Thursday, October 20, 2005


Right now I'm sick of music. I'm sick of the noisy, vomit-inducing pop, rock, r&b, whatever. Usually when that happens, I can still resort to classical/celtic music, but nuh uh today. Right now all I want is silence.

It's kind of weird. I'm sick of life. I hope it's just a break from life, a lovely dedente, but anyway. I really would like to skip school tomorrow. I'm feeling depressed for no reason and even cycling doesn't help because I have no one to cycle with. Not at 10.04pm. SPAR probably can't come out. (in this case, 'S' refers to Saranya, not Stacy)


I want to curl up under the blankets where it'll be nice and warm. So you ask, why don't I. I don't know. And if I do, I won't tell you.

All I really want, uh, right now, is some peace and quiet. As you can see from my previous blog post, today sucked. Maybe I'm just feeling lethargic, but I don't know.

Oh, crap. I still have to clear my desk by tomorrow. A Friday. What better day could there be?

Hm, let me think. Like Today. Wednesday. Tuesday. Monday. But no, stupid me had to procastinate till today, and I'll have to pay the price tomorrow when I have to lug a heavy English file, a bag full of art stuff, my bag, and my shoebag home.

There's a reason why I don't like Fridays. Tomorrow's Friday, in particular.

I like gypsies. And their style, i.e. large dangling hoop earrings -haha-, bohemian style. So tribal. I like.

But right now I'm content to stick to oversized tshirts (like my yellow -yucks- hockey shirt), and shorts. Terribly outlandish, informal, way too casual, but ah.

I should sleep now.

But I have this nagging feeling that there's more to say.

I read this really good book, "A Chance Child", by Jill Paton Walsh. So wonderful. Poignant, powerful, yeah... the best I've read in a long time.

Oh, speaking about stories, Vanessa - I read yours. More descriptive writing would spice things up like, a lot. And try to make them less Enid Blyton-ish, if you get what I mean.

Gosh, it's hard to be mean to a friend.

I'm joking.

I hope.

Hey Robyn, yeah, TATU is a great band and I like their new song. Didn't know they were lesbians, but heck, go Tatu!

I want holidays. If only I could just call up a waiter and demand snobbishly, "Weekend, please!", after which he'd serve me the weekend on a nice silver platter. Yawn.

Alexander the Great. Sigh.

Has it suddenly become a trend to declare one's everlasting love for Chad Michael Murray? I personally think his eyes are too small and his features are nowhere near striking, but heck.

I wonder. Is 'oh my gosh' the term people in the past used to disguise 'oh my god' when they were scolded by some priest for swearing using god's name?

Curl up under a nice warm blanket and sleep.

Yeah, that's what I'll do.

I'm yawning. What time did I sleep last night? Oh, yeah. Past eleven. -cringes-