Friday, March 31, 2006
Time, you think, ticking pushing steadily inexorably FORWARD FORWARD FORWARD, and it rolls and rolls and rolls and rolls? The thing that drives forward?
That's not time, it's life. In more than one way.
but if you don't believe in life forces et cetera, there's always the alternative. We have no 'souls', there is no 'life force', there is no 'time'. In fact, nothing exists but science, technically speaking.
We are just masses of molecules going about our ordinary lives because we foolishly think that time is driving us on, on a huge stone rock etc. thing we call the Earth.
like you know, no 'life', we're machines with emotions, and death is not the loss of life force but merely the breaking down of our organs.
barren, coldly scientific, nothing more to it.
Time? It's just something born out of our conscience.
7 oclock could be 8 o'clock, who cares.
unfortunately, we incompetent humans have to rely on time to put our lives in order.
Seriously. I prefer sundials.
onwards, Singapore!
Loved the concert, as I said. I should go to Victoria Concert Hall more often. my mum said she used to bring me there, to watch Chinese opera or the Chinese orchestra or smth like it, and I always got fidgety towards the end.
I also have vague memories of getting extremely bored, restless and fidgety whenever my parents brought me to church.
What could one possibly expect, anyway.
I was 6 and curious and sociable and unappreciative of music and the bible.
There were times when I got bored at the snyo concert, but definitely not fidgety. (:
hm. Don't feel like doing a concert report.
Next year I shall voluntarily go to the next snyo concert.
yeah yeah Mary-Anne you've got my support. :D
History test. It was fairly easy though I'm not confident of my picture inference thing. Think I'll do pretty well for the text-based source though.
btw, I've gotten an A1 for my geog test.
You know, always for last year, I'd always be just half a mark shy of the A1 mark. 18.5/25, for both tests.
And at long last, I've gotten the long coveted A1, 19/25.
well, it's just a half mark difference.
amazing what people would do just for the lovely label.
But for now, I shall remain content.
Art! I adore art class. Mr. Foo's a really nice teacher, never mind that he can be temperamental. I don't know why but writers, musicians and artists are rather fussy/hot tempered people etc.
Okay, that's just a stereotype, but Mr. Foo seems to fit in nicely.
a-nyway, ceramics today. I don't have the gift of moulding lovely stuffs with my hands, but I like to make, well, so called 'different' and irregular shapes.
By some miraculous stroke of luck, Mr. Foo seems to like irregular/err, interestingly shaped stuff as well.
and thus to-day I made my first ceramic vase/bowl.
It's sulaoshi's birthday today. The 2Faith of last year celebrated it in the canteen, after school.
Hockey. oh man, I suck I suck I suck.
I'm going for the recess training sessions.
right hand firm don't crowd use more force don't stumble over the ball or your own feet.
big scary dangerous hockey sticks.
People seem to have the impression that those hockey sticks made of carbon/etc. are by default better than the wooden hockey sticks.
Like, wooden hockey sticks are lousy, et cetera. Hm. the material's not as good as the carbon stuff, but-
I can play better with my lovely wooden stick as compared to with those made of carbon, which are, really, a lot heavier. Except for the occasional one like Rita's. Light like nonexistent cloud.
Aside from Annice, I'm really the only one in the team who's still using the wooden stick. Almost everyone else has switched to the carbon/? stuff.
oh, well.
Let's see how long it lasts. The wood's starting to crack.
I'm not sayin'.
IN magazine, comes with The Straits Times every Monday, delivered straight to school and then to our classrooms.
I considered submitting a poem, but naah.
The magazine's getting a lot more boring these days.
and on a sidenote, lots of the poems submitted there are mediocre, or worse than mediocre. I'm not a good poet, I'm just saying. It's not hard to tell a good poem from a bad one.
all these are blatantly angsty, in which the poet foolishly creates a pathetic, pitiful situation, with weak appeal to the reader.
and yet I'm pretty sure that there will be people who'll go, "omgz lorhxx! wah lao shho chim larhz!"
A-nyway, the interclass speaking competition participants selection thing?
I GUESSED CORRECT YAY eleanor got it. (:
BUT she didn't want to take part.
thus we voted again.
this time natalie got in, it was like, she got more than half of the votes.
So if she wins the competition, she'll be the winner of the sec1 storytelling competition and this speech making competition.
hm. Wonder if there'll be impromptu speechs.
hey Greg, moo.
and lyk, lets bitch.
Thursday, March 30, 2006
BECAUSE THE CONCERT WAS SO EFFING WONDERFUL GOOD LOVELY SPECTACULAR. Esp. the ending. The finale. Ending part. Pure magnifique-ness. C'est incroyable!
There was harp celesta castanet drum cymbal tambourine, on top of the strings dominated orchestra.
I can't believe Kerina didn't hear the harp. hmm.
It was really nice, that glissando.
There was this guy who looked eerily like my ex-tuition classmate. Chinese. But mary-anne says he's in like jc1 or 2.
Vanessa called him and anuzzer guy the dramatic duo.
B'cos they were like, really physically expressive. I don't mind that much though.
Passion is a lovely thing to express. :D
There was one girl, violin2 or viola if I'm not wrong. One of the hairs on her bow came out while she was playing. haha, when it wasn't her turn, she was busily ripping out that hair.
And the violin1s were great, of course.
The best thing's that I've found my muse, at long last.
Sort of. Inspiration, y'know?
Raise of the eyebrows. Petty smirks. Gosh, I love that.
Let's mold a hardcore kickass character.
Now if only I didn't have to write the concert report.
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
not so subtly.
But heck. I think I've crossed the word limit, though honestly, unless one is only elaborating on one point, how am I supposed to do a thorough reflection in 250 words?
hm. Scratch reflection.
It was more of a rant.
D'you think the teachers will tell the difference?
Maybe. I kind of like Mrs Lee.
It's confirmed, by the way. For my group's Macbeth play, I'm witch number one. I get to wear a cool hat, hawaii-esque necklaces, a long black cloak and possibly a mask. The catch - I also get to say those really cool lines like 'charmed pot', in which there is an accent on top of the 'e'. And duhly, the pronunciation will have to conform to the accent.
I'm not that stressed now.
In fact, I think I deal with stress fairly well.
Somehow it all manages to vanish when I bottle it up inside of me.
I only get more stressed when I confide in others.
You know, the whole 'lykletsbitch' thing. haha, hullo Greg. (:
won't cut it for me, bitchin'.
It was a beautiful evening when I last looked out of the window. The sky was half obscured by clouds, but the other half was so clear, there'll almost certainly be stars showing. But if not, there'll still be stars tomorrow, and tomorrow, and for all the tomorrows and todays of eternity. Fret not.
today, for the first time this year, I ate fried food on fried food day.
I should try the orange bowl stall one day. But it always seems to come with a long queue.
famous stuffs.
To-morrow we're gonna vote for someone to take part in the sec2 interclass speech making competition.
hmm. Bet Eleanor'll get in. ;)
Natalie got the drama last year, and Eleanor got the conviction.
most'll vote for Eleanor anyway. Personally I can't think of anyone else who'll get in.
Well, she's got my vote. Maybe Ugenie as well. I don't know.
frankly, I wouldn't mind going up there on the stage, doing a speech for everyone. I particularly love impromptus. Scary but thrilling. and I think I'm not too bad at them.
I've kind of regained my love for public-speaking.
In primary 1, I jumped at the chance to tell a story on stage. I mean, literally. Mrs Ang was asking who wanted to join the competition, and I nearly had an aneurysm, I jumped up, raising my hand. My chair fell down in my haste to stand up.
Well, she had a couple of kids to choose from, and we all 'auditioned' but I didn't get in, Saranya did. I remember Lena (that time from 1F) burst out into giggles in the middle of her story, heh.
I continued to like speaking on stage. In p5 I did it again, in P6 I did it twice. Legs were shaking, heart pounding and racing and stuff, but loved it anyway.
In sec1 I started hating it.
And now I'm lovin' it.
well, naturally. I am my father's daughter. He's pretty successful at the toastmaster's club, won awards, stuff like that.
but he's better than me anyway, a better arguer and all.
Imagine what people would think. Quiet, supposedly studious and meek Stacy going up to the stage to give a speech.
HAHA, well, the likelier choice would be Eleanor. (:
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
Sunday, March 26, 2006
Thursday, March 23, 2006
or shouldn't be.
Blah. One more can waiting downstairs.
Bag to pack. Book to read. Notes to take. Test to study for.
Studied for. I don't know what to study for lit.
My art piece is green and purple. Not the best combination, but pfft. I'll have to give my speech tomorrow. I feel strangely confident.
I was never good at art. I could read and I could sing and I could joke but drawing and painting were never my forte.
I was one of the worst in art, in primary school.
