Saturday, March 04, 2006

'tis 10.28 in the morning and Allstar is rockin' my computer.

Loud. I shall not lower the volume. And I have to wake my mum.

We-ell, I just did. I haven't done my French homework yet and I think I shall study Science during class.

E minor fugue pwns. Bach worship!

Mm, yet again.

I slept at 11/12+ and awoke at bout 8.30am. I'm needin' less and less sleep these days.

Shite, I want a new blog layout but I can't decide.

I'm looking through my pupils diary now, and I just figured i need to get a vocab book.

I can never remember something I force myself to memorize.

Oh gosh, heart sprint. I just figured...

Well, Badinerie now! I have that ringtone but never knew it was by Bach till I downloaded a shitload of his songs from

Opprobrium. I forgot what that means. Wait a moment, my non-existent reader. Oh yes, i can't believe i forgot what it means.

I'm sick of Badinerie.

woot go ashlee!

Ashlee Simpson pwns. :evil:

Well like I said, i had to wake up my mum. For once the roles are reversed.

Vocabulary always sooths my mind, because i love checking the dictionary. heck, i love reading the dictionary. mehahha.

Cheryl hasn't updated her blog, the evil prick!

I just realized the RGS people seem to have rather weird names.

And i swear that i shall master congruency and similarity by sunset tomorrow.

I need a hug.