyway, you know what? Yuna and I have already exchanged IMs before you IMed me, and everything's clear between us now. Still, thank you for taking the time to IM me. I understand you agitation but I still do not think I was wrong in posting that critical piece of criticism.
She didn't reply. Or at least hasn't yet. Oh well. People like that really make your day suck.
Jack the Ripper. Fascinating but gruesome. :D
No one's figured it out yet, huh?
Sex deprived freak.
GaMeS cArNiVaL
n00bspeak sucks.
anastazsia is me. It's the warped half Russian form of Anastasia, which my name originates from. Yay.
And duh, it's poetry. (:
I'm in school now. Who's watching the pyramid video?
Three periods of Maths today. Are teachers nuts or what?
wahoo. I look forward to the halloween thing. Bonfires! BONFIRES.
Oh, and I'm le bookworm in our class skit. I only have one word to say, and it's not even a word. Much.
That's what I have to say. And after the scene is over, I can happily go backstage and munch on cookies. (:
Joy just got game over for a game. She almost won.
Blogging in the school's computer lab is fun. Especially when you have sound effects coming from the video that's playing now.
Mrs. Sushilla thinks I'm a nice girl. How nice. Not.
She also said that 'not many people know I'm a nice girl'.
Because, uh, I'm not a nice girl?
Sure, I may be talented and intelligent and witty and sarcastic and not-funny and precocious and democratic but I'm not nice.
Please note that the above statement is not meant to offend those talented and intelligent and witty and sarcastic and not-funny and precocious and democratic people.
I just have a head as big as James Potter. ;)
What's that Chinese idiom again? Oh, yeah. bu zi liang li.
Joy got game over again!
And Emily's on Yahoo!.
Melissa's playing... what's that?
Michelle L.J.L is doing homework.
Games Carnival tomorrow. If we play against Loyalty, they're gonna trounce us. (:
How absolutely sad, innit?
Physics so sucks. I think. (----)
aliens with aids.
Tuesday, October 11, 2005
Now, the concealment of certain showoff-ish words is very obvious, so yeah.
No, wait, isn't there that darn physics test to study for? Oh. It's not counted. -beams- I guess I'll just cram in the basic facts tomorrow. Just to keep myself happy when I pass my test.
Yes, I am that lousy at physics that all I hope for is a pass. And most people close to me know that I would hate to fail any test/exam that is counted towards our PPR. Those not-counted tests I can flunk all I like. (:
The reason for this manic frenzy to not fail any counted stuff is because I have never failed any exam/major tests before. Only some of the practice papers, which as we all know, is like - not counted. At all.
Bad attitude, bad attitude, bad attitude, I know. Yet, methinks that 'tis is enough to serve mine own turn.
ahaha. ego. diss me all you like. WAHAHA.
Ahem. Oh well.
You know, I think that two hours ago I wrote the longest newspaper reflection of my freaking life. All crap, of course. Heaven knows I never produce any true quality newspaper reflections.
Piano was actually good today. Lucky, too. Or maybe it's my own intelligence. ha. Clever me cleverly made the clever decision to cleverly stall for time so my teacher wouldn't ask clever me to cleverly play my cleverly practised (not) scales, because clever I cleverly didn't practise my scales. woohoo.
Scales. I hate scales. Don't see the point of em. As long as we know our key signatures... who cares?!
Monday, October 10, 2005
Peaseblossom, Cobweb, Mustardseed, Moth. Names of the darn fairies.
I fear it, I promise you. Starveling
Bless thee, bless thee, Bottom! thou art translated! Quince
By'r a lakin, a parlous fear. Snout
Will the ladies not be afeard of the lion? Snout
find moonshine, find moonshine! Bottom
Must I speak now? Flute
brisky juvenal... Flute
What hempen homespuns have we swaggering here?
So near the cradle of the fairy queen?
What, a play too? I'll be an auditor
And an actor, too, if I see cause.
Puck (I just love this guy!)
Are we all met? Quince
Pat, pat...blah blah blah. Bottom
eke most lovely Jew Flute
Odours, odours. Quince
I believe we must leave the killing out, when all is done and well. Starveling
Considering that all that is rattled off from memory, and I've only started actually reading Shakespeare last night, I think it's pretty good, eh? Not.
Oh well.