Still am. Though now I get the whole symbolism thing a whole lot more.
(and we're morphing back into our own words, the strange familiarity gone, and while it seems okay now there's still that drifting whisper of strangers, strangers)
Not related.
There are times when I really, really need a hug.
Not now.
There's still this final spot on my art piece waiting to dry. It's dark green.
I'm calling the whole thing The Green Confine.
The 'confine' part would be fitting. Not sure about the 'Green' though. Maybe I should make it less physical.
'll try to upload a picture of my piece.
For starters, for yesterday and today I ran into Delphine about 3-4 times. Surprising, considering that since last year we've been avoiding each other like the plague (black death, ooh. and we all fall down). Well, we don't really need to avoid each other anyway, seeing as we frequent totally different places. I go to the library all the time, and i have no idea where she goes. mm, ramble.
Only proves that stnicks isn't that big a place after all.
See Wan Yin.
My primary school senior. I remember her, I actually remember her; a spectacled, petite prefect often teased for her surname. Now she's a school librarian. She scanned the book process thingy into the computer for me this recess! I don't think she recognizes me. After a while of self-debating i was all, "Wan Yin, you're from Zhonghua Primary school?"
I couldn't really hear her reply. But she nodded. And I nodded back. And that was it.
Two years older, oh, she's graduating this year. Maybe I'll talk to her.
Steven Yuwono.
To-day, just today, when I finally decided to take bus 136 after months or so, he just happened to board the same bus. Didn't see me at first, but he did when we got off at the same bus-stop. Hmm. Right across the road.
I love life sometimes.
my good spirits were however dampened by the yellow railings, on the way back home.
I'm readin' a book titled Sophie's World. Based on philosophy. Vaguely interesting, but the author seems like he's trying to say that all things like going on the computer *cough*, what homework we have, what the latest fashion trends and gossip are, television, the olympics etc. are all pointless and the only thing worth doing is pondering the philosophy of life and wondering where the world came from.
I know, I know. Trends, gossip et cetera aren't the most important things in life. But they make up life and that's what's important.
Philosophy as a pastime? That's all fine and dandy and pretty interesting but if we did that all the time-
We need to live a little.
The author seems more concerned with what should be instead on what is. Yeah, we need to tell ourselves that everything is possible and pigs can fly, but I'd rather work on what we have first before going on to new and previously deemed impossible heights.
Other than that, everything's good. I'm looking forward to read about Socrates and Plato and Aristotle. :3
(because they're basically the only philosophers I've heard about, but pfft, I like them anyway. Go Socrates, man!)
And I've previously heard of Anaximander and Anaximenes (sp?) and Thales (who believes that water is the source of all life), but there're some other ones I'd never heard of before.
Like Heraclitus. There's another guy with the long name starting with a 'P'.
-is showing off-
b'div finals tomorrow! I'm pretty hyped up about it. Frankly, not too anxious either, seeing as... well...
Our seniors are unbeatable.
Sort of.
But they're damn good and they even beat the all-time champion Northland, so tomorrow's match against Crescent should go fine.
But then, never underestimate your opponents.
Hooha. c'div's got lots to live up to.
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
my shit
Nor question 14.
But the rest are fine.
but then, who doesn't?
Did pretty well for the lit test. Would've gotten full marks if I made more references to the passage, accordin' to Mrs. Sushilla. haha NO, I'm not aiming for full marks, at least I wasn't when I did the test. All I really want to do is get a good score.
I mean, who's all 'hey, I wanna get full marks' when they start doing a test? bleh, most people just wish they'll do well, or that they'd pass.
I don't want to give my speech tomorrow.
I'm going to edit it quite a bit, and frankly, I think I shall speak in a semi-monotone, a dearth of passion a speech like mine requires, and in a voice that's too soft.
Funny, when suddenly those characters suddenly sprout a face and body. They used to be glorified, physically-anonymous people screaming and weeping in plays written centuries ago, but now that faces have been put to these people...
there's a sense of shyness, almost.
I mean, you know, when we watched the movie today in the drama studio.
Words provide a safe haven for the insecure.
Not that they can't provide safe havens for those not insecure.
Iris by GooGooDolls is a nice song. nothing to do with the lyrics, this time. I like the song.
And I just love GooGooDolls and FortMinor and Gwen Stefani and Heather Headley and lots and lots of other artistes like Avril Lavigne etc. The list goes on. There're so many amazingly talented people out there.
Like Wade Robson, or something.
my new idol. (:
sort of.
The OC main characters are all ugly, except for Marissa. That's, err, Mischa Barton right? Or something? dang, I don't like getting names wrong.
I've stopped disliking the total storybook-clicheness of Pussycat Dolls now.
After that totally awesome song. :whee:
I've forgotten the title, but the tune still rings rings rings rings in my head.
Macaw, yay! Me.
All the girls stomp your feet like this
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
El Romeo.
It's all just a replay of Pyramus and Thisbe. Either way, I still love his wife.
And I wonder where her namesake has gone to.
Bartley Secondary.
Oh, yeah.
I remember seeing Juliet last year, at the sports stadium. Same Indonesian accent, still friendly, still the same. Wonder how much she's changed.
I know some have.
Like now people make references to Sook Ching. *cough*
ng to the sian to the ching! =D
Some cuss a lot more. *coughmecough*
I'm still a kid.
Don't call me young lady,
or teenager,
or young adult. That sucks.
That would suck.
That will suck.
Accent on the 'will', if you please. Just so it sounds better to the ears.
Don't confine your sights to stereotypes, 'informative' books, or past experiences.
Life gets so unpredictable sometimes.
And you'll have to compile a new record.
You know, just to record the number of things you didn't think would happen.
The ignorant = everyone.
Some people just do it better than the rest.
What the heck is the OC about, anyway?
I never understand that show.
I've read LOTF.
Just not LOTR.
The tiny print and huge pages scare me.
No, really.
And I've never been a fan of those quest-based fantasy stuffs.
Might as well start reading now.
The grapevine.
That sounds pretty nice. Grapevine.
I like grapes, anyway. Green grapes.
Green tea.
HAHA I just remembered that time I got bored and mixed up all sorts of teas. In went earl grey, lemon, oolong tea, etc.
It was a horrid concoction of a mixture of... all sorts of teas.
And it looked like coke.
So I put it in a bottle, served it to Paula and Amanda.
OMFG that was mean but funny.
They didn't mind anyway.
And Paula actually liked my brew.
I should do that more often.
I've kind of memorized my English speech, but not really. Lotsa changes to be made, darlin'!
I need correction tape. I haven't had correction tape since last year.
Cue introduction.
A man lost his entire family during the First World War. A soldier lost both legs during the second. Multiply these two scenes a million times and more, and the result is only a fraction of the worst man-made calamity ever – war.
And thus, I have a dream that there shall be no more war.
Imagine an ordinary man named Jack. Jack is a good man who leads an honest life. He does not smoke or drink, and every day he returns home by ten. One day he finds his wife with her lover, and in a fit of anger he kills the other man. Jack is thus sent to jail for life.
Imagine a soldier named John. John is a heavy drinker and weed-smoker. He is enlisted in the army during World War II. One day he catches a lost enemy soldier wandering in the jungle, and he brutally kills the man. He brings the body back to camp and is praised and commended by his superiors and fellow soldiers.
Following, if they win the war -naturally having killed thousands and thousands of enemy soldiers-, they will return home, loved and admired by all their fellow countrymen. Imagine, they murder people, and others admire them.
I’m not saying that it’s alright for a good person to commit murder. These two examples are only to highlight the injustice of war.
Not fair, not justifiable, and people seem to be perfectly fine with it – somehow, especially the government, which is supposed to be the epitome of law and order.
And thus, I have a dream that there shall be no more war.
In the early 20th century, Japan wanted control over Asia, attacking China and other countries.
Look at it this way. Tens of thousands of innocent men, women and children died because one Japanese emperor woke up one day and said, “I want more power.”
You may argue that war is justifiable in some ways. For example, Singapore was under the Japanese occupation, and thus America rescued us by attacking Japan. This effectively makes America worthy of idolization, but then we forget the number of innocent Japanese lives lost in that attack.
The Americans resorted to bloodshed and suffering to end bloodshed and suffering. Isn’t this an oxymoron? Does this make them any different from our Japanese torturers?
The ‘tooth for a tooth’ method is childish; even we know that. Even we, as school children, rarely resort to violence to sort out matters. Countries are thrown into years of turmoil merely because of the decision a few people in the government made, a decision they never even bothered to consult us –the main sufferers- on. Doesn’t this make our governments seem childish in comparison?
This whole situation, though unfair, is widely accepted, something that technically should be challenged and corrected. And thus I have a dream that there shall be no more war.
