Thursday, October 20, 2005


People seem to dislike Amelia Tyler. On the other hand, I think she's a fantastic character. Bimbos/socialite-wannabes are fun to write about, because they're just so clueless when everything is placed on a silver platter and served directly under their nose.


Today's excursion was, may I say, a total waste of time. I learnt nothing and wasted three or two bus trip's worth of cents in my ezlink card. When I got home, there was ten cents left.

Oh, and my legs nearly died.

From, uh, somewhere, we went all the way to some yacht club, navy museum thing, ah heck. There was a hell lot of kilometers to walk.

Oh, and I think I'm really dumb, uh - cospeoplehavebeenreferringallthetimetosomeonewhomiheardtheycalled'mrssee'butionlyrealized

All this time I was wondering who "Mrs See" was.


: oh, yeah, try to make yourself seem like you're ohsocool when it does the exact opposite. Good luck there, poser. (: