Saturday, March 04, 2006


I feel as though I've got lots of homework, but then I open my pupil's diary and see... well, a few easy lit questions that can easily be rushed out tomorrow aftnoon.

And of course, I have to study for geog, maths, science...

Okay, I don't feel so good now.

And OMG, there's still Chinese tuition homework and piano theory to do, and piano pieces to practise!

What on earth gave me the idea that I'd be let off easily this weekend. =/

No one's hugged me yet, luv. oh sweet sweet grapes and ribena. I had some ribena last night this morning, which somehow failed to work its usual insomnia-curing magic, and to-day I had grapes which tasted bitter, somewhat.

I want to sleep and I don't want to sleep.


Shakers 'ave good effects.

Let's chacha!

Tango, foxtrot, waltz, mmm...

I think dancing's one of the most intimate things two people can possibly do. Even if they're enemies. *cough*thinkdracohermione*cough*

if they got chemistry, stuff just whalala rolls...

Personal opinion, whee. I wanted to take up ballet when I was younger, i still remember clearly. I'm not sure why i didn't take it. My mum either thought it was too expensive/too pointless.

Well, piano's pointless.

Mm, well, nevermind. I'm just speculating. I'd rather take up photography/creative writing lessons. I need the former more. Orr, maybe my parents can send me away to camp in New York or Boston. America, land of the free, huzzah!

Hmm. Y'know, my p2 sister's more trendy than I am. She (sometimes) wears ankle socks to school, she's got Converse-lookalike school shoes, she's got a camera phone (I don't!) and she is prone to staring at herself in the mirror, though I don't think that's trendy - females have been doing that since the ancients figured that the reflections mirrored in lakes and rivers were in fact themselves.


You know, I just realized that I seemed to be waiting for something. In general life. It's almost as if I'm waiting for 2004 to come back, which is in fact impossible. I'm wai-iting for something, oh sweet lord, make me unpure.

What child is this?

I have no social life.

Believe in yourself and people will come to you.