I hope I won't have to read it out tomorrow.
It's been cut down a lot.
Barely backed up evidence.
Oh well. As long as I sound confident, maybe I'll convince people.
ahaha, I know, how redundant.
I borrowed this book, and-
Well, I've always wanted to head/be part of a magazine team thingesque. I mean, a whole group of writers whom I can relate to, getting together and toughing it out. That's so cool. I guess I've always been into the whole closeknitgroup thing.
Which reminds me, Paula, Robyn, Amanda, Saranya, and our old friend Alexzndria. How come all our attempts at creating a magazine/zine never worked?
not that you'll read this anyway. :/
To-day piano teacher... the way she plays Allegro, the beginning is so grand, impressive, like page boys blowing trumpets to signal the commencing of the hunt. Wait, do page boys blow trumpets in the first place? But that's beside the point, which is, GRAND IMPRESSIVE MAJESTIC.
Amazing how she gets all the LH chords to work right. Mine sounds like incompetent hunting dogs tripping over one another.
so smudged and muffled. dadadahafh
And- my piano's out of tune, and the right pedal doesn't work.
And I can't get my chords right!
oh pfft. just thought I'd say, those yellow railings look darn ugly.
I know, I'm obstinate, sentimental...
Quoting sulaoshi, ze3meyang4?
Wait, see, I'm not even sure of my hanyupinyin.
And other stuffs.
Today was good, all in all.
Hockey b'div finals sometime this week, not sure when. Probably Friday. And then YAY we get to skip Maths and that half an hour of teamwork/project work something like it.
If it's on Friday, at least.
Oh, and I can understand the Pythagoras Theorem.
ohohoh by the way!
Keyboards, both types, the qwerty and something else, hey.
They're both engineered to suit the English language.
and that means as opposed to what n00bs always claim,
you do not save time by using chatspeak.
Well, not technically, anyway. btw, tmr etc. do work, but that's an exception. Because I say so.
And anw, you don't save time using chatspeak because keyboards are made to suit the English language, not chatspeak.
I thus conclude that tokin lyk diis iz nt anii fazter den typin like this.
Monday, March 20, 2006
So much for being open-minded.
I haven't rehearsed my speech yet, haven't memorized it... oh gods, I feel so unprepared and strangely ladifrickin'da.
There *were* lots of things I'd planned to say, but they seem to have vanished into the crevices of my mind. You see, it hasn't really been fully explored, so I've no idea when they've gone to.
Can't just fish 'em out.
And all the while I'm trying to lead a meaningful life so when I get old I won't have regrets and want to become young again. Because while that is quite natural for some, it's rather pathetic, and I don't want to be pathetic when I grow up.
all in all, today was slack. I felt effing tired.
rained. and when it stopped raining i went out cycling, came back, felt better.
they've painted the drain railings YELLOW.
from their usual nice mellow green, it's now a stark unblending glaring eye-hurting yellow.
I won't even comment on how freaking inconsiderate it is of whoever ordered construction workers or the like to paint the drain railings yellow.
HELL, it's been green for years. it was green when I was a kid playing tag with Ling Yu and Paula and Amanda and when I was at loggerheads with the guys and when I was a kid and- gods I know I'm sentimental, but YELLOW?
First they destroyed both our playgrounds. Then they disfigured our lovely quiet field at the end of the street by putting a horrible cement path there. They also disfigured the path leading to the Colchester playground. Now they're renovating Esso, and it's going to be Caltex now, and everything's changed because now it'd be almost wrong to say 'the Esso bus stop' or 'the road beside Esso'.
They didn't even consult the residents.
I have half a mind to get a brush and green paint and re-paint all of those railings.
If this is what modernization's about, making things uglier-
well, whoever ordered the revamping of this place does not have good color coordination, nor an eye for design.
Serangoon Gardens (at least, our small corner of Serangoon Gardens) is now ugly.
today is a night full of birdshit
Last night... err, morning I stayed up late.
doing nothing in particular.
Just something one wouldn't expect me to do, whether they're a close friend or not.
Lovely holidays.
it's great to be lounging at home, having just got up, knowing that everyone else is suffering at school.
I hope this year's sec4s do well for their o'levels too.

delenoir, delenoir! no one knows, *ninja*
well, maaaybe.
I think I'll get a sorethroat soon, one of those really bad ones that render you unable to talk for one or two days. Then maybe I won't have to do the speech for English. Huzzah!
because coughs were hacking away at me last night. Not those small harmless ones. Those big mutant ones that roll all over your throat. Strain your throat. And to-day, they come with phlegm.
I can't remember if I fell asleep listening to 913 or 987.
I don't remember switching off the radio, but the radio was off when I woke up.
maybe someone switched it off for me.
or maybe i didn't listen to the radio at all
humans think too highly of ourselves. :
nature and rituals and the like.
lovely stuff.
Sunday, March 19, 2006
Maybe it's temporary.
Or maybe it's just me. :
I'm feeling much better, anyway, after green tea (yes, one whole can, not the loser-ish packet, whee) and the fact that I've completed all my homework.
oh yes, you heard me right. All of it.
Gragh, well, 2 chinese questions left (which I'm gonna do right after I complete this blog post) and cme, which I'll do... sometime tonight. Or tomorrow. Either way it won't matter.
Oh yes, and half a page of an exercise of interrupted cadences, for piano theory.
But that's fun.
If only I can find my pencil.
I cannot stand doing theory homework in pen.
Just a quirk.
Not that I like theory homework in the first place.
I kept coughing today. The funny thing's that I'm not sick at all. I just... keep coughing! You know, those tiny small coughs that happen every 30 seconds. I had a horrible sore throat this morning, but it went away by 11am.
I know.
I'd know.
I remember we watched a sex ed video in p6. The whole puberty thing.
I was just reminded of it, for some reason.
See. Now I've forgotten why.
you just gotta love avril lavigne.
Marriage for love is a relatively new idea in the scope of human history. More often then not, marriage in the past has been for power, wealth, diplomacy, etc.
there, something to think about, whee.
because we've all because disobedient prats and won't marry who our parents want us to marry, ahaha.
But yeah. Times've changed. 'tis a whole new era.
Down with arranged marriages.
Oh well.
We're just pawns in evolution and the course of the universe and time and stuffs like that.
Let's not think too highly of ourselves.
After thousands and thousands of years, women are finally realizing that they do have rights and are not inferior to men.
Where the hell have they been before that, then?
Why don't they just let the woman do what she wants.
Women do get haunted by abortions. They get so, so guilty. And of course, the whole 'killing an innocent' thing.
And so the lovely government, superman suit and all, comes in to OMGOSH protect them. No abortions, darlings! Even if you're raped, you just sit home, knit, wait for the baby to pop out nice and safe and sound.
And of course, abortion is murder because big fierce doctors come and use big sharp knives to poke the cutelittleslimy foetus in mummy's stomach.
Get over it. You place too much faith in something that hasn't even uttered its first cry.
Oh, yeah, I'm the skeptic here.
And of course, no one cares about the mother.
It's all foetus! Long live unborn foetus! Long live thing which we don't even know will get to live! Long live the potential future einsteins of society which we're too scared to lose so we subject the mother to a lifetime of unwanted burden, but who cares, we'll get the baby anyway!
Long live.
what a lovely world we live in.
okay, okay, let's do this again.
English- 76.7
HMT- 83.1 (no, I am not good at Chinese. Just spelling. So that pulled me up.)
Geog- 52.
Um, hey. at least I passed.
History- 88.9
go history!
Lit- 95
I think it was the reflection on Varma. Forgot if I got 9 or 9.5/10.
Maths- 20
oh yeah oh yeah, the symmetry project.
Science- 72.
The graded assignment pulled me down. Otherwise it'd be a whopping 80%+
Too late for regrets.
MEP- 52.5
HAHA. This is the kinda subject that'll keep pulling me down for, oh, the rest of my secondary school life.
Visial Arts- 46.7
49% of the level failed. Pfft.
Overall percentage- 65.2
Yeah, that's a real good score.
At least my attendance is perfect.
well, no. practically everyone's attendance is blemish-free.
Hate potatos. Especially those who hug and comfort bananas.
But it's not. I breezed through it unknowingly in 15 minutes, and when I was done I was pretty amazed.
Forget johari. I'm gonna do this character development quiz I found on the net. It's actually meant for developing ficitonal characters in your stories, but why not try it on... well, myself.
1) Who are you?
I'm Stacy, a mind-artist, pseudo-psychologist, and on-off writer.
2) What are you?
I'm a girl with medium-length straight hair that is not and never shall be rebonded (umm, sp?). My fingers are sort of a cross between slender and stumpy, but nimble enough to execute acciacaturas and the like on the piano. Brown eyes which I find a rather nice shade of brown. Petite, not altogether thin or slender but not fat either. Jack of all trades, master of none, and unhappy about it.
