Sunday, October 02, 2005


ooer. My new layout sucks but it's so much better than Draco Malfoy's face. (:

I've realized -again- how fun it is to have a birthday party. Don't you dare say it's childish. I mean, even my grandparents celebrate their birthdays. I want to celebrate mine this year, as in, really celebrate. Though I don't think it'll happen.

Oh, and my mum asked me what christmas present I'd like to have.

All I really want is to have good results, actually.

But other than

- Perfect eyesight!
oops, I mean contact lenses. Sigh.

- MORE MORE MORE BLACK tshirts. And white ones.

- Jeans. I don't own a single pair.

- A brain transplant. I want, uh, J.K. Rowling's brain. And money. Jaykay.

- For my hockey to like, really really really improve?

- More vcds; movies like "Lady Jane". You know, romantic historical fiction.

- For my WRITING to improve.

- For my LJ story to be completed.

- To befriend Saranya's neighbours. Uh, Paula, Robyn, Saranya, Amanda, it really would be nice to have some guy friends for a change. Guy. Friends. Not. Boyfriends. Guy. Friends. Got me? (:

- To cut my hair short short short. Snip.

- There's really nothing else.