Tuesday, October 25, 2005

swear words

Is it too early to be making my 2006 resolutions?

oh well.

Some people see the age where the word 'fuck' enters our vocabulary as an age when people -like us teens- rebel, go all bad ass on them, thinking that swearing is cool.

From another angle, I think that the day one learns to use the word 'fuck' is the day one becomes braver.

For all our lives, those damned adults have been scheming against swear words, saying stuff like "only uneducated people use them", "they're vile", "only used for revilers", etc etc. Bullshit.

The adults lived in a too conservative environment.

And I can't help but think that they're trying to smother us with their conservative thoughts.

Well, wake up, seniors. 21st century, yoo hoo?

Democracy, ya know.

Just because we're young and innocent doesn't mean we aren't entitled to democracy.

And it takes... I don't know. Personally I think it takes courage to break apart what we've been taught for ages - 'fuck' is the sacred word. Touch me not. Stay away from. Avoid at all costs. There's everything wrong with it.

Yeah right.

So once we emerge from that conservative shell the adults have molded around us, we take our first step towards true open mindedness. (:

And thus, my dear adults, swear words aren't just for the uneducated. What did you say? Aw, I don't give a fuck.


Pardon how cheesy I must have sounded. It just popped up, you know. Philosophy is a great subject.

I can't play my grade 5 pieces anymore. I mean, I can, but they're bad.


I'm trying to come up with ways of how to rebut my statements on swear words. Just for fun. I like having mini debates in my mind. Like over why Marigold milk is cow dung compared to fresh goat's milk.

Oh well. Wednesday. Tomorrow. Saturday. Four more days.

