Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Check this out:


man oh man, well, today was okay I guess, for the most part. I was happy because the science test turned out to be not that hard and I got 17/20 for the English compre which is one of the highest I think, but I'm not so sure. The Maths class test wain't too bad either, though i thought one question looked rather incomplete and then i figured how to continue. I thought i had about 2 minutes left but i just wrote the first number and Mrs Soh was all 'time's up' and I had to stop.

oh well, the disadvantage of last minute brain waves.

And I'm sad because I wrote a lot of intelligent-sounding stuffs for my english newspaper reflection and Mrs Lee only put a 'seen' there. I'm not sure if she put that for all reflections but I'm just disappointed, that's all.

And i got 32/50 for gmusic for a piece I practised lots. It sounded nice, was real expressive (I think) but apparently it was too easy so I lost marks for technicality and thus got a low score. Well, i can't say some people didn't warn me of scoring low. Kerina advised me to change to another piece the week before but i didn't really heed it.

I died a martyr. ;_;

jeez, i sounded so pseudowannabe-emo there.

I suddenly want to go shopping.

and then I remember that I've got loads of stuff to do and i can't shop without feeling guilty, so there.

Fcuk. I've to spend about 10 hours in school this Saturday for a dumb, dumb fiesta.

Desolee, but have i missed something? B'cos all the funfairs I've gone to are helluva boring.
I know. You're thinking i'm a poor, deprived soul.


My leg itches. -twitch-

I have decided that to-morrow i shall bring my dictionary back home. It doesna deserve to be kept in a place where it is in danger of destruction, mutilation, disfiguration, assault and rape.