3) Where are you?
Geographically, Singapore, Southeast Asia.
Specifically, second floor of the second last house on the left of Colchester Grove, Serangoon Gardens. In front of the computer that's adjacent to the wall of my room. The computer however is not inside but outside the room.
In life, I'd say I'm at a point where I'm deciding who I want to be, and where I'm capable of being influenced into being... well, whoever I'll be.
4) What are you like?
I love talking about myself sometimes, but only to people I feel comfortable talking to.
I'm not comfortable talking to alot of people. It's not a matter of how long I've known them (I still can't converse with my cousins of over a decade), but what they're like. I've got some close friends I talk to easily, but I also know a couple of complete strangers (as in, never met before) whom I find easy to talk to.
Somehow my feelings are more easily revealed online. IRL I just clam up.
Anonymosity rocks. Sometimes.
I'm more moody IRL. XD
I love the urban, the suburban, the quaint, the glam. Rustic, old fashioned, chic, modern.
I like European history. Victorian era. Renaissance. Medieval. Dark Ages. Wait, I'm not very knowledgeable about them though. ^^;
and etc. It goes on and on and on.
And I'm very, very, very sentimental. If not I would've changed my blog URL long ago.
5) What do other people think you're like?
I think...
the more obvious IRL would be quiet, obedient, studious, nice, weird.
Closer friends would think fairly clever, sentimental, weird, friendly.
And the negative traits: Wait, is being quiet negative?
I snap at people sometimes. Grumble. Grouse. No, wait, people don't know that. *shifty eyes*
Some think I remain calm in the face of... what's the plural of crisis?
I give up. For both.
6) Who are your friends?
Which other characters does your character see as allies, and do those characters have the same perception?
Hmm. Sameperception-wise, I don't know. Here goes.
Robyn, Paula, Esther (from NZ), Mary-Anne, Nick, Cheryl
Mebbe there're a whole load of them out there, just that I haven't acknowledged them yet. Oh-well.
Also consider asking the character why those others are friends, and even how they became friends.
I can talk to them.
That's all there is to it, innit?
7) Who are your enemies?
No enemies in particular.
except maybe myself, dahaha
8) Why are you here?
This question can mean "Why are you here, in this place?" or "Why are you here, now?" or even "Why are you here, in this story?" Ask your character and see how they interpret it. Then see if you can find out why they are in the story.
I'm here because I wanted to blog.
Because I felt like it.
Because I felt like doing this quiz.
And I'm in this story where I'm the author and my momma and poppa brought me into this world with the help of the gynae and of course, I'm here at this pseudo-emo stage of my life because I've got lots to bitch and rant about. Because, well, everyone's like that.
Us teens just do an extra good show of displaying it.
9) How did you get here?
Years pass. I'm here at the computer because I walked here.
I'm in Singapore because... my parents want to remain in Singapore.
I'm in SNG because I made a poor choice in the November of 2004.
Ditto for MEP.
I'm here in my life because I didn't die.
10) What do you want?
To travel. Yeah, all over the world. Yeah, even Israel. Just avoid Asia.
The ability to read (read) poems and see innate beauty.
I want to meet a really, really nice person, be the situation platonic or romantic.
(quite dissatisfied, as you can see)
I want to take things easy.
and that's it, I guess.
oh my fucking god, blew me away.
well, sort of. haha. historical fiction's always good, yeah.
and i never realized how pretty cameron diaz was.
i usually see her dressed up like... well, blah
i'm pretty incoherent, because it's 2.05am
forgive me.
it's a ghost town on msn messenger.
all that killing.
Ryan Seacrest shares my birthdate.
I've got 2 chinese questions left.
cme, which I'll be copying from... someone.
oh pshaw, morning jog, first thing in the morn when we return to school.
You know everyone's sayin' they hate Mondays?
For now, I hate Tuesdays.
Saturday, March 18, 2006
so, just to keep in practice:
Stacy/Stasya/stacye/Zenetta Catucci Torelli/Taxi*/Oil*/stace/squirrel*
* nicknames. Yes.
Je suis un Capricorne.
Eye Color:
Brown, hazel, I don't know.
Hair Color:
Black with the occasional gold strand. HA.
Right Handed or Left Handed:
I'm ambidextrous. I wish. Of course, I'm always right.
Your Heritage:
Chinese, Chinese, Chinese.
The Shoes You Wore Today:
Your Weakness:
What's right in front of me, yeah, right now.
Your Fears:
Anything horrormovie-esque. Shh.
Your Perfect Pizza:
Something with cheese. No onion, no pineapple, no vegatables.
Your Favorite Color:
Depends. greenblacknavymaroonsilverred
Goal You Would Like to Achieve this Year:
World peace.
Thoughts First Waking Up:
Tired, then- what time is it?
Your Best Physical Feature:
my eyes?
Your Bedtime:
doesn't exist.
Your Most Missed Memory:
Beauty in the savannah.
The man with blue eyes. Wonder if he's okay right now.
Your Favorite Band:
MacDonalds or Burger King:
Macs. But KFC still pwns. Rock on!
Favorite Book:
Tip: Never, ever ask me that question. KABOOM
thewitchofblackbirdpond, troublesdaughter, thislullaby, harrypotter, theowlservice, tomsmidnightgarden, ahatfullofsky, -insert about a hundred more books-
Can You Read in the Car:
yeah, but I feel sick afterwards.
Movie that Best Describes You:
A what? Ohh. Titanic. I'm the ship. Gloob.
Chocolate or Vanilla:
Cappuccino or Coffee:
There's a difference?
Do You Swear:
oh yeah oh yeah you %$&%@^#. Pfft. Sometimes.
Do You Sing:
Do You Shower Daily:
Have You Been in Love:
Do You Want to Go to College:
You mean university. Yeah. In Boston.
Do You Want to Get Married:
Will depend.
Do You Believe in Yourself:
Do You Get Motion Sickness:
I don't know?
Do You Think You are Attractive:
Are You a Health Freak:
I love KFC. And Macs. And late hours. And fried stuff.
Do You Get Along with Your Parents:
Do You Like Thunderstorms:
Do You Play an Instrument:
In the Past Month Have You Gone on a Date:
In the Past Month Have You Gone to a Mall:
In the Past month Have You Eaten a Box of Oreos:
Not in a year, no suh!
In the Past Month Have You Eaten Sushi:
Don't like... sushi.
As in sushi.
No lla.
In the Past Month Have You Been on Stage:
That was December
In the Past Month Have You Been Dumped:
In the Past Month Have You Gone Skinny Dipping:
In the Past Month Have You Stolen Anything:
I did last month. Correction tape. Hello, mary-anne.
CD in Your Stereo Now:
Latin music cd. It ain't playin, though.
Ever Been Drunk:
sweet, untainted stacy. maybe.
Ever Been Called a Tease:
I dunno.
Ever Been Beaten Up:
Been tickled. Don't like.
Well, yes. By my 8-12 year old cousins.
How Do You Want to Die:
In an NYC cab, while making out with the driver.
What Do You Want to be When you Grow Up:
Something that involves/doesn't restrict me from travelling.
Number of Drugs I Have Taken:
Don't know
Number of CDs I Own:
Um. I don't know.
Number of Piercings:
Zero. Maybe I'll get one. or two
Number of Tattoos:
Number of Things in My Past I Regret:
it's always been viewed as the neutral of the three science modules, for the most part.
e.g. Bio's easy. Physics' hard. Chem's in between, though there's a lot to memorize.
I think that's the main opinion, though. Well, yeah, mine too. But I still like chem.
I like physics, can't understand it. Is loved anyway.
Like bio, understand it. Is loved.
Like chem, sort of understand it. Still loved.
Yes, I shall have my happy ending.
don't worry, avril, I still love you.
Well, how not to? Everybody loves Avril. Even you.
Yeah, you.
There's a lot to study for our first Chem topic. Something 'bout chemical changes.
No, chemical changes.
oh wow. I just flipped the page. There's a pretty picture on page 211.
No war speech is finished. Wonder how my class'll take it.
I can imagine myself standing on the makeshift podium (a wooden cube thing mrs lee has) and delivering the speech very... err... passionately.
It's all in the imagination.
Whether or not I'll have the courage to do so, bleh.
But it's not like Mrs. Lee's focusing too much on the speech itself. All she wants to do is gauge our oral skills.
I can do it! I just know I can!
I just don't dare to in front of the whole class.
I remember ever since p5, we'd have five speakers from one class coming up every week to do the whole public-speaking thing. During assembly. On the stage. In front of the whole school. Like one week it'd be 6A (always the top class from the highest level first), next week 6B, blah blah blah etc.
I remember I made a speech in p5 and another in p6.
In p5 I talked about pets. I mean animals. I mean, yeah, pets. Something about how we shouldn't abuse animals. About how I loved animals. About I had a lot of pets (at that time) and together with the number of pets Paula had, we could collaborate to form a mini zoo. XD
Young and innocent.
In p6 I talked about my poetry. Read out a poem of my own. The theme that year was show and tell.
I was a self-proclaimed poet back then. Notsomuch now.
There was a catch, though. After all of us from 6A had given our speeches, that ****** teacher Mrs - went up on stage, and proudly and bossily announced something like
"I'd like to say that those from p6a did their speeches wrongly. blah blah blah, it's supposed to be a show and tell event, but they only did etc. etc. etc."
Oh, and then she said something rather humiliating, went along the lines of
"Do not follow their example, it's a bad example and we don't want any of you repeating that mistake."
Anyway, our form teacher Mrs Lee (that was before she went on maternity leave) had a 'talk' with us speech-makers. Apparently most of us didn't catch on to the theme of the event properly. Show and tell. Lots of us did something else, can't remember which.
She said there was nothin' wrong with what I did, though. In a way. Because I 'showed' my poem and talked about it.
A-nyway. Mrs Lee was kind of angry - both at us for not following the theme and at Mrs _ for disgracing us like that. Not that we felt particularly disgraced, that is, but I guess Mrs Lee was into the whole '6A is the best class in the whole school, you set an example for the younger kids' thing.
So we all, including me, had to re-do our speeches. We kinda negotiated a deal with Mrs _. So yeah.
And thus for my next speech I did a review of a book. Most people were bored. However when I left the stage to resume my seat in the hall most teachers seemed to be interested in my book.
I remember I was rather nervous during the first speech, the one on poetry. My legs were literally shaking; don't think anyone noticed much though. Hands clammy. Missed out lots of lines.
I didn't remember being that nervous during the speech I made in p5.
But I don't think I was as nervous for the book-review speech thingy.
oh wow.
Speaking of shaking legs, I got really absolutely leg-shakingly nervous when I received my psle results and had to go onto the stage. Didn't... expect... the honour.
Hm. I met Wei Gin today.
ang mo kio
near the library
outside Courts
We smiled, I waved, that was it.
But it's always nice to meet an old friend who doesn't blatantly ignore you.
Friday, March 17, 2006
I feel kind of guilty, because I don't know her well, and maybe I'm supposed to be mourning but I can't because I never really knew her. She got dementia about a year or so ago and hasn't been the same since. I still remember her alive and healthy when my granddad was here, and she could never pronounce my name right, but she was a nice person.
The sad thing is that I don't feel particularly perturbed, except maybe I sympathise with my mum. I wouldn't like to lose my mum.
And my favourite aunt's ill as well. Sores are grazing on her body EVERYWHERE, so my mum says. She works in a hospital, so...
mm, I just felt like blogging this.
the desolee person's me. desolee desolee desolee
desolee desolee desolee, oops. says:
is rite = right or write?
... insensitive 'semi-permeable' molly and the rose says:
Nobody really cares if you're miserable, so you might as well be happy. says:
discuss what
Nobody really cares if you're miserable, so you might as well be happy. says:
... insensitive 'semi-permeable' molly and the rose says:
Nobody really cares if you're miserable, so you might as well be happy. says:
stop using chat lang
... insensitive 'semi-permeable' molly and the rose says:
desolee desolee desolee, oops. says:
what's rite?
... insensitive 'semi-permeable' molly and the rose says:
THe SCIence thingy
desolee desolee desolee, oops. says:
what's rite?
Nobody really cares if you're miserable, so you might as well be happy. says:
... insensitive 'semi-permeable' molly and the rose says:
the title of the project is pretty long
desolee desolee desolee, oops. says:
i'm tryna educate myself in the ways of chatspeak
desolee desolee desolee, oops. says:
and later on:
... insensitive 'semi-permeable' molly and the rose says:
i rote tt DOWN
... insensitive 'semi-permeable' molly and the rose says:
... insensitive 'semi-permeable' molly and the rose says:
... insensitive 'semi-permeable' molly and the rose says:
oh my
desolee desolee desolee, oops. says:
i, err, did? nevermind
rite = right
rote = righted
(note: this was part sarcasm. dahaha.)
Oh, and this' the title of our Science Project:
The beautiful elixir of beautiful life beautifully trickles out of beautiful ink and vinegar and milk.
Yeah sorry it's kinda of a ripoff off your post on beautiful-ness, Cheryl, but we were talking about beautiful stuff and this thing just came to mind...
Woke at 6.16am, had training at half past seven.
Warm ups. Shizzack.
25 pushups. Before that I thought pushups were easy.
Well, they are in a sense, if only we didn't wait for so long in between each pushup.
Arms arms arms ouch-
My thighs hurt the most though. From Wednesday's frantic mad-dash sprints up the staircases of the forum.
what is today's rap coming to? if THIS is the new in thing, I'm gonna scream.
Pray I shut my mouth, because I don't back down on my promises.
Thursday, March 16, 2006
Tomorrow, at 8 in the morning, I'll be playing hockey.
but anyway.
I mean, the current disney movie maker company people thingies.
Lion King? Cool.
Pocahontas? Oh man, that rocked.
Cinderella? Good. :D
Lion King II?
Sad, cliche, stupid. Kiara(?) and the other lion fella (Scar's nephew, I think) were totally unbelievable characters. In the original lion king we could actually relate to the characters, and it was... err, rather touching when Simba lost his father.
The second movie totally destroys the beautifully cultivated impression the first movie made on us. Simba is totally out of character in the sequel. The romance between his daughter and Scar's nephew is unconvincing, cheesy, cliche.
This deserves less marks than my F9 for Maths. =/
Cinderella II.
Okay, this wasn't too bad. But quoting above: The second movie totally destroys the beautifully cultivated impression the first movie made on us.
Please, we've seen that unwilling-princess so many times. Chant with me: MARY SUE, MARY SUE, MARY SUE.
Bah. Other than that, I don't have much to say.
And a romance between the mice? So uncalled for.
WHY IS THERE ROMANCE EVERYWHERE?! Cut down on the fluff already.
Even I, the self-proclaimed romantic, cannot stand the total cheesiness of it all.
Where's the antagonist? Barely prominent. Cinderella herself barely shows through as a character. The sequel seems to focus mainly on the subcharacters and that sucks.
Oh. Looks like I do have stuff to say afterall.
and, omfg-
Pocahontas II.
Don't get me started on this, hon.
We all love Pocahontas as the independant beauty.
Sheesh, Disney may be omgfamous, but they need some serious help with their storylines.
AGAIN, let me emphasize:
The second movie totally destroys the beautifully cultivated impression the first movie made on us.
First movie, nature, acceptance, heartbreak.
Second movie. Oh god, why does Disney have to be so kind. John or whoever and Pocahontas meet up again. They decide they don't love each other that much. Pocahontas falls in love with the (much more handsome, I must admit) ambassador.
Oh, this was the most horrible of the lot.
Maybe I'm just way too sentimental.
Always sticking to old ways. Old plots.
But still! I'm entitled to my own opinions.
And you're entitled to disagree with me.
And I'm entitled to disagree with you.
And so on.
Argument is perfectly legal.
Hm. You know when a man gets all passionate when making speeches etc, he is described as righteous and, well, passionate. When a women does so, she's described as bitchy and opinionated.
Just a thought. Prob'ly rather general, but some do tend to think that way.
Wait, Finding Nemo was nice, though.
But Madagascar was bad. Had a nice catchphrase thingy, though.
I like to move it move it
I'm from 6a04 of Zhonghua Primary School.
Nostalgia. oh man oh man I miss everyone!
blossom, elaine, gary, zhi xuan, adeline, chu heng, eugene, ferris, lena, pei ying, ian, dong hui, jacque, janice, jasmine, joshua, kester, peck khee, guiqi, (I remember their register numbers!)
and from here on I'm not sure.
xing zi, sian ching, xinqi, STEPHANIE, someone, CLARENCE, WEN KAI, ME, STANLEY, STEVEN, QIAN NI, SARAH, someone someone SAMANTHA, amos, yu liang, (I've lost track of the register numbers here)
register 39 is valerie
then zong han
then eugene yip (eugenie, XD)
and finally our favourite yusaku (:
I'm from 6a04 of Zhonghua Primary School.
There's this funny virus-y sound coming from my computer.
sometimes we all ne-ed somebody to le-an on
I love that song song song song love.
I'm waving the French flag while donning the Anderson pinafore. Mmmm, amour.
Maybe I should put my statscounter back up. M'nah, s'too lazy to reset it, yeah yeah I'm that fussy. Highway Blues is playing, maybe afterwards some classical with pseudo-wine //cough um, ribena. HAVE SOME ESCARGOT.
My blogging style's changed, somehow. Posts've become lots shorter. Pei Hwa's got tuition in half an hour. What Child Is This is playing on my computer. Schad.
I feel like green tea and pizza and I feel as though I'm having a fever but the thermometer says 36.2. Denial, that darn thing.
They're supposed to link? oh, fo'shiz.
Feel the love!
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
Okay, HAHA, I don't even know why I'm blogging this.
Y'see I realized just now that I couldna find my Chinese worksheet, which I hadn't done yet, so i was fretting an' fretting an' I was looking for it EVERYWHERE.
And I was like looking f'er my geog workbook because it also happened to be 'missing' and thus I guessed that my Chinese worksheet would be where the geog workbook was and I was searchin' and searchin and I'm prouda myself cos I remained calm but I admit I was feelin so stressed I almost wanted to cry but I didn't and at the last minute I FOUND THEM BOTH. TOGETHER.
My hunch was right.
ahaha I don't know why I'm saying this. I was so happy like SO HAPPY I immediately switched on the computer to blog about this, hahah. YES I'M INCOHERENT AND CRAZY-ESQUE BUT I'M HA-PPY!
Hail my composure and my super-intuition! yadda yadda whee!
I'm ill.
Shut up.
Fever and a thumb that truly, seriously hurts because suwenn accidentally smashed her hockey stick into my finger for this morn's tng. We were, err, both tackling Jenna or someone at the same time.
I should work on my tackle.
I keep falling asleep at irrational hours these days. To think, when I was young I never ever never ever took naps. whee
I sound emo. =D
Devouts. ):
Sometimes we have to grovel and make The first move because we got no choice.
pride with prejudice, oooooowhee.
Coins scattered all over my table and a poorly folded two dollar note. Grimy orange watch. Old-fashioned wallet. And you wonder why the mon-ay ain't in the wallet.
Woke up with some sort of headache. Expected, seein' as I slept at 1am+ last night with wet hair. Yes, I bathed and didn't bother to dry my hair. That tired, ehh.
Wonder how much sleep I really got. I'm still tired, dammit, with a stomachache and curry rice -ohbletch- waiting downstairs. Mmmm. I'm hungry and yet not hungry. Y'know that feeling?
Pfft. If I go on this way any longer, people are gonna think I'm on a diet.
Diets suck all the joy outta life.
HEY HEY last night I dreamt. It waint really a nightmare. Kinda fuzzy.
I dreamt that I gave my speech on the whole no-war thing. Only it wasn't in the classroom. Was in, ah, a garden. Yeah, I had to give my speech in a garden, and I's standing on a podium.
That bad part wasshat I got so nervous I kept missing parts of the speech. Stammers and stuff. oh, b'jove.
I gotta rehearse. After I write my speech.
oh well. Hockey warmup was tiring. more so than the actual training, anyway. And I sweep too softly.
Sweep as in, hockey sweep. Yeah.
Curry rice now.
Take it as a blocked nose, eh?
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
I know the forceful method doesn't always work, but sometimes it does, and while in this case it could hurt to try, I still need to try. My teenage years are not going to be wasted on fat regret-ish angst, and I have to make things work. Facades won't do.
So I'll literally re-embrace the love of the valleys and mountains and fountains, and I hope they'll take me back.
Gondola on a postcard, snake in a tree cranny, squirrel in the autumn leaves.
They're not just words.
We gotta see the beauty!
ohmygosh, I could go on forever.
Maybe I shall.
I've been thinking this since last week, I can't define a proper date or day. Let's go to the suburbs.
all those lovely places
Let's go see the squirrels and larks.
I never said I wanted to stop being a kid.
Reproach me if I blog.
Because I've made up my mind not to.
At least, no, discipline isn't the way.
Think journal-esque, free, open, no back constrained in aches.
could you all hope for me?
wish me luck
or faith
or hope
and maybe I'll be back like I used to.
try language
I was thinking about how i use the word 'said' a lot more in my prose now. I used to hate it, 'tually. Like i was so preoccupied with finding replacements for the word 'said', i.e. murmur state deliver explain mumble grouse mentioned pointedout etc.
Now I love using the word 'said'. There's something enigmatic about its sheer simplicity/loneliness/suggestiveness.
And the fact that it's so versatile. Doesn't limit the dialogue to the confines of murmurs, mumbles, tones and colours. Leaves much to the imagination.
I used to dislike it, like an oversized Times New Roman font.
See the beauty, darlin'.
And it's not that I don't know what 'introvert' means, btw. Well, I had a rough idea of what it meant, like most people. But the catch: I was putting it under the stereotype of quiet, doesn't talk much, etc.
God I'm so wrong.
I used to think i was an introvert. Now I think... not really.
An introvert is basic'ly someone who dislikes being around people, doesn't like going to social gatherings.
That's not me.
I like being around people, provided that I like/am okay with being around them.
I don't like hangin' with, well, remotely immature people.
And social gatherings? Definitely my kinda thing. As long as people I know will be there, and that I like being round these people.
It's a matter of personal preference.
I realize how conceited this must make me seem. ^^;
Almost as if i don't hang out with some people because I think I'm too good for them.
It's not that. I don't think I'm, well, good or anything.
I don't hang out with them because because because I think they're too bad for me.
And that, in a default-ish kind of way, is bout the same as me thinking I'm too good for them, but the standards are lowered by alot, making the implications very different.
So there.
I hope I'm understood, umm.
Red grapes are not good.
as we try to speak each others' language

Meh. Irony used to be my favourite word.
I shall cry because my sound system is REALLY down and I can't listen to music.
come to think of it, oh shite, hockey tomorrow and i haven't yet washed my shin guards. I shall now. This instant. Righto!
alright. it wasn't that hard.
and YES I actually DO wash my own shin guards.
Basically the only remotely house-wifeish thing I'll ever do.
I don't like the word 'wife', btw. I don't know why.
It just sounds seems is horrible.
"I'm his wife."
That sounds old and stuffy and dumb.
At least worse than 'husband'.
Have you ever wondered-
no, that sounds wrongly phrased.
Well sometimes I look at myself, no mirror or anything, like i just look at my hands my legs my shirt my pants and I'm all, "I can't believe this is me."
Yeah, I'm still tryna come to terms with the fact that I was born.
It's like sometimes I doubt/marvel at my own existence. It's not a matter of conceit, it's more... well... I dunno.
This is me this is me this is me typing out this is me this is me sitting on the chair at a precarious angle this is me THIS IS ME and somehow i find it strange.
It's kind of abstract.
oh shit, i've lost it.
man. twenty seven planets and a pig.
See, I was practising the piano.
and then it hit me
that a lot of stuff we do because we're scared bout what others'll think
yes, I know this is obvious, but
it's like, a lot of stuff.
And then I wonder why the fuck we should care.
oh man, i wanna get out of here.
I havetohavetohaveto!
Preferably somewhere not Singapore.
I practise the piano because I'm scared that if I don't, my teacher'll be disappointed.
But they do say, even my parents, that I shouldn't do what others want me to do.
So what the hell?
If I didn't care about what others thought, I'd
stop taking piano lessons.
not care about my practically non-existent tennis lessons.
jog everyday.
not jog everyday.
oh sheesh, I'm depressed.
sometimes I just don't know what I'm talking about.
should stop blogging but can't.
Monday, March 13, 2006
omgomg isn't it so cute you just wanna eat it?
With sauce, darlin'.
Oh, and y'know the clock I mentioned, it's a chess clock.
My sound system is temporarily down, so i can't listen to music. I want to read something of Karl Marx's.
don't you just love his name? Karl Marx.
Ker-ahl Marx. Sexy.
Do the whole Italian accent thing. =D
Mm. I don't really like my hockey juniors. Don't know why.
I sound all petty and bitchy and unreasonable and mean and horrible and stuffs but I don't like my hockey juniors!
They're very weird. runawayrunaway
As in me!
Um. Well, i don't like them. Je prefere mes seniors.
I like the name Eliot. Think think, Eliot Duboir. Elliot would do.
I don't like people who can't spell.
Avril Lavigne.
Better than that wannabe prep!
Such a short blog post.
So I walked under a bus
I got hit by a train
Keep falling in love
which is kinda the same
I've sunk out at sea
Crashed my car, gone insane
And it felt so good
I wanna do it again
Talking about mothers...
I never want to get married. :3
Somehow it turns one into a naggy, grumpy grouch and I don't want to turn into a naggy grumpy grouch.
And thus I shall never get married.
I don't need a piece of paper to prove my love for whoever.
Self-assurance, thassall it is.
Arthur Itis.