Sunday, October 09, 2005
post office
Shining dully, faintly, but there-
Huddling amongst galaxies of galaxies.
Inner flame is nearly extinguished
Just about gone, but provoking aware
Intimate dreams prevail, fade-
Ecstasy would come, but hasn’t.
Raindrops spilling onto roses,
Serenading dusk.
The scent of bloom in the soft spring rain
Provokes a lustful wind, a gust.
A/N - If you're smart, you'll figure out what I've hidden. Though the second poem is pretty pointless. I just love poems without much rhyming, yet manage to have so much rhythm. But I've a long way to go, so wish me luck. (:
oh, and just a side note. a useful tip. Don't buy the IMPACT Pepper Mints, Sugar Free. They taste...ugh. Buy the peach flavored ones if you will. They taste nicer. The Pepper Mint flavoured ones taste like toothpaste.

How absolutely touching. A picture given to me. ;) Not very special, but the camaraderie's there.
I have a lit test on tuesday which I haven't studied for. I don't plan to flunk it, but I don't plan to study either. But the latter won't prevail. I'll study anyway. Damn guilt.
Two book reviews to do. Piano to practise. (I just can't get this song right) Lit test to study for. More songs to download. Hockey to practise, only my stick is currently in school.
Wish the seniors weren't coming to training next next week. I don't dislike them, as in, dislike dislike, but I prefer sec ones-only trainings.
Freak darn shit! Oh bother. I feel like singing a threnody for you. Baroque style. Ornamentation and all. Out of all the old music, I like Celtic and Baroque the best. Folk songs, like Irish and Scottish and English folk songs, are nice as well. Wonder if they all have threnodies. (:
Yeah and I don't like having to do book reviews. It's almost as bad as lit. Just minus the hard thinking. Think hard. Bah. As if it's that enjoyable.
I'm going cycling later. Revel in my freedom! haha. Paula's finished her exams, I can't believe it. Usually most schools finish only next week, but darn.
I'm feeling sorta depressed because I'm listening to Ashlee Simpson's 'Endless Summer'. I like her name. Ashlee. The song gives you that bittersweet feeling. I'm going to recommend it to readers of the very last chapter of Ironically So.
Ironically So is my baby. Wonder how I'm going to conclude it. It's a lousy story, though. Barely any plot. Just a get 'em together story, plus rubbish added in in bits and pieces.
It's not my stinking fault that your life sucks.
I still like it. The real plots will come in my next story. I think it's going to be original fiction, not fanfiction. Like the new music? You'd better.
Saturday, October 08, 2005
celtic rock
Flaxen gold hair prettily framed a classic heart shaped face. A silver charm bracelet slid up and down her wrist, charms dangling as she walked. Heeled sandals clicked rhythmically on the quaint Scottish cobblestone streets, encasing dainty feet. The girl of his dreams sashayed down the street gaily, alone, eyes wide and searching.
She had eyes gray as the sky after a shower of mellow spring rain.
In one ringed hand she clutched a leather notebook, in the other a pen. She wrote as she walked. The ink flew rapidly over paper. He watched her with soft eyes, parched throat. She spotted him, then, and a small smile quirked her rosebud lips. Walking over, his heart beat in his small chest, and she reached over to pet him gently. He flew away, heart broken.
Who ever said I couldn't? =)
Never give out your password or credit card number in an instant message conversation.
That's so dumb.
ira ira ira.
la meilleur etudiante. Like I have any chance of becoming that.
ahahahaha. I am so looking forward to the halloween thing. That last time we had a halloween gathering with more than 4 people was when GWL came. And that was the only time. Oh, well. Let's not go into that. My rabbit's whiskers almost got burnt.
I mean, when I had a rabbit. At that time. You know, I brought him along and they barely glanced past the candle flame... ooer.
Young and childish then, I was.
I'm still young. Just not as childish. (:
We are so going to have icebreaker games. I don't know any of the guys, figuratively, you know. I can't believe Jade and Saranya are going to dance.
Oh. I'll help them make a bonfire. And I'll bring marshmallows. The marshmallow part will be yummy. Very yummy. Roasted marshmallows, so nice!
let's bring on the multiple chins.
Brad Pitt is ugly. ):
Life is the best joke ever! haha, hello Mary-Anne. If you're there.
