Thursday, March 02, 2006

I read Today. Apparently Singapore has censored the aussie advert proclaiming something like 'Where the bloody hell are you?". They're not gonna play the advertisement either.


What on earth is wrong with them? It's a stupid, stupid notion that it'll lower some 'moral value' of today's children. What moral values do we have right now? As if it'll change anything! Idjits don't know how to argue their case properly. First they said summat like the word is used loosely and commonly in everyday conversation. (I'm assuming they included children in their general reference)

And then they say, but it's not suitable for tv as it might, well, do something to our morals, blah blah, something like that.

They already know that our everyday speech, in their definition, has 'low moral value', since they consider the mere, mild word 'bloody' to be 'immoral' and 'vulgar'.

And then they say they don't want us to have low moral values. Or something like it. Sorry I'm not quoting directly, i'm just too lazy to walk all the way downstairs again.

Self-contradictors and prudes, they are.

I was almost literally hopping after I read the thing. A good thing no one was there to see me.

I feel incoherent.

E minor fugue, that lovely melody. lalala LALA.

Bach worship!