Wonder if i'll be able to garden when he comes.
I can't see no beauty no more.
Take me to Scotland Ireland Spain Sweden France Italy Germany Switzerland Portugal Finland Norway Hungary Rumania Bulgaria. And I shall see.
new york new york
At the age of 18 i shall attend NS. I'll go to Boston to study when i'm ready for university.
Then it's all the way down up down up, baby.
Cue overture.
Sunday, March 12, 2006
Alright, I'm not happy. I've lost a book. It might be lying outside NTUC now, i don't know, but I'VE LOST IT OMG I'VE LOST IT.
Pity me?
Mm. 4 chat conversations. CHAT CAT CHAT CAT. I prefer schnauzers.
I can't deal. -shies away from cameras. shoo, go away-
Oh well my dad's brought a nice wooden clock from Berlin. I have no idea how to work it, I mean gosh, it has like... well, I'll take a pic of it if the camera's workin.
Camera. Hate 'em, love 'em.
I'm amazed people even want to talk to me.
I'm Chinese-illiterate, and my tongue constantly malfuctions. That's why i use fingers, suh. type type click clack type tip.
I got chocolate too, but it's too rich.
BUT I've got peppermint green tea in the fridge and I can down it in less than a minute an' that makes me cooler than you. (:
I need a new blogskin, dammit.
You know what this blog is called?
The Lonely Life
Mm yeah. I was feeling rather, err, lonely - when I made this blog 2 years ago.
Have you started on your holiday homework? I haven't. No wait, I have. A bit o' history, thassall. Flivver.
Wait, I think I'll start on my English speech to-night. I think it'll be pretty fun.
When i was young and extrovert-ish in kindergarten, i used to love speech making. Monday was Show&Tell day and every week I'd raise my hand and get to the front and talk to the entire cohort of 6-7 other kids about... well, anything in particular. just loved speech making.
I loved them too, in primary school.
In sec1 I suddenly dreaded them.
And now YAY I'm lovin' them again.
The speech is based on this single line: I have a dream.
I shan't do the whole equality for men-women thing. Yes, inequality is still prevalent, and it's a very debate-able subject, but it's cliche overdone boring and we all know basically EVERYTHING about this subject so I won't talk about that.
No more war. Yes, that shall be my speech topic.
Now I've to think of a spiffy name. um.
I have a dream for the eradication of war.
nah too cheeeeeeeeeem lorhz.
I have a dream of no more war.
C'est ennuyeux.
I have a dream of WORLD PEACE WOOT.
Ohmygod NO. -gonk-
Quel horreur.
Stupid shift button.
Alors que, wet matches won't light, so I s'pose it won't matter, one way.
The space between my big toe and the toe beside it hurts.
Hock-ay! oh whee. Who'd wanna read this.
ANYWAY i'm not too disappointed i missed french yesterday. C'mon, i got 8 books. :3
I shall read one now. Bye bye, book-less suckers!
Saturday, March 11, 2006
Let me walk in through the world that I currently stay in
You can take a look around and tell me if I'm mistaken
You can even talk to everybody that I live with
Maybe you could tell me why everybody's so distant
Is it me or maybe, when I look around daily
I don't even know the people I can put my trust in lately
People that I used to hang with now their actin' to different
I'm still the same person why doesn't anybody listen
Can somebody please just explain to me
What happened to the way that we always said we'd be
Right now I dunno why I push through the pain that I got through
And I'm losin' hope
Deafening voices
That frequency inside my head that says
I'm going at it the hard way I focus
Get everything inside out of my brain that claims
I'm going at it the hard way
Come with me
Let me walk in through the world that I currently live in
Not a thing is forgotten, not a thing is forgiven
Nobody can hold their own underneath the weight but
Nobody can take the blame for their own mistakes so
What do you do when somebody lets you down
And you wanna say something but you can't cause their not around
Inside you think they know the extent of the pain
But they won't even admit that they were the one to blame
Can somebody please just explain to me
What happened to the way that we always said we'd be
Cause right now I dunno why I push through the pain that I got through
And I'm losin' hope
Somehow i always manage to relate to Fort Minor's lyrics.
they're horribly angst-ridden, some of them, but sometimes life's like that.
I sound so pseudo-emo. =/
robyn paula amanda y'all know I usually spit out stuff I'm drinking whenever I happen to be drinking and something says something OMG funny. Happened twice at Robyn's house; was drinking vitamin c stuffs and spit it out all over the carpet, twice. I forgot what made me laugh. ^^;
Yeah anyway, it happened today again. I was finished with my curry rice at home and was drinking soup, and my mouth was totally totally totally filled with soup and my mum said something funny and I spit everything out onto the remainder of my curry rice and curry chicken and egg yolk.
It was pretty cute.
The fiesta today wasn't that boring. I wanted to do my history homework but ended up... not doing it. I got alot of books, yes yes yes yay! Titles are as shown.
The Faber Book of Nonsense Verse
The Songlines; Bruce Chatwin
The Falling Boy; David Long
Momo; Michael Ende
When We Were Gods (A Novel of Cleopatra); Colin Falconer
The Owl Service; Alan Garner
Skellig; David Almond
-a book for Paula; summat t'do with witchcraft :D -
Oh god oh god cost less than ten bucks, the whole lot. I am so lucky. It was a book haven, whee.
I kinda want to capture that magick charm of children's books that I've been severely deprived of. At least right now.
Y'know, Mrs. Goh is nice.
I'm seeing ducks in a totally new light, only it's kinda gross when one duck tries to seduce another. And crabs mightna be so bad aftrall!
My shift t'day was boring. The fun part, though, was mixing the chocolate.
After that i walked round a bit with Denise. She henna-ed my hand; my first henna ever! Y'know i'm thinking that next time if i go to a party of s'mething i don't need any hand accessories. Henna would do, on both hands, whee! So exotic, and i have a nice tribal-ish necklace to match. My dad got it from the Philippines.
oh and I gave Erin's cousin Yin-Rong twenty bucks worth of tickets, ahaha. B'cos i'm just that kind.
Let's evaluate my horoscope as stated in the Teens magazine.
Get lots of rest to recharge.
Love: Sincerity speaks volume.
Friendship: A friend might get into a sticky situation.
Take initiative on: 3, 23
Lie low on: 8, 22
Lucky colour: White
I must admit, my horoscopes have been eerily correct on a few occasions. Forget about evaluating this. It's sososo ambiguous.
My sister went to sng for the fiesta, just for a couple of hours, and she bought two tea eggs and brought them home. She ate one for dinner and left the other one for me.
Taste good.
My mum wants to get me a camera tomorrow. I'm feelin' guilty.
Maybe i'd better show her my results tonight so she might change her mind about the camera.
Friday, March 10, 2006
And technically I shouldn't be stressed, b'cos i like my class tshirt, i've got one week's rest, i'm gonna play tennis/badminton at least once or twice during this one week, the fiesta tomorrow might not be that boring, there're grapes and ribena in the fridge, black still exists, ducks mightna be so horrible after all, to-day's geog test was rather easy, i'm blogging, i'm alive, a nice song is playing on my computer-
Oh yeah, oh yes, that damned PPR. I need this stress, dammit.
Talking about the geog test, I found it significantly easier than the previous one. Mm, lots of stuff i memorized and blogged in my previous blog post came out. I could do every single question. :3
Of course, with geog you can never predict your score.
What'd I need?
A good cycle and a good badminton/tennis game with someone. I wonder how much I'll get for my Science test.
My blog posts are getting hopelessly self-conscious. >_>
At least from my perspective. mia cara, mon cherie! Orlando di Lasso, wheee.
I think I shall have cookies to-morrow.
Anyway y'know yesterday for the Chinese presentation Yi Ying kinda stumbled on the chinese word 'fang4'; ended up saying something like 'fuck'. XD
Ouch. I just bit my lip.
My lips are awfully chapped. They always get like that whenver I've an ulcer.
Spate of bad luck, mal chance!
We-ll, things are looking up. at least temporarily.
Thursday, March 09, 2006
oh yes, I'm very intelligent.
OH BTW I PASSED GEOG. BOTH. Yeah i passed the test by half a mark. 'twas re-marked, you see.
And I passed the geog individual reflection when almost everyone else failed. :3
Is that a cause for celebration or would that be considered sadistic and mean?
Mm, it aint no high pass anyway. 12/20
Teacher said: Gd tt you have statistics. :) But compare more to pre-war please.
I like teachers with ang-moh surnames. =D
Mrs. Sherwood! She's chinese yeah but prob'ly married some caucasian.