Saranya and Jade actually plan to hang bats all over the park. I personally think we should paint em with some white. Or sprinkle them with glitter. So they're more noticeable and they won't freak out the kids at the park the next day, you know, if we leave any behind. Accidentally.
We don't need to wear costumes anymore. What a shame. I was planning to go dressed as a fairy.
Or a princess.
You know, with a sparkly tiara and that nice golden sceptre, a more feminine version of the one King Tritan uses in The Little Mermaid. Oh, and a pretty gown with sequins and all. And I could do up my hair a la Jennifer Aniston (who, unlike her ex spouse Mr. Pitt, actually looks nice).
Ooh, and glass slippers! I mean plastic.
Oh, who the hell am I kidding.
Paula's exams are over. Lucky her.
While I have this freaking lit test. No one likes lit, dammit.
I love to lie.
I'm blogging. Again. Oh, well.
I'm hopelessly in love with music boxes.
Oh, and I wore that pretty white collared shirt for the first time and have decided that I've fallen in love with it and am going to wear it every Saturday/Sunday/whatever day for the rest of my life. As long as it fits me.
I want a music box for Christmas.
Mm. Paradise must be lovely. And non existent. Let the upside down rainbow SHINE. Metaphors rock my stinking high socks. :D
I LOOK DOWN ON EVERYONE FROM MY LOVELY PARADISE IN THE CLOUDS. Literally, not figuratively, so shut up.
I don't give a shit about teenage angst. Unless of course you're considering cutting. Or suicide. -glares at someone who will probably never visit my blog-
My affection goes to the starving people of the Middle East. And everywhere else. And the AIDS victims. Hell, compared to these, exams, intellect, teenage angst, family problems, abuse etc. are nothing.
But freedom of speech does exist, so continue saying/typing what yall like. Oh, and I'll be putting up a new site soon...sort of...maybe... oh. Well. Look out for it.
I'm cleverer and stupid-er than most people think I am. I'm ignorant to bliss, aware of the bad stuff. For a thirteen year old I'll consider myself more mature than others of my age, but not all that mature because I still throw sand at people at the playground. And other stuff. Oh, and I consider some of my views on life very philosophical and I think that they are views others should adopt as well, but freedom of belief does exist, so I'm not forcing anyone into thinking and believing what I think.
I am well aware that my writing skills surpass many others of my age but I'm also convinced that I'll never become a good writer. Main reason being that I can't put together a good plot for nuts. Even if my descriptive and my expression are good, the plot speaks for itself, so I doubt I'll ever get a story published. And besides, there're so many other good writers out there, much much better than me.
Like Stephen King. Stephen King rocks. He's good in descriptive AND plot making. Also, Agatha Christie. She's brilliant when it comes to plots, only her descriptive isn't that good.
Elizabeth George Speare rocks.
So does whoever wrote Tuck Everlasting. (Mary something?) And I like Anne Barrett's 'Midway'. But if I continue like this, this post will never end, so anyway.
Who gives a stinking fuck about the bad things people think of me? From this post, people may start thinking of me as egocentric, but I'm only telling what I think I am.
I am currently trying to work up the courage to be like, what's her name again... Oh well. She's a woman who wrote something in a book, something that those Islam manics got scared of, and prosecuted her for it. HA. And her country claims to be democratic. Please. She's my idol.
Fanfiction is for those with dreams and imagination.
Go on, say I'm ignorant.
Because being ignorant to everything but the bad points in life is what shaped me to become the optimist/semi-pessimist that I am today.
I'm still alive.
The fucker
(I got this from Meg Cabot's 'Boy Meets Girl'. I just love her stories. Call me a bimbo, but I know I'm not. Haha. Mitchell Hertzog -who strongly reminds me of a nicer Blaise Zabini- signs off his emails with 'The Fucker', or 'Fucker', just to spite some people. lmao. Meg Cabot so rocks!
What's a Skiboy?
Friday, October 07, 2005
Face it, the starving children in Africa and Iraq and all those developing countries have got it much worse than yall. So stop with all that self pity. Stop crying and bloody look around you. I'd rather go to Africa and distribute water bottles. Contrary to what that bloody volunteer who came to primary school last year to give a talk, yes, I do believe that distributing water bottles in Africa WILL make a difference. A bottle of water could save a life. Bloody volunteer. What the heck would you know?
Okay, anyway, I have to agree totally with a writer who said that the word fuck is in the vocabulary bank of lots of 13 year olds. I'm 12, hah.
Anyway, self pity. Lol. Yo, GWL, wassup wif all dat angsty nicknames on msn lorhx. ahaha. Hey, ------ from primary school, you're not in love. If you're 13 and you think you're in love, objective word being 'think', I say you're a despo freak.
Damn msn nicknames. Damn I-think-no-one-else-in-the-world-is-as-sad-as-me people. You freaking fuckers, get a life.
Self pity is degrading yerself. Ye hate yourselves so much? Go jump in the Rio Grande. Or the Missouri.
Pretty rivers.
My life is good and I know it. I don't freaking wallow in self pity. Self-pitiers, get OUT. I'd rather read LJ. Or Write LJ. There're so many people out there who're more unfortunate than you, like, read the news! Women are getting raped and molested out there; it's amazing that no one has campaigned to castrate all men. Or at least castrate all rapists and molesters.
Sometimes we need to learn from the barbarians.
Oh, and recently I've read a book with more than just a few hints at homosexuality and then I thought about Romeo and Juliet, and A Midsummer's Night Dream. Romantic tragedies and comedies respectively.
People fuck up their brains with all those shitty illusions about ROMANCE.
Love is a symbol of eternity. It wipes out all sense of time, destroying all memory of a beginning and all fear of an end. - Author Unknown
ooh. that's some seriously funny shit.
Okay, maybe not, but uh, let's continue, kay? Kay.
People deceive themselves that love is a beautiful wondrous thing, and then they catch a lesbian couple kissing and their eye pop out of their small heads and their mouths form this 'o' which is the exact size of their puny brain.
They see an incestual couple kissing and they privately think about how immoral it is.
All while claiming that they accept love.
If you really accept love, you accept ALL forms of it, which include incest and homo-ism.
There's no such thing about loving one part of love and hating another, because all love is the same.
The love between a gay couple and the love between a 'normal' couple is exactly the same.
It's all love, you freaks. No diff. Go figure. Get it into your head. Shut the fuck up and listen me out.
You're an ardent fan of Alexander the Great, huh?
He liked men.
Oh, and dear gags Mr. Wong, no matter how much of a bookworm I am and regardless of the fact that I am an avid reader and a hockey lover, I don't go around holding a book to my nose as in really to my NOSE and carrying my lovely (er) orange hockey stick in another hand. That's just stupidity. Like, who does that?
oh, and maybe I'd make Winnie drink the water, though that's getting a bit cliche... -smiles sadly-
Maybe another time. Like, in another one-shot. (:
Chinese. Ah.
Su xian, Huiting, Calida and I originally had the whole mini skit prepared. Huiting, Calida and I would play the starving-cannibal-villagers who believed that throwing salt into the sea would appease the no balled river god. But when we went up, everything went wrong and us actors got cold feet and thus did not bow down and throw 'salt' at the audience as originally planned.
Teacher ended up thinking that we didn't plan our thing properly. Not that I can blame her though I am freakingly pissed. At myself. And at my group. haha.
I mean, haha, not.
But on the bright side, I got full marks for ting xie. The first time ever this year. -smiles-
So now 100 is my highest score and 98 is my second highest and 94 is my third highest and 90 is my fouth highest and 37/50 is my lowest. Unfortunately. But if I go according to Mr. Liew's standards, I only have to attend remedial ting xie one time. Er, yay.
Come to think of it, there isn't a single teacher in this school with the surname "Liew". I guess.
Oh, and I only just realized exactly HOW 'green' sng is. So many plants. And trees. And stuff. ooer. Weird.
The dentist's office is so cramped up, I pity the dentist. It sort of stank of...something. ZPS' dental clinic was prettier. More hightech. Tidier. BIGGER. SO MUCH BIGGER.
But there's no point comparing. -sobs-
45 reviews for my LJ fic! ahaha. I'm jumping with joy. Not.
Sunday, October 02, 2005
Oh, and Robyn, Paula, Saranya, Amanda - you might get a laugh out of this. Just now (exact time unknown) I cycled past mushroom's house where -someone- and his sister were playing badminton. I thought that someone was their maid but it turned out to be mushroom himself. lmfao. Imagine - mushroom, maid. Mushroom, maid. Mushroom, maid. Er ha ha.