And i like it cos I can casually refer to her as sherwood. Mrs sounds stuffy. =
Like, well, we still refer to some teachers as 'wong' or 'sushilla', meh, but it doesna sound as spiffy as a non-Asian surname. :3
oh man oh man, I got 65.2% for my overall PPR. That's my lowest ever. Next term i shall ace everything, EVEN ART. Well i mean c'mon Mr. Foo fails everyone for art except for Pei Hwa and Weng Jun. That's the bad thing bout having an art connoisseur for an art teacher.
But I like art lessons themselves, though. It's nice to sit there in the airy place, and then mr. foo talks to us for roughly half an hour, and we have about 30-40 to commence with the actual DOING of the lesson itself. It's so slack and open, it's brilliant.
I think i shall try out a new method of studying. Name blog-studies.
Features of a DTM:
Shown as a line graph.
Does not show specific male/female populations.
Shows total population as a separate line.
Shows details of country by stage.
Shows r'ship between birth and death rates and how they directly affect the total population.
Only needs one diagram to show all stages.
Whee, correcto!
Now, characteristics of a -
oh fcuk. I just realized, hahahahhhha. Nevermind.
Less access to contraceptives. (damn my ulcer hurts)
High IMR, so families have more children in hope that more will live.
Need more children to help em farm.
Religions encourage more children.
High DR b'cos of poor hygiene, poor diets, famine, disease, little access to medical service and generally low life expentancy.
Improvements in quality/quantity of food, sanitation, medical services, water supply. Decrease in IMR.
More access to contraceptives.
Industrialization and modernization require less labourers.
Low IMR, people thus less inclined to have large families.
Increased desire for material possessions overrides desire for large families due to increasing wealth.
Women are more educated, more career oriented, more likely to marry late and have less children.
Low BR and low DR with the occasional fluctuating population due to baby booms/disease. Results in steady population.
What's a dtm? A...
A model showing how dynamic population is, with population change shown in two ways: change over space and change over time. Former: number of countries at same time can exhibit characteristics of different stages. Latter, country theoretically progresses through stages.
1950s - encouraged to have more children
1959-61 - Great Leap Forward. Disastrous economic project by communist government to speed up industrialization and rural modernization. Farmers shifted from agricultural communes to work in village industries, leaving few to bring in the harvest. Famine famine famine, woot!
BR declined until 1964.
From 1964-74, cultural revolution, BR rose. Ba-by boom whee! Needed farm help, wanted to 'replace those who died', etc.
Then wanxishao. Later, longer, fewer.
1979- one child policy implemented. BR declined.
Was relaxed in 1985 but a BR rise was inevitable anyway since women born from 64-74 were then of child bearing age.
Should do this more often. :3
Wednesday, March 08, 2006
I mean, ulcers.
Expect waterworks.
/with a pinch of salt
I'll not get a good overall grade this term. Failed geog, got a C6 for Maths, B4 for gmusic, Csomething for art etc.
I did well for history and lit and english and maybe even chinese though, that is if our presentation wasn't graded.
but i don't think they'll raise my grade.
Oh freaking hell I wanna get into trip science. =/
man oh man, well, today was okay I guess, for the most part. I was happy because the science test turned out to be not that hard and I got 17/20 for the English compre which is one of the highest I think, but I'm not so sure. The Maths class test wain't too bad either, though i thought one question looked rather incomplete and then i figured how to continue. I thought i had about 2 minutes left but i just wrote the first number and Mrs Soh was all 'time's up' and I had to stop.
oh well, the disadvantage of last minute brain waves.
And I'm sad because I wrote a lot of intelligent-sounding stuffs for my english newspaper reflection and Mrs Lee only put a 'seen' there. I'm not sure if she put that for all reflections but I'm just disappointed, that's all.
And i got 32/50 for gmusic for a piece I practised lots. It sounded nice, was real expressive (I think) but apparently it was too easy so I lost marks for technicality and thus got a low score. Well, i can't say some people didn't warn me of scoring low. Kerina advised me to change to another piece the week before but i didn't really heed it.
I died a martyr. ;_;
jeez, i sounded so pseudowannabe-emo there.
I suddenly want to go shopping.
and then I remember that I've got loads of stuff to do and i can't shop without feeling guilty, so there.
Fcuk. I've to spend about 10 hours in school this Saturday for a dumb, dumb fiesta.
Desolee, but have i missed something? B'cos all the funfairs I've gone to are helluva boring.
I know. You're thinking i'm a poor, deprived soul.
My leg itches. -twitch-
I have decided that to-morrow i shall bring my dictionary back home. It doesna deserve to be kept in a place where it is in danger of destruction, mutilation, disfiguration, assault and rape.
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
A bit of bloggin time before I turn back to studying for Science. I hope.
mm we got the Inspirations book of the "best English compositions/essays in SNG". I didn't read the more factual/debateish essays (will go through em later on when my mind feels less cluttered), but i did skim through the narrative/descriptive essays.
-Personally I think more than half of the essays there are extreme shite.
Well yeah. There're some real good ones like Jessica Goh and some others, but the rest border mediocre.
i don't claim to be better than all of them but I can tell a good story from a bad one.
We presented our chinese project today. 'twas quite scary, cos sulaoshi was rather angry before that; 3 groups failed to present on that day, so yeah.
an' we probably didn't do well anyway. We didn't have a powerpoint presentation and we were utterly unprepared. Dong Ran approached me in the library during recess, bout 10 minutes before Chinese lesson, an' I had to rush out my script.
Back from piano class. Mmphr. Yeah anyway I've just completed my english biography on Leonardo Da Vinci. oh man I love that guy. Renaissance-ish people rock. :evil:
I still have bio and maths to study for. maths i'm not too worried about as it's, well, only a class test, but i am so stressing over bio.
And there's geog this Friday, but I have the whole of tomorrow, Thursday and Friday morn to study.
AND I need to research on bird flu. In Chinese.
wikipedia should do, right? wrong.
because wikipedia ain't got Chinese, :/3
My blog posts are getting boring-er. I should stop blogging for a while.
OH and today we got back our history tests; i got 19.5/25, and that's a stupid serious pity b'cos I mistook one map for another and ended up losin' 3 marks. IF I'd just gotten the map correct i would've gotten 22.5, meh.
tell me, how is the map of malaya similiar to the map of the straits of malacca?
Even the NAME of the map was there.
That's just how dumb I am.
The other two marks were lost in a structured question which should've been quite easy. And that half mark, which everyone else lost, was another map. Soviet Union. Everyone put USSR because thats what it said in the txtbook but NO ms Lai said she marked like that across the level and thus we had to settle for an unfairly lost half mark.
Ms Lai seemed rather pissed today.
Wow, she actually has a temper. Usually she's pretty nice.
And for the final source question, she said that no one in our class got the second point correct but I DID I SCORED FULL MARKS FOR THE ENTIRE SOURCE-BASED QUESTIONS SECTION she dared deny me my rightful credit!
Oh well. t'least my mum's happy with my history results, and thats saying a lot since she's a history teacher. :3
Hockey b'div seniors up against Northland tomorrow, my mum's school. :O
Monday, March 06, 2006
I miss you so,
seems like it's been forever,
that you've been gone.
oh man oh man, Robyn, Paula, let's celebrate halloween early! see, I was thinkin' about that time when the old Colchester playground was still around and Saranya invited the guys along, an' i thought it'd be total shit but it ended up being real fun cos gwl turned out to be pretty good at making bonfires-
and i still remember he was going on about how fire and oxygen and carbon dioxide were related and i snapped at him that we weren't here for a science lesson and he was all 'okay, okay' and then we continued on our merry way-
do you guys remember? i brought perse the rabbit along, and his whiskers almost caught fire, and believe it or not it's been more than 2 years but i still miss him. I remember I really do and i admit i actually miss having gwl around and i miss goofing around with yall and i miss that brief space of time in december04 when we played badminton with s'hao, mushroom suganthan shi hui etc. almost everyday and remember?
and now we've all grown up and i'm losin' you guys to what, cca and tests and stuff like that an' that just ain't right because school isn't supposed to be that important and it's 6.58pm now and usually around this time i'd be out playing badminton or doing something fun with you guys but i'm stuck here ranting to an unresponsive blog and i'm rantin and rantin and i don't know what to do cos i've so fucked up basically my only social life and gosh i hate to admit it but i can't live without friends-
i don't wanna make new friends, you see, i'm scared that when i grow up i'll forget all you great people and make new friends that i will think are just as great but in reality are nothing in comparison to you guys, oh my god. i wish i were 10 years old again, i don't want to be in sng and i don't want to grow up and i want to turn back time re-live the past four years and avoid becoming a lonely introvert-
if i were an emotional girl i'd be crying and cryin right now but i'm not i just feel real sad, and pardon the lack of capitalization and stuff but right now it ain't important enough.
Where'd you go?
I miss you so,
seems like it's been forever,
that you've been gone.