Okay, maybe it's not that funny.
Ah, scrap that. It's not funny at all.
Anyway. I watched the people play badminton at the oval dais. Stick-man, being the skinny showoff he is, could hardly play badminton yet he was like...uh...showing off? He backtracks a little distance, runs forward and swipes the racket at the shuttlecock as if it's swordplay. It was h-i-l-a-r-i-o-u-s. And the sad part was that he actually thought we were impressed by him. I find it fascinating that such people actually exist outside chick flicks.
Hm. And all the while I was sitting cross legged by the sideline, watching the game like an utter moron because I am quite aware that my badminton skills have seriously deteriorated.
20cm. 20cm!
I've realized -again- how fun it is to have a birthday party. Don't you dare say it's childish. I mean, even my grandparents celebrate their birthdays. I want to celebrate mine this year, as in, really celebrate. Though I don't think it'll happen.
Oh, and my mum asked me what christmas present I'd like to have.
All I really want is to have good results, actually.
But other than
- Perfect eyesight!
oops, I mean contact lenses. Sigh.
- MORE MORE MORE BLACK tshirts. And white ones.
- Jeans. I don't own a single pair.
- A brain transplant. I want, uh, J.K. Rowling's brain. And money. Jaykay.
- For my hockey to like, really really really improve?
- More vcds; movies like "Lady Jane". You know, romantic historical fiction.
- For my WRITING to improve.
- For my LJ story to be completed.
- To befriend Saranya's neighbours. Uh, Paula, Robyn, Saranya, Amanda, it really would be nice to have some guy friends for a change. Guy. Friends. Not. Boyfriends. Guy. Friends. Got me? (:
- To cut my hair short short short. Snip.
- There's really nothing else.
Saturday, October 01, 2005
Hey James, you probably won't read this considering as you like, never read my blog? But I am insanely jealous of you because you've shot up by at least 20cm. And you're so much taller than me now. Did I mention that I would like to shoot up by 20cm? Well, not so much, maybe 15cm. Jeez. Oh well.
AND Gordon, dear brother of James, does height run in your family or something? You're in P5 this year and you're as tall as me. Oh, and -puts on deadliest glare- never ever spray that mosquito repellent thing on me again. It stinks, really! And I swear that I will throw more wet towels at you again if you do so. Heh. (:
So basically, the last dying hours of the party were spent (by me) thrashing my two cousins (Gordon and Joel) on xbox. But it doesn't really count, considering that Joel is what, six years old? Er ha ha.
I've lost all my badminton skills. I used to be good at it. Now I'm so... I can't even swerve! Ah, such is the bitterness of playing too much hockey and neglecting my precious badminton racket.
Oh, James, you're in your class' hockey team right? I don't know if you'll be able to follow this advice coach always gives us - bend down. Considering that you're like, uber tall now, you probably won't be able to bend down... Oh, I'm joking, really I am. -smiles evilly-
And, Gordon (and James), if you ever try to steal the computer mouse again I swear I will personally castrate you two.
I need a new blogskin. =\
So I'll just pretend that the cross represents the Red Cross. I am, after all, an ex Red Cross-ian. Though I never really enjoyed Red Cross meetings.
Also, my dear favourite prime minister Mr. Lee Hsien Long, there is something on which I need serious -puts on serious face- enlightening.
Ahem. You throw such a hissy fit (okay, exaggerating) when racism comes along. Then, may I ask, why you don't slam those chauvinistic brats out there? You say racism promotes hate in the community. Chauvinism does the same thing. There are lots of chauvinistic comments made there, many of which were published in the newspaper. Racists deserve your attention, so why not chauvinists?
Afterall, your precious Indians and Malays would not have come about if not for les femmes. Us women/girls/ladies/whatevers play key roles in society, and you dare continue to let us be discriminated against by chauvinists, put down, raped, forced to submit to our husbands, boyfriends etc.? Damn. Chauvinists and all should be fined, then put into 50 years imprisonment, and then, dear Prime Minister, I'd suggest guillotine-ing off their heads.
Racists and chauvinists are equally damned, so there's no reason for the government to slam down on one of these and ignore the other.